Xiaolin Chengzi couldn't help but calm down when he heard this, and the two kissed passionately again.


Haibara on the stage is playing a detective. In the constant search for evidence, her light blue eyes flicked across the audience from time to time, but Kogoro Mori could not be found at all.

Xiaolan in the auditorium also frowned and looked behind from time to time, but she couldn't find any trace of Mori Kogoro.


In the shadows of the performance hall, Kobayashi Chengko was slammed against the wall. At this moment, she had already completely forgotten about agreeing to Ayumi, and she put her arms around Mori Kogoro's neck.

And Mori Kogoro's big hands moved around Xiao Lin Chengzi's body, covering her with softness from time to time, or wrapping her arms around her waist...

Twenty minutes passed, and the rehearsal by Hui Yuan and the others finally finished. A group of people came out of the backstage and walked towards the exit.

Seeing this, Xiaolan got up, apologized to the other audience and walked out.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro and Kobayashi Chengko stood near the gate behind the performance hall, and praised Huiyuan and the others: "This show is wonderful!"

"Dad, where did you go just now? Why didn't I see you?" Xiaolan also came over.

Mori Kogoro said: "I just had a conversation with Mr. Kobayashi. I asked him about Conan and Xiao Ai's performance in school. Mr. Xiao Lin said that Xiao Ai performed very well, but Conan is very stubborn and has many shortcomings to be corrected. Just do it!"

Conan on the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this, it was almost a frame-up.

Xiaolin Chengzi said: "Yes, I had a conversation with Mao Li just now. It's a pity that the teacher's glasses were not brought, so I couldn't look too carefully. But children, your performance is really good. Just now The applause from the parents in the auditorium is proof!"

Hearing this, the group of primary school students in Class B of the first year cheered one by one! .

Xiaolin Chengzi couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Chapter 0149 The Bride Wearing a Wedding Dress

Kobayashi Chengko looked at Mori Kogoro who left, and slowly leaned her body against the wall outside the performance hall, her legs under her sweatpants were still trembling.

Ayumi stood beside Chengzi Kobayashi, looked at the teacher with a strange expression, and asked involuntarily, "Teacher Kobayashi, are you alright?"

A smile appeared on Kobayashi Chengko's face, she bent down and gently touched Ayumi's little head.

"The teacher is fine, the teacher just wants to take a rest, the performance is over, Yoshida-san, please go back to class quickly!"

Kobayashi Chengko once again looked at the back of Mori Kogoro, with a smile on her pretty face.

Ayumi just felt that Mr. Kobayashi in front of her was really strange. She was not as strict as before, but became very gentle.


Time soon came to Saturday, and a taxi ushered in by the green lawn outside St. Peter's Basilica. Mori Kogoro took Xiaolan and Conan to attend the wedding of Xiaolan's junior high school music teacher.

Hui reasoned because he wanted to go to Dr. Ali's basement for experiments, so he shied away and didn't follow.

The scale of St. Peter's Basilica is huge, the whole building covers a very large area, the whole body is pure white, very elegant.

Along the way, after listening to Xiaolan talk about the interesting things about this Matsumoto teacher, Mori Kogoro realized that it was a very strange thing that a music teacher kept coming home for home visits.

It's just that I was depressed at the time, and I didn't want to talk to anything. Every time I met Ms. Matsumoto's home visit, I was perfunctory, so I missed the great opportunity.

When the three of them got out of the car, they heard Yuanzi's enthusiastic call: "Xiaolan, you are here."

A figure passed by, Mori Kogoro subconsciously raised his right hand, but this time there was nothing in his hand.

Sonoko came to Xiaolan's side, held Xiaolan's arm, but stared at Mori Kogoro with a trace of resentment.

Obviously, Yuanzi had seen Xiaolan's blackened appearance at the pier last time, and now he has restrained himself a lot, and he dare not directly pounce on Mori Kogoro again.

However, her gaze was still closely following Mori Kogoro's face.

"Uncle Mori, are you coming to Mr. Matsumoto's wedding too?"

Xiaolan took it and said, "That's right, Teacher Matsumoto must let my father come to her wedding? Teacher Matsumoto also liked my father back then, but now he still has to marry someone else honestly!"

Xiaolan said this to Yuanzi, as if she meant something, and wanted to wake up her best friend.

Conan couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this. The fierce female teacher who always bullied him fell in love with this good-for-nothing uncle. It can be said that he is a perfect match!

Sonoko held his chin in thought: "Oh, I remembered, so the last time the teacher sneakily told you about this matter, I didn't expect Mr. Matsumoto's vision to be as good as mine, are you right, Xiaolan? "

Yuanzi saw Xiaolan who was obviously about to turn black, and immediately said: "I'm just kidding, I'm only joking. But then again, didn't that megalomaniac come to the wedding? Xiaolan, didn't the teacher ask for help?" Did you invite him?"

"Arrogant?" Xiaolan couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"That's right, megalomaniac, special stinking fart, and a big music idiot, the guy who keeps singing wrong songs in music class and makes Mr. Matsumoto angry! Didn't he come today?"

Conan at the side couldn't help staring at Sonoko with dead fish eyes when he heard this: This dead motherfucker!

It was only then that Xiaolan came to her senses: "You're talking about Xinyi, right? I called to tell him, but he seemed to say he didn't have time, so I didn't ask any more questions."

"Oh, that guy must have been afraid of seeing Mr. Matsumoto who has been bullying him, so he didn't show up. Indeed, it's still the same after so many years. If the music idiot who hasn't improved at all, if he appears in front of Ms. Matsumoto again, he will still be punished." The teacher scolded him severely. How can he compare to my male god, my male god sings very well!" Sonoko cast his eyes on Maoli Kogoro again.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro is chatting with Police Officer Megure. Police Officer Megure no longer wears his yellow windbreaker and yellow hat that have remained unchanged for thousands of years. Today, he changed into a black suit and black hat, which is quite different from his previous image.

"Officer Mumu, I really can't recognize you dressed like this today."

Officer Mu Mu smiled and said: "After all, my boss is going to marry his daughter, so I have to dress better no matter what!"

At this time, Xiaolan and Yuanzi came over and said hello to Police Officer Mumu.

Xiaolan said to Mori Kogoro, "Father, let's go in and see today's bride, Ms. Matsumoto!"

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