As soon as she said this, Lai Shenglei's little face turned red, and she instantly realized what stupid thing she said.

And Mori Kogoro immediately had an ambiguous smile on his mouth, blinked his eyes at the tears of the next life, and then said firmly: "Yes, of course, the deposit has been collected, how can you not accept the final payment?"

"You want to be beautiful? There's no reason to give you all the sweetness!" Lai Shenglei bit his lower lip, and glared at Kogoro Mouri again.

Yazi on the side narrowed her eyes slightly. It was a normal communication, but she could hear the flirting.

"Hmph, tell me, what can I do for you?"

Mouri Kogoro flipped his hands over and took out three tickets from his pocket.

"This is the ticket for the Fuguimaru gambling boat that sets sail tomorrow. I would like to invite the three of you sisters to go on this gambling boat and have fun. If you get off the boat, you will be doing me a favor."

Lai Shenglei took the ticket and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lai Shenglei, who has an underground intelligence network, naturally received the news of this gambling boat. It was rumored that a terrorist organization planned to attack this gambling boat.

After thinking about it for a while, she understood what Kogoro Moori and Yazi meant, and nodded slightly: "I'll help you with this task, and we will get on the boat on time tomorrow."

Yazi couldn't help being a little happy, and suddenly felt a little more relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, Lai Shenglei got up and left. She returned to the front desk, and Lai Shengai, who was holding a tiger-striped orange cat, came up to her.

She had been eavesdropping behind the booth just now.

"Sister, what do you mean by the Maori detective? Why did he suddenly invite us to board a gambling boat? I haven't even been on a gambling boat since I grew up!"

"Could it be that Maori detective wants to pick us up? I overheard just now that he is also interested in the second sister? And he also wants to tease me? The sisters kill three times, and the big scumbag is one. Eldest sister, you must not fell into the pit."

Laishengai was instantly hit with a chestnut on the head, but Laishenglei didn't believe his little sister's words at all.

"What nonsense are you talking about? He is our new master, prepare weapons for me now, and bring them on board tomorrow!"

Next Life Love couldn't help muttering: "Tch, you didn't treat him as your new master when you called him out!"

However, the love of the next life quickly realized that it was necessary to prepare the weapon, and it was necessary to take action, and she had to bring herself, so Xiao Nizi immediately ran to the basement excitedly.

Chapter 0335 Shy Bud

Tears in the next life immediately blushed, and the waves screamed?Could it be that I was too excited and was heard by Xiao Ai again?

At this time, Lai Shengtong, who had just finished ordering food, walked to the front desk, pretended to be calm and tried to ask: "Sister, how much is the final payment that you owe Maori Detective, how about I pay it for you?"

Lai Shenglei immediately said loudly: "No need!"

Soon she also realized that she had overreacted, so she explained softly: "The matter of the final payment has been cancelled. Instead, we will go on the Fuguiwan gambling boat tomorrow to help Detective Maori, so there is no need to worry about the final payment."

"Once the boat gambling business is over, Dad's collection and the gentleman will be at our disposal."

Hearing this, Xiaotong was surprised: "Why did detective Maori ask us to help on the gambling boat? Could it be that he has already recognized our identities?"

Xiaolei frowned slightly: "I'm afraid that's the case, don't worry about it so much, you should have a good rest today, it's not so easy for Maori detective to take it so seriously!"

But it's not actually Kogoro Mori who takes it seriously.

For him, it doesn't make any difference whether the three Maoyan sisters get on the ship or not. He can solve all of them by himself.

It's just that Yazi wanted to call in a few more helpers, and Mori Kogoro was happy to see the result. It would be nice to have more American neodymium on the gambling boat, so he didn't stop it.

Hearing what the eldest sister said, Xiaotong became more and more entangled!

She never expected that her identity would be exposed to Kogoro Mori in this way, and she was really uncomfortable, for fear that his perception of her would change.

At this moment, Yazi walked slowly to the front desk with Kogoro Moori's arm, and Kogoro Moori swiped his card to pay the bill neatly.

Xiaotong was completely stunned when she saw this scene. Just now, she was hugging the man who took her first kiss domineeringly, and now there is such an intimate bud next to her.

She still remembered that Yazi was more powerful than her last time, and now she has snatched the man she likes, and immediately glared at him.

The good impression of fighting side by side on the rooftop disappeared instantly, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.

Yazi was still leaning on Mori Kogoro's shoulders and making a little woman posture, which made the two sisters at the front desk even more angry.

Kogoro Mori, who is a master of facial expressions, looked at the expressions of the two girls with a little trepidation.

After paying the bill, he took Yazi and left in a hurry.

Xiaotong couldn't help cursing angrily: "Fox spirit, big sister, I finally know why you are at odds with Officer Yazi, she is not a good person at all!"

And Xiaolei couldn't help but nodded, at this moment, the two women were standing on the united front.

After leaving the cafe, Kogoro dragged Yazi into the car. Anyway, he only had an appointment to go to Meihezi at night, so now he had time to accompany Yazi.

After the Lexus started, Mori Kogoro Shin clasped Yako's little hand with his left hand, interlocking his fingers, and the girl blushed instantly.

Obviously, the most intimate things have been done, and this guy often puts "let's have a hair" on his lips, but now he is as shy as a girl.

Women are indeed strange creatures.

Mori Kogoro asked her where she wanted to go to play. This girl's hobbies are completely different from ordinary people.

I don't like shopping, I don't like buying clothes, but I want to go to the shooting range to play with guns.

Mori Kogoro remembered a shooting club invested by his company in Toriya City, which was close to the golf course, so he drove Yazi to that place.

"Xiao Goro, be honest and drive hard!"

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