Yukiko, who was pushed out of the door, glanced at Mary and Sera who came up from downstairs, then said nothing, and followed into the next door for dinner.

And the little angel behind the door couldn't help taking a few deep breaths, she also felt that this matter was very risky.

But Kogoro in this state is too wrong, the girl doesn't want Eri to be treated like this.

Soon, the little angel calmed down and slipped in quietly.

Seeing the scene in front of her, she couldn't help shrinking her eyes, Yingli was really miserable.

Mori Kogoro, who is like a big devil, is more arrogant than last night.

The little angel went up quietly, hugged Mori Kogoro from behind, and said softly: "Xiao Goro, it's time to eat, Xiaolan called over there, forget it, sister Eri also got what she deserved Lesson learned, why don't we spare her?"

Hearing the voice, Eri narrowed her eyes slightly and refocused.

She glanced at the girl who came in, panted and said, "Mila, don't beg him, I'm not afraid of him, it's nothing at all?"

Seeing someone else come in, look at her clothes, and recognize her as Mira, Eri, who wants to save face, puts on airs again.

She doesn't look at her current situation, what's the use of saving face.

Mori Kogoro recognized his little angel at a glance.

Sure enough, the angel still has a soothing effect on the devil, and Mori Kogoro's momentum is stagnant.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to stop here. This time, Yingli succeeded in scheming, and he is still plotting against him there!

The warmth turned into a frenzy, simply unforgivable!

Of course, he couldn't remain unresponsive, he had to suppress Eri once and for all.

Mori Kogoro then said, "Mira, this is none of your business, go out obediently."

The little angel shook his head immediately, and looked at Kogoro Mori firmly: "I won't go, or you let sister Eri go, or your punishment comes to me!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was a little stunned, this girl must be too courageous, Eri is still awake, it's not the same as the blindfolded state last night!

On the other hand, Yingli looked deeply moved, and said fearlessly: "Mira, you go, my sister can deal with him by herself, hmph, this is nothing at all!"

Damn, why did the two of them make me look like a big villain!

Yingli actually started pretending again, and she didn't think about how she begged for mercy just now!

Speaking of Xingtou Yingli, he taunted again: "Kogoro, is that all you can do? Ugh!!!"

The tiny electric snake spread over, electric arcs danced all over his body, Yingli screamed, his body arched in an arc, his eyes rolled up, and he couldn't say anything!

The little angel's eyes were also rounded, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "How can this be? Stop!"

Mori Kogoro immediately withdrew the Lightning Control Technique, his big hand gently pinched Eri's jade neck, and said softly to his ear: "Xiao Yingli, is it really nothing?"

"You want Mira to go, but I won't let her go. I want to show you that Mira who tried to save you will end up with you. I'm looking forward to what kind of expression you will have later?"

Hearing this, Eri's eyes trembled again, but he couldn't move his body, he could only watch helplessly as Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to pull the girl behind him.

Soon, another frantic chapter sounded again.

Looking at Mira who had been treated on her own behalf, Eri couldn't accept this scene at all. Suddenly, her potential exploded, and she directly protected Mira with a little extra strength.

Eri was a little confused, and said with trembling lips, "No, no, Kogoro, you can't do this!"

Eri who said this was about to cry, staring at Mori Kogoro, as if wanting him to stop.

Looking at Eri's face, Mori Kogoro felt more and more like a villain!

Still, it's nice to be a big villain.

Seeing Eri who was completely at the end of his strength, Mori Kogoro chuckled, grabbed the back of his neck with his big hand, and pulled him over.

"You don't want me to be like this, I just want to be like this, who made you so bold!"

"Look carefully, keep your eyes open, and see if this little baby will beg for mercy just like you!"

Damn, the more you talk, the more exciting it is!

At the same time, the Lightning Control Technique was cast at the same time, and the big hand full of electric current was shot down,

And Eri's eyes narrowed sharply.

Chapter 0330 Mira, come, call Dad


In the restaurant next door, Yukiko looked at Hattori who was sitting cheekily at the dining table, talking with Conan, quite speechlessly.

Why hasn't this Heitan head left yet?And why Shinichi is so close to him, could it be these two people...! ! !

Hattori Heiji looked around the dining table: "Is Uncle Mori not here? I still want to tell him that I will stay here this weekend. After all, this kid has invited me to board the gambling boat that sets sail the day after tomorrow. How can I bear to refuse?"

Yukiko replied: "Xiao Goro is going to deal with some personal matters, but since it is Conan's invitation, you and Conan will stay in the room below tonight."

Now that no one can speak and take charge, Yu Xizi, who is an elder, can directly call the shots.

And the little loli Huiyuan on the side couldn't help twisting Mira's thigh with her small hands, and said softly, "Where did Xiaolan go, why did she disappear suddenly, and why are you wearing her clothes and pretending to be her?"

Mira's small face couldn't help but twitched, she patted Xiao Ai's little hand away, and replied in a low voice: "Xiao Ai, what are you talking about, I am your sister Xiaolan!"

"Mila still has some things to deal with next door, so she won't come over for dinner."

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