Saying this, Mori Kogoro reached out to grab the gun, and put a plastic dagger stained with blue powder on his neck.

He didn't really scratch it, how could Yazi's flawless jade neck be stained with these powders?

Seeing the fine sweat on Yazi's face, Kogoro Mori couldn't help pecking lightly.

"Rogue, what method did you use to cheat just now, I didn't even show my face, how could the bullet come through."

Mori Kogoro said perfunctorily: "Spear the spear!"

"Nonsense, there is no spear throwing technique in this world. Human strength can't control the trajectory of bullets. Bullets can't turn."

"Xiao Wulang, if you don't say it, I won't be with you!"

Yazi who said this stretched out his hand to pluck his beard.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but patted his buttocks, pretending to be vicious: "If you don't like me, who are you going to like?"

"Hmph, the bullets of other people can't turn when they shoot, but if I shoot, the bullets will turn."

Mori Kogoro hugged Yazi, took the pistol in his hand, and then said: "Look, I will shoot towards this alley later, but the bullet will turn around the corner and hit the unfinished end The helmet on the opposite corner of the building."

"In fact, the principle is that the second bullet will hit the first bullet and then change direction. The key is to limit the speed of the first bullet."

"Look at the helmet and listen carefully. There will be two gunshots later."

Yazi nodded in bewilderment, Kogoro Mori shot immediately, and the Y-ray was released again.

Two gunshots were fired, and the bullets shot along the alley. With all the concentration, it was obvious that there was a collision in mid-air, and then the green helmet really jumped up.

Yazi was completely stunned, completely marvelous.

She had an adoring expression on her face: "Xiao Wulang, you are too amazing!"

Seeing the appearance of the police flower in the Metropolitan Police Department, Mori Kogoro felt very complacent, and immediately lowered his head and kissed Yazi's red lips, and put his big hand in along the vest.

Yazi is naturally very obedient at this moment, and there is no resistance anymore.

After a passionate kiss, at some point, the girl's legs were wrapped around Kogoro Mouri's waist, her face was flushed, and she looked at Kogoro Moori with winking eyes.

With winking eyes and water waves flowing, he stared at Mori Kogoro closely, and said softly and coquettishly: "Kogoro, I want you to teach me this spear technique."


This is a bit difficult, after all, this gun fighting technique is exchanged from the system, and Yazi has no system, how to teach it!

Mori Kogoro could only try his best to explain: "I can't explain this kind of spear technique, it just feels mysterious and mysterious."

"I guess it should be based on the barrel to limit the initial velocity of the first bullet, and then the second bullet is fast enough."

"You can catch up, so sometimes it can be used, and sometimes it can't be used. I don't know how to teach it."

"I also fed too many bullets, and it happened somehow. I really don't know how to teach people."

Hearing this, Yazi frowned slightly. He also felt that this kind of spear technique was not so easy to learn, so he gave up the next best thing: "Then Kogoro, then I want to learn the technique of shooting fixed targets for perfect marks."

This is easy, Yazi's spear skills are also at the perfect level, and his master-level spear skills can naturally guide her.

Since today is a date for Yazi, let's meet her request!

Well, wait a minute, it seems that there is a fully enclosed practice range in this club!

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro had a strange smile on his lips.

After a long time, in the fully airtight shooting range, all the monitoring was turned off.

Yazi's face was flushed, sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he couldn't hold the gun steadily in his hand.

Her whole body was leaning on Kogoro behind her.

Yazi fired, and with a bang, the bullet missed the target.

She couldn't help but said, her voice trembling: "Xiao Wulang, is this how you plan to teach me spear skills?"

Mori Kogoro behind him covered his abdomen with one hand, and grabbed his small hand with the other, and said with a smirk, "Didn't I teach you just now? Sensing the temperature of the pipeline, eliminating the deflection error of the recoil, and calculating the distance , the calculation of the barrel length."

"All of this requires your full concentration and practice into instinct, so that you can really learn it."

"I'm just giving you more distractions. To be a sharpshooter, you have to learn to automatically block distractions, er, focus-on!"

Yazi's eyes were full of mist, and the target could see many afterimages coming, she couldn't help biting her lower lip: Bastard, how can I learn in this situation!How can there be such a teaching!


Mori Kogoro grabbed his little hand and fired a shot, and the electronic sound of the ten rings sounded!

This distraction is really easy for Mori Kogoro.

While Mori Kogoro was teaching Meizi his unique gun skills at the shooting range, Eri, who had been sleeping peacefully at home for a long time, woke up suddenly.

She seemed to have dreamed of something, and she broke into a fine sweat from fright.

The sweat on the white and greasy skin is really attractive.

And the girl who waited for a long time also pretended to wake up together.

Eri looked into the girl's eyes and the ruby ​​necklace on her neck, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mira, are you awake too? Where's Kogoro?"

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