Mori Kogoro pretended to stagger a few steps, turned around and saw Eri in judo uniform and holding a baseball bat in his hand.

She stepped on the cabinet next to the entrance, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, full of anger, she said directly: "I don't care, please return to the room."

Holding the snacks, Yukiko immediately got up and walked directly to the room. Seeing that Mira was still standing stubbornly, she dragged Mira to the room.

Then the two women hid behind the door and peeked through the crack of the door.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Eri, what are you doing?"

"Don't get close to me, Kogoro, if you come back later, I won't be holding a baseball bat, but a kitchen knife!"

Only then did Kogoro Mori see that the place where the clothes were hung behind the door was full of props, including slippers, frying pans, baseball bats, and kitchen knives, except for pistols.

Chapter 0328 Nako is poisonous

Eri came up with bare feet, her steps were loose, like a bad girl.

Mori Kogoro wasn't afraid, and couldn't help but chuckled: "Eri, you're being naughty again, don't be like last night, crying and begging me for mercy."

These words hit Yingli's pain point. She recalled the humiliation last night, and Danfeng's eyes turned red instantly, and her momentum rose sharply: "You bastard, suffer!"

Saying this, his baseball bat immediately swung round towards Mori Kogoro's crotch.

The two girls peeping through the crack of the door suddenly raised their hearts: No!

At this time, Mori Kogoro clamped his legs and clamped the baseball bat.

But his spine was also a little numb: "Yingli, are you serious? This is your sexual blessing for the rest of your life!"

"Hehe, Xingfu, see if I don't beat you!" Eri immediately kicked Kogoro Mori's abdomen, pulled out the baseball bat, and swung it up again, pointing straight at the lower three.

Mori Kogoro dodges from left to right, and keeps yelling to stop, but it doesn't work at all.

"If you come again, I will not be polite!"

"When have you ever been polite? If you're a man, don't hide."

Mori Kogoro jumped up and down, opened the distance, then raised his handcuffed hands, shouted violently, intending to break free.

But what was surprising was that even though he had tried his best, the handcuffs could not be broken free.

Eri immediately laughed triumphantly: "Do you really think I don't understand your strange power?"

"I found someone to make these handcuffs secretly. They are made of the strongest chrome metal. You won't be able to break free. Obediently accept your fate!"

This stinky bitch really took great pains to teach herself a lesson!

Kogoro Mori changed his mind, and an ant-man robot got in through the gap of the handcuffs and began to help unlock it from the inside, but it would take a while.

"Eri, I'll give you one last chance, if you don't stop, you're doomed."

"Xiao Wulang, I will give you one last chance, kneel down obediently and admit your mistake, maybe I can forgive you."

Come on, Eri is going berserk and needs an injection to stop it.

And the Ant-Man robot that got into the handcuffs quickly brought good news, and Kogoro Mori had an interesting smile on his lips.

He walked towards Eri slowly, giving her a strong sense of oppression.

Eri swung the baseball bat again, but Kogoro Mori grabbed it with one hand.

She couldn't help being taken aback, her eyes shifted, and the special handcuffs were twirling lightly on Kogoro's fingertips!

Soon, there was a clicking sound, and Eri's small hands were pulled together and handcuffed.

At this time, Mori Kogoro took the baseball bat from his hand and threw it on the ground.

Then he forcefully picked up the skirt of Eri's judo uniform with one hand, and threw it onto the soft sofa, intending to give this woman a hard lesson.

The sound of tearing clothes kept ringing, and the two girls peeking through the crack of the door looked excited, their eyes widened, and they were watching the show intently!

But then, Mouri Kogoro's call sounded.

"Fuck, Nako is poisonous, what did you put on it?"

Mori Kogoro's lips became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, his tongue became red, and he kept exhaling with his mouth wide open, and the saliva flowed down.

He couldn't help but picked up the boiled water on the side and poured it in, looking extremely embarrassed.

But the flushed Yingli's face was full of a tricky smile: "Idiot, it's the devil pepper, see if I don't spic you to death!"

She fully calculated what Mori Kogoro would do, and directly smeared the devil pepper on her body, the Indian pepper whose spiciness directly exceeded one million.

This move completely kills one thousand enemies and damages oneself by eight hundred!

Even if this devil pepper is not taken orally, it will have a stimulating effect when applied to the surface of the skin!

Eri is also really patient, and has been pretending to be unresponsive.

Mori Kogoro was out of breath and dumbfounded, he didn't expect Eri's ultimate move to be so sinister and vicious.

Although there are also reasons for her own carelessness, it is amazing that Eri can calculate herself!

And this kind of pepper, even if Mori Kogoro has a physique that exceeds the limit of the human body, he can't bear it at all!

His sweat kept dripping down, and his vision was a little blurred. He put his hands on the coffee table, panting heavily, but it seemed like he was breathing fire.

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