"Yukiko, I realize you're too haughty, what's going on in your head?"

The furious little Lolita kept cursing, but it wasn't lethal at all. Instead, it made people feel a strange cuteness, which made Youxizi laugh out loud.

The two women talking in the kitchen area didn't even notice that at the entrance, the blond little loli happened to overhear the keyword, temporary antidote!

She couldn't help but her mind was agitated, and she would be able to recover with the antidote! .

Chapter 0332 arm span is long enough, is capricious

Sure enough, Eri couldn't get up at all today, she was in a deep sleep, and it was Xiaolan who called Kuriyama Midori to ask for leave for her.

During the morning exercise, Mori Kogoro opened Xiaolan's legs, grabbed her ankles with both hands and pulled her into a split-horse posture. It was really interesting to watch his sweaty daughter make a phone call.

Don't ask why you can pull a horse with both hands. If your arms are long enough, it is self-willed.

If it wasn't for the sudden call from Yazi asking him to help, Kogoro Moori wouldn't want to leave!

At ten o'clock in the morning, the Lexus parked at the entrance of Maoyan Cafe.

This Lexus is naturally brand new, and all the marks that were hit by Eri yesterday have been repaired.

Mori Kogoro got off the car directly, walked into the cafe, and saw the glamorous two sisters, Kisei and Hitomi, at the front desk.

The little girl, Ai, is wiping the table.

Seeing that it was Mori Kogoro coming in, Lai Shenglei didn't take a good look at him, and there seemed to be a resentment between his brows that would not go away.

After being taken advantage of by Kogoro Mori last time, she hasn't seen Kogoro Mori for more than a week, so she is naturally full of resentment.

"Hey, rare visitor, Maori Detective, it's been a few days since I saw you, what have you been up to lately?"

Mori Kogoro stood at the front desk, tapped the car key on the wooden board, and shrugged: "Well, child molestation charity case, terrorist organization, and zombie mystery, very busy."

"However, I have always cared about Miss Xiaolei's entrustment. That matter is already in the making."

Hitomi looked at the eldest sister and Kogoro suspiciously: "Detective Maori, what did my sister entrust you with?"

"Didn't she tell you? Investigate the true face of 'Your Gentleman'? And find the picture scroll of 'Smile by the Rhine Lake'!"

Hearing this, Lai Shengtong immediately remembered the strange thief who took advantage of him that night, and couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, who is that man? Damn it, let me know that I must beat him up."

At this time, the lively next life Ai jumped over lightly, put his little hand on Kogoro Mouri's arm, and asked curiously: "Who is the 'gentleman' you are talking about?"

What happened that night was so embarrassing, the two elder sisters naturally didn't want to let the younger sister know, so they didn't know the ins and outs of the love in the afterlife.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, blinked at the tears of the future, and said: "The final payment hasn't arrived yet, so I can't tell you easily."

Hearing this, Laishenglei's little face flushed slightly, and the final payment Kogoro Mori said was naturally her body.

But the next student Tong Sheng didn't know, but eagerly said: "Sister, you should pay the balance to Detective Maori soon!"

Laishenglei couldn't help but glared at the second sister, but said nothing.

"Okay, a cup of iced coffee, a cake, I have to wait for someone here."

After saying this, Mori Kogoro stretched out his hands to stroke Ai Shiai's short hair, and then found a booth in the corner to sit down.

Lai Shengai's little face flushed slightly, and murmured softly: "Really, don't treat me like a child."

After Mori Kogoro walked away, Kaisheng Tong couldn't help but asked: "Sister, why did you stare at me just now? Why didn't you transfer the balance to Detective Mori, I have been looking for that strange thief for a long time but there is no clue."

"Oh, it's not that simple, just leave it alone."

Hearing this, Laisheng Tong's small face was filled with displeasure. She also suffered a big loss on the rooftop that day. How could it be possible to want her to swallow this breath?

But seeing that he couldn't get anything out of the eldest sister's question, Hitomi Kusei decided to go out and ask Mori Kogoro in person.

So she rushed to take out the coffee cake and sent it to Kogoro Mori's booth.

A gust of fragrant wind came, and when Kogoro Mori looked up, he saw the tall and slender Hitomi.

She was wearing sky blue jeans and a white T-shirt, showing her beautiful legs and curves of her buttocks. She had a really good figure and a top-notch stand.

She has straight black and long hair, graceful, like a pure female student who just left school.

Hitomi put the coffee and cake in front of Mori Kogoro, then sat down, leaned over and asked softly: "Detective Mori, tell me the balance, and I will transfer it to you for my sister, tell me 'gentleman' who is it!"

Smelling his breath, Kogoro Mori chuckled lightly, and his smile was a bit sinister: "The final payment I made with your elder sister is not money!"

Lai Shengtong was a little confused, it wasn't money, what was it?

Kogoro Mori also leaned over, put his big hands on his soft shoulders, and inspected Hitomi with malicious eyes.

"But Xiaotong, if you want to help your eldest sister, it's not impossible."

Hearing this, Lai Shengtong became more and more confused: "Detective Maori, what is the final payment you are talking about? If I have it, I will pay it for my eldest sister!"

Mori Kogoro nodded in satisfaction, he glanced around, the booth was in the corner, no one could see what was going on inside.

So his big hand slid down directly, and landed on the waist of the next student, pulling him into his arms, kissing his pink lips precisely, and then the two fell down on the sofa seat.

Mori Kogoro's hands spread wildly, and soon touched Hitomi's snowy muscles.

This girl was completely stunned, her slightly brown eyes widened, she didn't expect Mori Kogoro to do such a thing to herself.

But she didn't dare to call out, otherwise the customers in the store would see it, and the impact would be too bad.

Hitomi, who was born in the bathroom, kept struggling and hammering Kogoro Moori's chest, but he didn't break the defense at all, Kogoro Moori wished she could struggle.

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