His master-level kissing skills were displayed, and soon, Tong Shengtong's heart beat extremely fast, and his little face was stained red.

But this girl is a well-trained snitch after all, she was only lost for a while, but soon came back to her senses, and bit down her silver teeth hard.

Moori Kogoro, who reacted extremely quickly, immediately tilted his head back and let go of his mouth.

Kisho Hitomi, who was lying on Mori Kogoro, said angrily, "Detective Mori, do I need an explanation?"

At this moment, Moori Kogoro, who got cheap and behaved well, smiled lightly and said, "Didn't you say that you would pay the final payment on behalf of your elder sister? This is part of the final payment."

Mori Kogoro took a deep breath, his warm breath fell on his earlobe, and began to speak in a low voice.

Hearing this, Lai Shengtong's eyes were filled with disbelief. She felt that it was impossible for her sister to make such a promise.

And Mori Kogoro smirked, and stroked his slender waist with his big hand: "Although it's quite exciting here, I still can't use it well, how about we go up to your room?"

Hitomi's head shook like a rattle immediately, like a frightened deer, with his hands on Kogoro Mori's chest, he got up and wanted to run away.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask my eldest sister before I tell you."

Chapter 0333

Lai Shengtong, who ran away, was in a state of confusion, and was about to ask the eldest sister about it.

But after calming down and thinking about it, I felt that I couldn't do it.

If what Detective Maori said was true, then this could be regarded as the eldest sister's private matter, and it would be inappropriate to ask directly.

The strange thing is that Tongsheng Tong didn't feel much anger at the loss of his first kiss just now. Instead, he felt a little awkward when he heard that the eldest sister made a deal with him.

Standing by the front desk, Lai Sheng Tong's expression kept changing, as if he was very distressed.

And at this moment, next to Kogoro Mori's booth, a small head popped up, it was the love of the next life who was full of curiosity: "Oh, I heard it all."

"Detective Maori, you are such a pervert. You still want to have an idea of ​​my second sister. It's in vain that my eldest sister misses you day and night."

When she said this, Lai Shengai flipped over the booth neatly and sat opposite Mori Kogoro, holding a tiger-striped orange cat in her arms!

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "The adults' affairs, children should not care about them!"

Laishengai immediately put the orange cat on the table and puffed up her chest, "Hmph, I'm not a child, everyone treats me as a child, why am I so young?"

Although it is slightly insufficient compared to the two older sisters, the C cup is quite impressive, and it is worthy of being a mixed race.

"Okay, you are not young, you are an adult, but can you bother me to eat cake?"

Laishengai's little head poked over, his big eyes blinked: "Don't you wonder why my eldest sister has been so lazy lately?"

Seriously, Mori Kogoro wasn't curious.

After all, the ant-man robot has been monitoring the tears of the afterlife and has not taken them back.

She knows exactly how many times she went to the toilet these days, including how many times she used her past kunai to solve her needs, so she was naturally not curious at all.

But the love of the next life has said so, and I feel sorry for not cooperating with her, so Maori Kogoro replied: "How is your eldest sister?"

"The whole thing is just like the dissatisfied woman in the deep palace. She has a very bad temper, is always in a daze, and is very difficult to get along with the new policewoman!"


"That's right, that's the dragging female police officer."

"Detective Maori, look at the moment you came, my eldest sister was busy at the front desk. Before you came, she was dozing off at the front desk."

Mori Kogoro smiled softly: "I didn't expect Xiao Ai to have such a keen observation, but I'm quite surprised that I just went to your coffee shop to drink coffee two or three times, and there are always female companions by my side." , your elder sister just fell in love with me like this, it's too strange!"

"Could it be that there is something hidden in it, or where did we meet?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ai laughed dryly, and secretly screamed in her heart: This Maori detective is too sensitive, maybe he recognized our identities!

However, Xiao Ai was quite quick-witted, and quickly argued: "It's not that we met in other places, it was Maori Detective, you have been on the live broadcast many times, reports, programs, just like the Maori Detective you in the last live broadcast My elder sister likes the magic tricks performed."

"She's been paying attention to you all the time, and you just happen to be her type, so it's reasonable to like you, right?"

"It sounds quite reasonable!"

"So Xiao Ai, have you watched my live broadcast? How do you feel about me?"

When Mori Kogoro said this, his voice was very soft, his fingers gently brushed over the back of Xiaobai's hand, he was teasing the girl.

Sure enough, the effect was remarkable, Xiao Ai's face was flushed, she shrank her hands, but stopped immediately and did not move again.

His eyes flickered, he didn't dare to look at Mori Kogoro, his heart beat faster and faster, and he said nervously: "I... I'm pretty good, it's not... I can't... consider it !"

"Hahaha..." Mori Kogoro leaned back against the back cushion and laughed loudly: "I'm teasing you, little love."

"So this is not liking at all, it's just fans' worship of idols."

Hearing this loud laughter, Ai Shiai felt a little ashamed for a moment. She almost showed her heart just now, but in exchange for a big laugh from Mori Kogoro, it was really embarrassing.

Angry and angry, Xiao Ai immediately threw the tiger-striped orange cat to Kogoro Mouri, and ordered: "My lord, scratch him!"

As soon as Kogoro Moori stretched out his hand, he caught the orange cat. When the beast control technique was activated, the tiger-striped orange cat with a fierce face immediately showed its white belly in Kogoro Mouri's arms, showing a surrendered look.

Mori Kogoro immediately scratched the cat's belly.

Xiao Ai looked at this scene with a look of astonishment. This cat named 'Da Wang' was very difficult to deal with.

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