Nagara opened the door and took a sneaky peek, making sure that no one was guarding outside, and then walked towards the courtyard.

Naturally, she couldn't see through the hidden barrier next to the door.

And in the hidden barrier, Zitiao Lihua patted Mori Kogoro desperately with her small hands, she never expected that the man in front of her would do such a thing to her.

Her face was full of shame and indignation, and her breath was only the sound of exhaling.

Mori Kogoro caressed Zijo Lihua's charming face, this woman really has magical powers, she will really arouse people's desire to conquer!

He didn't even have this idea in the first place, but somehow he made such a move!

Looking at Shijo Reika's aggrieved eyes, Mori Kogoro felt guilty in his heart.

No, it should be the smell of the psychedelic sage sprayed on her body. The hallucinogenic effect still has some influence.

Kogoro Mori resolutely blamed the perfume on Reika Shijo's body!

He also didn't think about it, given his own physique, could these hallucinogenic perfumes work?

Zitiao Lihua's tears were streaming down her face, she frowned, really I felt sorry for her.

Mori Kogoro wiped away his tears gently with his hand, and said in a warm voice: "Miss Lihua, I think you may have a bloody disaster today, so be careful."

Hearing this, Zitiao Lihua's eyes widened immediately.

[I have been treated like this by you, and you still want to see through me, is there any reason?

We just met today, what is the difference between you doing this and rape!

Don't think that just because you look good, I will, I will, and I will be at your mercy!

Hmm~ Damn, Lihua, what are you hesitating about?

I will never give in!Yes, never! 】

Reading his inner voice from his eyes, Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Miss Lihua, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that by the bloody disaster, but the real bloody disaster."

"This is my divination for you. Your luck today is extremely low. Da, how about this? I have a talisman for you. Wear it on your body and it can save your life."

Kogoro Mori handed the exchanged damage reduction talisman to Reika Shijo, but Reika Zijo glared at Kogoro Mori and refused to take it.

Mori Kogoro didn't mind, so he slapped the spell directly on his snowy shoulder, and the spell disappeared instantly.

Zitiao Lihua's face was filled with astonishment immediately: "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?"

Mori Kogoro didn't care about her anymore, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

After more than ten minutes, Mori Kogoro, who had wanted everything he wanted, walked out of the villa and came to the courtyard.

Seeing this, Xiaolan and Mira quickly surrounded her.

Mira asked, "Xiao Goro, where did you go just now?"

Mori Kogoro explained: "Just now Xiaoyao asked me to help, so I temporarily helped her make up lessons, so I wasted some time!"

Xiaolan asked suspiciously: "Dad, do you know divination? Why don't I know?" Mao Li Kogoro reached out and stroked Xiaolan's head, and said flickeringly: "Of course, as a detective, you have to I dabble in everything, and I am also very good at divination."

Hearing this, the two women looked in disbelief, and Mori Kogoro immediately became annoyed: "You still don't believe it, how about it, let me do a divination for you to see!"

He stretched out his hand to grab the little hands of the two girls, closed his eyes and muttered, and began to perform again.

The two women looked at each other, their eyes full of suspicion.

Immediately after, Kogoro Moori opened his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Well, my divination has come to fruition."

"What result?"

"Xiaolan, you are wearing blue and white striped underwear, Mira, you are wearing yellow bear underwear, am I wrong?"

Xiaolan immediately exclaimed: "Father, do you really know how to divination?"

"Of course!" Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows with a stinky expression on his face.

A look of surprise flashed in Mira's eyes, but she still said in disbelief, "You pervert, where were you peeking while we were changing?"

As soon as Xiaolan heard it, she immediately changed her position: "Really, Dad, how can you peek at it? If you really want to see it, it's not like I won't open the door!"

Mori Kogoro was speechless for a moment, and flicked the foreheads of the two girls with his fingertips: "Whoever said I peeked, I really got it out of divination, don't believe it."

"Just wait and see, Xiaoyao, who has been tutored by me, will definitely win the duel."

While the three of them were talking, the videographer Masao Tamura couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "Really, don't these fortune-tellers have any sense of time? Just now it was Haruka Nagara, and now it's Reika Shijo. A fit."

He couldn't help urging him loudly: "Miss Baishi, can you go to the villa and find your teacher to come to the courtyard again, the filming is about to start."

Shiraishi Youhua hurriedly bowed and nodded, and was about to run to the villa.

At this time, a female voice sounded: "No, I'm already here."

After reapplying her makeup and regaining her elegant posture, Reika Shijo came down from the stairs, her eyes couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori.

Even now, she still feels a little uncomfortable!

What's even more hateful is that Kogoro Mori only returned the key to himself after the incident, and didn't take out the notebook at all, which is simply too despicable.

Mori Kogoro had time to wink at him.

Zitiao Lihua actually felt as if she was being electrocuted, her heart throbbed, she couldn't help turning her head to the side, and looked away.

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