Hearing this, little Lolita sneered, and glanced at her chest: "You can't be Big Milk Lan, how many times have I slept with her, how could I admit my mistake."

The veins on Mira's forehead twitched immediately, you little loli with a poisonous tongue, eh, no, how many times have you slept?What's the meaning?

Then Mira rubbed Huiyuan's little head heavily with her little hands: "She's going to rescue someone, and she doesn't have time to eat, so let me play a cameo role, so don't let her slip!"

Huiyuan immediately nodded knowingly, but secretly made a note in his heart.

This sum was added together with the account that Xiao Lan told Xiao Goro to go to Gunma County yesterday, and the narrow-minded little Lolita was thinking about when she would come back.

And Sera Masumi is gradually getting used to Moori Kogoro's elusiveness, often not at home.

On the contrary, the little loli Mary with big breasts was a little upset when she saw that the main seat was empty.

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to enjoy the delicacies prepared by Xiaolan.

And in the suite next door, the frantic chapter against the little angel is still going on, and Kogoro Mori at this time can be described as awe-inspiring.

He glanced at Eri who looked stunned, and a more exciting thought came to his mind.

The Thunder Control Technique was activated, and a small electric current was beating on his right hand. Soon, Kogoro Mouri used the Thunder God's Hand again!

Yingli was shocked by this electric shock, her body trembled violently, her eyes were a little distracted, her eyebrows were frowned, I really felt sorry for him!

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro patted the little angel's waist with the other hand, and said, "Mira, come on, tell me to ask Eri to be my mother!"

Hearing this, the little angel was stunned, her eyes narrowed, her eyelashes trembled, and she glanced at Yingri beside her. She really didn't dare to say that.

And Yingli was also stunned for a moment, and couldn't help scolding: "Xiao Goro, are you crazy? Mira is Mira, why does she call my mother?"

"Mira, don't bark, don't pay attention to what this pervert says."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and his smile was very strange: "Eri, how can this be called a pervert, isn't it very interesting? You should really want to hear it, ha ha!"

"Xiao Goro, what on earth are you... thinking, crazy... you!"

Eri, who was attacked by the electric current, was speechless. She pressed Mouri Kogoro's right hand with her bare hands and tried to break free, but failed.

Mori Kogoro performed the Thunderbolt Technique again, and his left hand was also attached to the electric current, and he patted the little angel's buttocks directly: "Call her mother now, I want to hear it!"

The shivering little angel didn't dare to go against the will of Kogoro, who was like a demon king. Although he hesitated, he couldn't help but look sideways at Eri.

Yingli's eyes met him, shaking his head constantly, his eyes were full of mist, and he begged again, as if he would cry at any moment.

The little angel still said timidly: "Mom...Mom!"

The sound of 'Mom' exploded into Yingri's heart like a nuclear bomb, causing an uproar!

She was instantly flustered, and her eyes actually shed.

Mori Kogoro laughed out loud, feeling refreshed from the depths of the soul to the surface of the body, from the bone marrow to the spine, as if the shackles that had been suppressing him had been broken, and the whole person had a drug-like pleasure , The eyes are suddenly colorful.

"Call again, quick!"


Yingli's breathing became disordered, and her body trembled from the electric shock. She watched the scene in front of her, and heard the girl in front of her call her mother.

It's too weird, too weird, too unacceptable, but there is a faint strange stimulation, the goosebumps on the body are constantly aroused, instinctively resisting and instinctively welcoming, extremely contradictory!

The laughing Mori Kogoro spoke again: "Mira, you call Eri your mother, so what should you call me?"

At this time, the little angel didn't hesitate anymore, looked sideways at Kogoro Mouri and said, "Dad!"

Wow!In front of Yingli, it was really not easy to hear the voice of daddy. God knows how many twists and turns!

Mori Kogoro's laughter suddenly became full of joy, and all the gloom in his heart dissipated.

The electric current in his left hand dissipated, and he gently stroked the little angel's cheek, his voice was as gentle as a feather: "You are so good, so good, baby girl, Daddy loves you!"

Hearing these words, the little angel's body couldn't help but tremble, as if the words had inexplicable magic power.

And Yingli on the side couldn't help but said: "Kogoro, that's enough, shut up, you've become a little stranger to me."

"It can't be called like that, and it shouldn't be called like that, Mira, don't listen to him, I'm not your mother, and he's not your father!"

At this moment, Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes were very strange. He directly embraced Eri's slender waist, pushed her plump body, and let her lie on the little angel's body.

"Eri, you are too radical!"

"What's the matter with that, Mira, I'll call it like this at times like this from now on, do you understand?"

A reply sounded soft and waxy like a sheep: "Understood, Dad Mai!"

The little angel looked at Yingli's pretty face, who was close at hand, and couldn't help reaching out to wrap her arms around her back, and said softly, "Mom!"

Hearing this call, Eri burst into tears again for no reason.

Crystal clear tears fell on the little angel's cheeks and slowly slid down.

The tears seemed to be contagious, and the little angel's big eyes also shed tears, which coincided with Yingri's tears just now and merged into one.

But Mori Kogoro couldn't help but excitedly said: "Eri, you have to take good care of our daughter!"

Chapter 0331 Drowning in the Gentle Township

The next morning, around nine o'clock in the morning on Saturday, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep. This was Eri's room.

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