It has never been close to strangers, and it scratches wildly whenever it gets close, but now it is so close to Kogoro Mori, it is really unbelievable.

Xiao Ai's temperament is very bright, and her temper comes and goes quickly, so she got up and sat next to Mao Li Kogoro and started teasing the cat.

At this moment, the bell of the cafe rang, and a police officer with a ponytail came in.

She ignored the tears of the next life at the front desk, walked straight in, and came to the booth where Mori Kogoro was.

Laishenglei's face changed slightly immediately, the negotiation between her and Yazi was not very pleasant.

The most important thing is that this trick killed people with a knife, but it caused Yazi and Mori Kogoro to be together.

When he thought of his plan to push a woman who had voted for him to the man he liked, he felt very annoyed.

So her attitude towards Yazi is very bad, just like treating a rival in love.

Every time Yazi came to the door, he got angry before he said something serious, and he didn't know the reason, so he was very aggrieved.

In the end, there was nothing to do, so she called Mori Kogoro to help persuade the cats to help.

After all, in the past few days, Yazi investigated the terrorists who robbed the gambling boat twice before. Knowing that they are strong, he worried that he and Kogoro might not be able to deal with them.

In addition, the fact that terrorists would rob Fugui Pill is just Yazi's speculation. Without evidence, it is very difficult to apply for reinforcements from the police and Interpol.

Only by infiltrating the investigation first and confirming that there are really terrorists on board can reinforcements appear.

In this case, helpers are naturally needed, and Maoyans with excellent skills are naturally the best candidates for Yazi.

Mori Kogoro also couldn't convince the stubborn Meizi, so he could only come to help.

Yazi looked at Kogoro Moori and Ai Shisei at the sofa booth, her eyes narrowed, as if her murderous aura had dissipated.

Xiao Ai raised her head, quickly pulled the tiger-striped orange cat over, and then hid.

Chapter 0334 three sisters killed, one big scumbag

After the child sat down, she twisted Mori Kogoro's waist with her small hands, and when she exerted her strength, it really hurt a little, her hand strength is not weak!

"Bastard, what do you mean by not looking for me for so many days?"

It's only been three days since I saw each other, and Yazi is full of resentment.

In fact, this is also normal. It is the first time that Yazi cares about others so much, so she naturally needs a man's comfort and company.

"Heaven and earth conscience, I have been calling you all the time. You also know that I went to Gunma County to handle the case in the past two days, and I am not in Tokyo!"

"Yazi, don't be angry." Mori Kogoro put his arms around Yazi's slender waist again, and took a breath on his small face.

Today's Yazi is also dressed very smartly, black boots, camouflage pants, and a blue T-shirt, which make her breasts very round and very attractive.

Yazi wiped the saliva that was not present on her cheeks, snorted, and stopped being a monster.

In fact, it's not her temperament, it's just that she sees that her man is a little close to her love in the next life, so she makes use of it.

Soon this heroic female police officer snuggled up to Kogoro Mori and turned into soft fingers.

And Lai Shenglei, who followed and saw this scene, felt very upset, frowned, and tapped the table with the menu.

Then there was a smirk on his small face, and he said directly: "Wow, Detective Maori, you are really good, and you have a new female partner, and you are the newest policewoman of our Toriya Police Department!"

"Where are the two female singers from before, Qiuting Lianzi and Yucheng Liuli? And the beautiful neodymium detective in a cheongsam? Tsk tsk, it seems that Maori detective's little life is really colorful?"

This woman did it on purpose!

Hearing this, Yazi's little hands immediately twisted Moori Kogoro's waist again, turned [-] degrees to the left and [-] degrees to the right, really mercilessly.

Yazi asked with a chuckle, the coldness in his eyes really permeated people: "Xiao Wulang, is what the store manager said true?"

Mori Kogoro laughed dryly: "We're all friends, we're all friends. There's no way. To be a detective, you have to deal with everyone. Many friends, many clues!"

Hearing this, Lai Sheng covered his mouth with tears and laughed lightly: "Detective Maoli, you are so funny, I remember that last time your hands were stuck inside Detective Namei's cheongsam, is there such a way to find clues? It wasn't me who stopped it, I was afraid of seeing some scenes of the Eighteen Bans!"

"Xiao Goro!" Yazi suddenly became angry.

Damn, this woman!Mori Kogoro was in a state of distress immediately, and Kaisheng Lei's counterattack was really fierce. Sure enough, as the eldest lady of the Kaisheng family, it is not a cheap lamp.

Mori Kogoro retorted repeatedly: "The store manager has to be responsible for what he says, this is a public place, how could I do such a thing, what you said is too bizarre, you must have read it wrong .”

Hearing this, Yazi's expression lightened a little. After all, she hadn't been in touch with Mori Kogoro for too long, so she didn't know that he was the one who would do such a thing.

"Oh, is that so?" Laishenglei rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but he didn't continue to attack.

But when she saw that the two people on the opposite side were still in an intimate posture, she felt irritable again, turned around and wanted to leave: "Officer Yazi, if you need anything, just go to the front desk and tell me."

Seeing her turning around to leave, Mori Kogoro stopped her immediately: "Miss Xiaolei, can we talk for a while? I have something I want to tell you."

Lai Shenglei frowned, turned around and sat back again, raised his legs, and almost lit a lady's cigarette, his posture was extremely elegant.

Speaking of business, Meizi also separated from Kogoro Mori, and sat up straight.

Mori Kogoro said: "Miss Xiaolei, actually the "Smile by the Rhine Lake" you are looking for is already in my hands. We snatched it back from the 'Gentleman'."

Hearing this, Yazi couldn't help but pinched Mori Kogoro's thigh. Isn't this 'gentleman' just him?Why do you say that?

And the underground Maori Kogoro grabbed Yazi's restless little hand with his big hand, and continued to speak: "I just need you to do me a favor. After the matter is done, I will present the famous painting as it is, and the 'gentleman' will also let you dispose of it." .”

Yazi frowned instantly, she certainly didn't want her man to be dealt with by Lai Shenglei.

Lai Shenglei's focus was not on this painting, but subconsciously said: "Detective Maori, then the commission between us will not count, and you don't want the final payment?"

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