Mori Kogoro blew the gunpowder smoke, and his smile was extraordinarily bright: "Mei, I was busy trying out the gun just now, what are you talking about?"

Yazi swallowed dryly. This kind of rapid shooting can still get a perfect score, which is unbelievable. There is no such terrifying spear technique in the Olympic Games.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro started to test the gun again, and changed to two completely different guns, one for hitting his own target and one for shooting buds, and both guns fired.

boom! boom! boom!

"Ten rings, ten rings, ten rings..." kept popping up again.

But there was an extra gun and eight rings in the middle, which was shot by Yazi.

She thought it was the club's manager who secretly controlled the scoreboard to cheat, but she tried it out, and it really wasn't.

Mori Kogoro really hit ten rings with every shot, which is too scary.

Twenty shots are finished, one is ninety-eight rings, and the other is one hundred rings.

Mori Kogoro blew on the pistols again, then chuckled and said, "My buddy, I'm done with the gun test, and I can start anytime."

Yazi immediately put the Glock pistol in his hand back to its original place, and said, "Who said I want to compete with you, I must try field combat here!"

"Let's use the unfinished building here as a venue, 1V1pk, let's see who wins who?"

Yazi couldn't believe it, he had been trained in the US Special Forces for so long, and he would not be able to win against a mere detective!

And Kogoro Mouri could see that last time, the routine Yazi let her sit up by herself and beat her up. Although she conquered Yazi physically, he hadn't completely conquered her spiritually.

Yazi has an arrogant personality, and if she wants to submit to her physically and mentally, she must be defeated at what she is best at.

So Mori Kogoro nodded, and casually nodded Yazi's nose: "Don't cry when you lose!"

The two followed the waiter next to them to change their clothes and armor.

After a while, Moori Kogoro and Yazi, who had changed into hats, glasses, gloves, and tactical vests, stood at opposite corners of the unfinished building.

Yazi had already changed into a pair of trousers, but obediently changed into a pair of black denim shorts. Her beautiful white legs were very attractive in the sun.

Both of them have no guns in their hands, so they have to pick up guns and bullets under the unfinished building. The bullets are special 3-9mm PVC projectiles, with a range of [-] meters, which is enough in this unfinished building. up.

The two also agreed that whoever gets shot three times first will be considered a failure, and whoever gets hit by a special dagger will be considered a failure.

With the sound of the signal device they carried, the two started to act at the same time.

They acted in unison, they all turned over and jumped out of the unfinished three-storey building.

There were no bullets around Moori Kogoro, but Meizi picked up a Boleta pistol and BB bullets when she landed. After the pistol was loaded, she immediately approached Moori Kogoro's position.

Mori Kogoro didn't play hide-and-seek with him. Although he didn't find the gun, he went to meet him without any fear.

Soon, the two ran into each other in a short alley. Yazi immediately looked happy, and immediately stood still and fired continuously.

But Mori Kogoro's reaction speed was far faster than Yazi's, more than six or seven times faster than hers.

Before he aimed and fired, he started to change direction, stepped on the wall with one foot, used the reaction force to step on another wall, and then rushed directly to the unfinished building next to him.

Every BB bullet was shot at Kogoro Mori's feet, like a master stroker, and he couldn't hit it no matter what.

Yazi was astonished, she was always foolproof at such a distance, how could the plot in this movie appear.

Seeing Mori Kogoro disappearing from sight, Meizi immediately hid under the eaves and began to wait for the opportunity.

Kogoro Mori, who jumped into the unfinished building, found a Browning pistol and more than ten rounds of bullets, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After reloading, the Gun Fighting Technique was launched.

[Full vision] and [Y-ray] are displayed, and the buds hiding under the eaves are undoubtedly revealed.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Mei, be careful, I'm going to shoot."

"Left." Two gunshots sounded, and two BB bullets were shot out. Under the Y-ray skill, the latter hit the previous one, and the former one immediately changed direction and hit the wall on the left side of Yazi, far away from his shoulder. But half a finger away.

"Right." Another BB hit the wall on Yazi's right, which was only half a finger away.

"On the head." Another shot hit the top of his forehead!

"Under the legs." Another shot hit the space between his legs.

Yazi didn't dare to move at all, she didn't know where the bullet came from, and she was sure that she was under cover, so it was still being drawn, it was incredible!

This kind of spear technique is unheard of!

Mori Kogoro, who was above the unfinished building, was still thinking about teasing her: "What should I do, when I think that the BB will hit Yazi, Yazi will also hurt, so I can't do it!"

Chapter 0337 wake up Eri

Yazi listened to the voice, identified the location, and directly popped out to shoot.

Mori Kogoro immediately hid behind the bunker, dropped his pistol, and jumped off the unfinished building.

Then bent over, turned around, walked lightly, and sneaked over.

The wary Yazi kept retreating, but he didn't notice that there was a man in the alley that he had just glanced at.

Not long after, Meizi crashed directly into Kogoro Mouri's arms.


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