Zitiao Lihua wrinkled her nose, put the black card on the table, and made a secret decision in her heart.

She took out the USB flash drive she had just dug out of the safe, and threw it to Lvchuan Kela.

"This is the video of the abortion you said last time in high school. I gave it back to you. From now on, you are free!"

Hearing this, Lvchuan Kela was full of disbelief, and couldn't help asking: "You just gave it to me? Didn't you copy the video?"

"Hmph, stupid woman who can't squeeze out any oil and water, your video is useless at all, why should I copy it, take it away, and don't bother me again in the future."

Only then did Lvchuan Kela accept the fact, she was immediately overjoyed, and couldn't help bowing to thank her.

Seeing Zitiao Lihua waving her hand, she hurriedly walked out. She just wanted to find a computer to confirm the authenticity of the USB flash drive.

After hearing Lvchuan Kela's departure, Zitiao Lihua covered her forehead angrily: "Oh, my heart hurts so much, I'm really obsessed, why did you let the big fat sheep go!"

"Hey, it looks like I'm going to have a hard time in the future."

Zitiao Lihua picked up the black card on the table again, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth: "Hmph, I want to take it back, but there is no way."

After finishing speaking, she put the black card into the jewelry box and locked it.

On the other side, Kogoro Mori's Miwako, who was lingering in the corner of the corridor, heard the footsteps, and hurriedly left, and it was Officer Osa who came over.

Officer Da Zuo said: "Boss, the evidence has been collected, should we close the team?"

Miwako turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro, and typed: "Don't forget about tomorrow's dinner."

Seeing Kogoro Mori nodding, she opened her mouth to order: "Tell everyone, close the team!"

Soon, all the policemen walked out of the divination room, and Zitiao Lihua followed closely behind.

She was wearing a red shawl over her shoulders at the moment, covering up the large area of ​​snow.

In fact, if it wasn't for the recording of the show, she wouldn't have worn that slightly revealing gown-style dress.

The vixen came out and kept turning his head to look for Kogoro Moori from time to time, and when he saw Kogoro Moori waving at him, he snorted again.

Seeing the police officers and Shijo Lihua leave, Mori Kogoro also greeted Xiaolan, Mira and the others to leave.

Nagara Haruka still needed to take some more shots here, so he didn't keep up.

This Mini Cooper was driving on the streets of Tokyo. Seeing that the time was only past three o'clock in the afternoon, he was not in a hurry to go home.

He remembered that he hadn't spent much time with Mira and Xiaolan these days, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Mouri Kogoro took the two girls to play around.

Without Conan's aura of death, the afternoon is naturally leisurely and pleasant.

The three of them went boating in the lake of the park, and he used the excuse of performing magic to perform a dreamlike magic for the two girls with the water control technique.

Drops of water condensed into the shape of cherry blossoms, drifted down from the air, and finally converged into the smiling faces of the two women, which surprised the two women and almost capsized the boat behind them.

Then the three of them went to the shopping street to do some shopping, and the aggressive Mouri Kogoro cameo as a domineering president, buying, buying, and buying, and the three of them immediately became the most eye-catching people in the whole pedestrian street.

Afterwards, Mori Kogoro took the two girls to Mira's favorite jewelry store to buy jewelry for the two girls, and also went to Xiaolan's favorite cattery coffee shop to pet the cats with Xiaolan.

Under the performance of the beast control technique, all the cute and cute cats threw themselves into the arms of the two women, and the two women suddenly became full of girlish hearts.

The guests on the side were all surprised, they couldn't imagine that the aloof cats would be so close to the twin girls.

Under the careful design of Mori Kogoro, the whole afternoon was pleasant and romantic, and the two girls were a little bit reluctant to leave.

But Kogoro Mori didn't know at all that the whereabouts of the three of them in the afternoon were all being watched.

The watcher was of course Eri who had returned home early. When Eri returned home and saw Yukiko paralyzed like ooze, she became even more angry. She didn't know what was going on.

Afterwards, Eri wakes Yukiko up and learns that Mori Kogoro went out with Ran and Mira, so she takes out her phone and opens the app to watch the monitoring, naturally knowing the itinerary of the three of them.

Seeing them going from place to place, completely carefree and happy, Eri became more and more angry.

Today, she was not in the mood to deal with any work, and had been waiting in the office for Kogoro Mori to come over, waiting for him to apologize.

She didn't expect Kogoro Mori to ignore her meaning at all, how could she bear it.

"Okay, little Goro, if I don't teach you a lesson tonight, my surname will not be concubine!"

Saying this, she swung the baseball bat in her hand, and the whistling sound immediately sounded.

Seeing this, Yuxiko, who was sitting on the sofa in her pajamas, couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth: Why bother, isn't this asking for trouble?

"Yukiko, do you want to help me, I'm going to show Kogoro a good look tonight?"

Hearing this, You Xizi waved her hands again and again, with a panicked look on her face: "No, no, no, my waist is still sore now, so I can't help you."

She could see it clearly, but she didn't want to follow her to die!

Eri glanced at her disdainfully: "It's really useless."

Kogoro Moori didn't know that someone at home was waiting to deal with him. Seeing that it was getting late, he drove the two girls home.

Xiaolan naturally went up to prepare dinner with the ingredients, while Mira took Mori Kogoro to the next room.

The queen was very satisfied with the afternoon's itinerary, and planned to give Kogoro something in return, and wanted to show him some sexy lingerie she had just secretly bought.

But as soon as she stepped into the porch, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

There was a click.

Mori Kogoro's right hand was handcuffed when he pushed the door, and then Eri came out, quickly grabbed his other hand, handcuffed it in, and then kicked him in.

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