"Really, what's so good about my camouflage pants, it's so rough!"

Damn, although they are all made of frosted materials and have no hand feel, they can satisfy the psychological reverie.

Mori Kogoro said a little speechlessly: "We all know that we want to see me, and you don't look better in your clothes."

Yazi immediately rolled her eyes beautifully, her expression seemed a little smug.

How could Kogoro Mori, who has no morals, make her so proud: "Look at my dragon claw!"

"Ah, pervert, what are you groping about, you're about to hit it, you're about to hit it!"

A woman's screams came from the Lexus, but the car was moving steadily westward.

Soon, the car was parked in the Angel Shooting Club, and the smirking Mori Kogoro and the red-faced Yazi got out of the car, and Yazi kept fiddling with his T-shirt.

This club not only has a regular competition shooting range, but also a field shooting range, a military simulation live-action outdoor field, and a fighting dojo. There are also some massage programs next to it, and there are also living rooms.

Seeing this club, Yazi felt very satisfied.

A security guard stepped forward and said, "Sir, your car is not recorded, and you are not a member of this club, please drive away."

And at the glass gate of the club, the sweaty manager ran out quickly followed by two female foremen.

The manager hurriedly scolded the security guard: "Go, go, don't you even know the big boss? Big boss, please come inside, please come inside!"

The manager bowed and didn't get up. He bent over and raised his hand to make a gesture of inviting in. The two female foremen behind him also bowed, both at a standard ninety degrees.

Yazi's face was filled with astonishment: "Xiao Wulang, are you still the big boss here?"

Mori Kogoro nodded, and said calmly, "It's just a small business."

It is indeed a small industry, and it is just a drop in the bucket for its business empire.

"Okay, get up, it doesn't matter if you recognize me or not."

"Just come and play in private for a while, if you don't want others to know, don't follow, don't make a big fight."

Hearing this, the manager and the foreman stood up, and the manager showed a flattering smile.

Mori Kogoro ignored him, and walked into the club with Yazi's soft shoulders in his arms.

The manager took the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention all staff, attention all staff, any needs of Maori detectives and accompanying women can be met unconditionally."

"For each type of shooting range, clear out an unmanned range for me. Whichever Maori detective wants to play will lead me to play?"

"There are also diamond fighting instructors, diamond massage technicians, all on standby for me, and the kitchen is also on standby. I don't want to hear any dissatisfaction from the Maori detective, understand?"

Mori Kogoro said he didn't want others to know his identity, but how could the manager not arrange it!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to flatter, so naturally you have to go all out.

The two who entered the club did not need to go through any queuing at all.

Mori Kogoro had a panoramic view of all this, smiled lightly and remained silent.

In an instant, the CEO robot who manages the sports group also understood the meaning.

It won't be long before this fine manager gets promoted.

And Yazi held the pistol and said proudly: "Xiao Wulang, your marksmanship is definitely not as good as mine, why don't we have a competition? Whoever loses agrees to do something, how about it?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and hugged Yazi's slender waist from behind, pecked his neck lightly, and said ambiguously: "Competing marksmanship with your man is really asking for trouble."

Chapter 0336 try the field

Kogoro Moori still rubbed against each other, and Yazi's little face turned red immediately, and she couldn't help but exasperatedly said, "Don't you dare?"

Smelling the aroma of Yazi's neck, Moli Kogoro said in a warm voice: "There is nothing to dare, but Yazi, you are my woman."

"As your man, it is right to promise you to do anything. What's the point of this competition?"

Hearing these provocative words, Yazi also felt a little numb all over her body!

Her voice became softer: "Then Xiao Wulang, tell me, who are Qiuting Lianzi, Yucheng Liuli, and the female detective in cheongsam that Lai Shenglei just talked about?"

Mori Kogoro jumped out immediately, and picked up the pistol with a righteous face: "Since you want to ask me for advice, come on, as a man, you are never afraid of any challenge."

The corners of Yazi's eyes twitched just now when she was intoxicated by her man's gentleness, and she couldn't help pointing the gun at Kogoro, wishing she could kill him with one shot.

But in the end Yazi moved the pistol away resentfully, shaking his head speechlessly: Heh, man!

Yazi who took up the pistol suddenly changed into a human being, with extremely fierce aura, like a little leopard.

She spoke out about her knowledge of the pistol: "The Glock 17 pistol, with a caliber of 9mm and a muzzle velocity of 357m/s, is produced by the Austrian company, but it is the most common pistol in the US police."

"I'm the best at this gun, Kogoro, it's still too late for you to admit defeat, but my request will not be as simple as before."

But Kogoro Mouri said, "Mei, what are you talking about?"

Saying this, he turned his head to look at Yazi, but the pistol in his hand kept firing, and the bullets kept hitting targets fifty meters away.

"Ten rings, ten rings, ten rings,..." kept on displaying on the screen

In the end, the machine jammed for a while before broadcasting, and the total score of ten rounds was one hundred rings.

Mori Kogoro's spear skills have already reached the master level through his own hard work, not to mention the passive bonus of gun fighting skills, his spear skills are terrifying.

He can do whatever he wants to hit this kind of fixed target. He can calculate any recoil, tremor, and sudden temperature rise of the burst tube, so he can naturally win this kind of result.

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