The left and right touches are both soft and soft, and the touch is extremely similar, but completely different.

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked at the two girls beside him. This time it was true, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This time it was really fun, and it was even more enjoyable than getting them drunk last time, or making up a psychedelic array, and both of them could really feel it.

Mori Kogoro clenched his hands tenderly, feeling very satisfied, he tilted his head and kissed Eri's forehead lightly.

Looking at Yingri's soft sleeping face, he suddenly felt a little guilty.

The impact on his mind was a bit greater last night, and now thinking about it, he feels a little crazy.

Especially when the little angel hugged Yingli and called herself, it was even more crazy to the extreme!

At this moment, the original redness and swelling on Yingli's body have all subsided under the treatment of the rejuvenation technique, and the white jade is flawless, except that there is an extra blue gemstone necklace on the neck.

It was a gift he bought at the jewelry store yesterday, and was intended to be used to coax Eri.

Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and Yingli's revenge plan came out so cruelly, which instantly aroused his endless fighting spirit, and it was even more difficult to control after his red eyes.

But when Eri was paralyzed in the end, the necklace Mori Kogoro put on her still made her forgive her for what she had done!

Mori Kogoro only slept for four hours, but he woke up feeling very energetic.

But he didn't want to get up at all, he just wanted to indulge in this gentle place, with his arms around him, the two delicate bodies on the left and right were close to him.

He seemed to embrace the whole world.

It's just that the three of them missed dinner last night, and they didn't eat supper, so they made a fuss all night.

Mori Kogoro was also a little hungry at the moment, and when he changed his mind, the Ant-Man robot was dispatched.

The stove in the kitchen was lit, and they began to prepare breakfast for the three of them in bed.

Although the dishes made by the robot are definitely not as delicious as their own, they are still considered delicious, and they can naturally be used to wrap their stomachs.

It will be sent in by a robot later, it will be so beautiful!

The door of this apartment was never opened last night, and no one answered when Xizi and Mira called for the door.

In the end, they could only live next door, so there were only three people in Eri's room in the suite here, and the Ant-Man robot couldn't disturb other people.

Kogoro Mouri walked on the delicate bodies of the two girls with his big hand, and soon, the little angel with strong physical fitness woke up.

Seeing Eri sleeping peacefully, her heart skipped a beat, but seeing Mori Kogoro's warm smile, she instantly felt at ease again.

Immediately afterwards, the little angel moved her body, pressed onto Kogoro Mouri, frowned slightly, and kissed Kogoro Moori's lips in one breath.

The two kissed deeply and indulgently, and it seemed to be sublimated at this moment.

They truly felt that they would not be separated from each other, the biggest obstacle boulder had been loosened, even riddled with holes, and the dawn of victory was just around the corner!

Kissing and kissing, the little angel couldn't help but smile from the corner of his mouth, it was a smile from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't suppress it at all.

On the other hand, Eri was too tired and fell into a deep sleep, unable to wake up at all.

Not long afterward, the door was blown open by the wind, and one after another, plates carrying breakfast floated in.

The little angel has long known about Mori Kogoro's miraculous abilities, so naturally he wouldn't be surprised.

The hungry two just sat up and cuddled each other to feed breakfast, while Eri enjoyed the sweet dream.

After eating breakfast, the two of them who were awake looked at each other and smiled, and started a new round of morning exercises in a tacit understanding. After a little practice, they will naturally feel very happy!

And in the suite next door, Yuxiko was holding the little loli Huiyuan, looking at 'Xiaolan' who was making breakfast in the kitchen area, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

'Xiao Lan' wanted to make a fried egg, but she picked up the egg and broke it open, instead she took out a knife and chopped it directly on the egg.

The egg flew out in an instant, hit the pan and shattered.

'Xiao Lan' said happily, "It's actually not that difficult!"

Immediately afterwards, 'Xiao Lan' took out the egg shell, left the remaining shell still in the egg liquid, and started frying the egg.

Yukiko caught a glimpse of 'Xiao Ran' adding pepper, salt, and soy sauce spoon by spoon, and swallowed dryly: Could it be that Xiao Ran also inherited Eri's talent for dark cooking, and plans to poison us to death in one breath today? !

Haibara at the side shook his head speechlessly, then shook off Yukiko's hand, and pushed the stool forward: "Sister Xiaolan, you haven't woken up yet, have you started messing around again? Let me make breakfast, You go back to sleep!"

Hearing this, 'Xiaolan' immediately handed the spatula to Huiyuan, then smiled shyly at Yuxizi, and hurriedly walked back into the room.

Seeing this scene, You Xizi frowned slightly, but didn't think much about it.

She leaned against the kitchen cabinet, looked at the capable little Lolita, and couldn't help but chuckled: "I didn't expect Xiao Ai that you can cook at such a young age?"

Huiyuan curled his lips: "I'm eighteen years old. I used to cook for myself when I was studying in Eagle Country. You know my real identity. Can you stop treating me like a child when you're alone in private?"

You Xizi twirled her hair with her fingers, shook her head and said, "No, Xiao Ai is so kawaii, it's hard for me to treat you as a child!"

"To be honest, when will you show me your adult appearance, I heard from Kogoro that you have a temporary antidote!"

Little Lolita shook her head: "No, who would take an antidote just to let you take a look at such a boring thing?"

At this time, You Xizi couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Xiao Ai, have you ever tried to suddenly grow bigger when you were with Kogoro, or suddenly become smaller when you were together?"

"Yeah, if you think about it this way, it's really an incredible skill?"

"Also, Xiao Ai, after you transform from an adult body into a child, will the membrane grow back? It will be great if it grows back, and you can always be a virgin."

Little Lolita, whose back was facing You Xizi, flushed instantly, and couldn't help cursing angrily: "No, no, no, and it won't grow back."

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