Zijo Lihua couldn't react at all, and Mori Kogoro had already changed hands!

She was angry, but suppressed her anger, and couldn't help shouting: "Detective Maori, what exactly do you want?"

"That's a good question, Ms. Lihua, I don't want to make it difficult for you, but Xiaoyao and I are inseparable, so naturally I don't want her to be bullied."

"So if you really want to compete with Xiaoyao, then you are not allowed to play tricks, understand?"

Hearing this, Zitiao Lihua frowned, but she could only nod her head.

After all, she has already won the next city first, and it is not impossible to win.

Moreover, in her heart, divination is simply false, and it is completely nonsense, and she is worthy of her junior sister when it comes to nonsense.

So Lihua Zijo could only give Mori Kogoro a hard look, then took out her mobile phone and called the program producer.

She told Zhongmu that she wanted to have a fair fight with Nagara Haruka, and the producer on the other end of the phone quickly agreed.

After listening to the whole process, Mori Kogoro withdrew his hand reluctantly.

"Detective Maori, can I return the key?"

Mori Kogoro's mouth curled up, and he let go of his big hand, and the key fell directly to the ground. He crossed his arms and said, "Pick it up."

Shijo Lihua glared at Mori Kogoro again, and immediately bent down to pick it up.

As soon as the waist is bent, the golden hair hangs down, and the fair and beautiful back is revealed. The dress she is wearing is a backless dress, which is quite thrilling.This vixen is too sexy to dress up!

"Detective Maori, what the hell do you mean?"

Zitiao Lihua was going crazy, she bent over, and as soon as her little hand got the key, Mori Kogoro's shoes stepped on the keychain.

She tried her best to pull it out, but she couldn't pull it out at all under the great force, so she turned her head to look at Kogoro Mouri, and asked again.

"Miss Lihua is really forgetful. What's the use of having the key? You can open the door and open the safe, but the notebook inside is in my hand, don't you worry?"

Oh yes!He also stole my laptop!

Zitiao Lihua really forgot about the notebook, and instead said, "Give me back the notebook!"

Mori Kogoro was a little dumbfounded, feeling that he was bullying a guy with a low IQ.

He reached out and caressed Zitiao Lihua's long golden hair, and said softly: "Miss Lihua, you also know that there is a price for everything you do."

"It's impossible for me to return the notebook to you for no reason. Isn't that breaking the rules!"

Hearing this, Zitiao Lihua nodded, as if she felt that what he said was quite right.

"Detective Maori, what exactly do you want?"

It was this question again, Kogoro Mori had a wicked smile on his lips, he looked down at Lihua Zitiao who just squatted down with his head on his waist.

What else can this position do!

I wasn't enjoying myself just now, it was just cooperation.

So, he said frankly: "Miss Lihua, come and bite me for me!"

As soon as the words finished, Zitiao Lihua immediately bit down viciously.

A mouthful of silver teeth directly bites Mori Kogoro's thigh.

Mori Kogoro twitched his brows: Damn, it’s not this biting, do you understand?Why is it so difficult to communicate with you?

His big hands directly held Zitiao Lihua's small head, and pressed it against the wall.


"Hmm, hum..." came the voice.

(Five hundred words are omitted here!)

And in the living room, the star power around Haruka Nagara, who was suspended in mid-air, gradually absorbed into his body, and the vision of the star chart slowly disappeared.

The lines of the magic circle engraved on it gradually faded away, revealing a body as white as jade, full of holiness and mystery.

Her body seemed to have undergone a wash of the I Ching, and it was more delicate and beautiful than before, with an indescribable smell. If it was ninety points before, now it is ninety-eight points, and it is even more beautiful. High above, like a goddess.

Gradually, Nagara Haruka returned to the sofa from mid-air, and then opened his eyes, purple flashed past, and his eyes were blue and clear.

After experiencing today, Nagara Haruka can be said to have lost more than ten years of hard work, and he feels that he has made great progress.

But as soon as the girl opened her eyes, she got up anxiously, planning to start packing up.

But he dared not let his senior sister know what she was doing in her home.

However, the entire living room was spotless, and had been tidied up by witchcraft long ago, only a few blood stains remained on the sofa.

Chapter 0320 I'm already like this, you still want to see through me


Nagara Haruka's face immediately turned red, and she picked up a tissue and wiped it desperately, until she couldn't see what was coming from it before giving up.

Then she quickly picked up the black gauze skirt on the carpet and put it on, instantly hiding her fair body.

Immediately afterwards, she untied a black silk bracelet from her wrist, which turned out to be a pair of hollow sexy underwear.

She put on the underwear, straightened her clothes, and hurriedly walked out the door.

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