After saying that, Xiaolan took Mori Kogoro's big hand and went into the church.

This church is very big, led by Sonoko, Mori Kogoro and his party came to the room prepared by the bride.

Yuanzi took out the video recorder from his bag and said, "How can such an important day not be recorded?" After that, he began to record.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a few people helping the bride arrange her wedding dress. Mr. Matsumoto put on her wedding dress, with delicate makeup on her face. Xiaolan and Sonoko were stunned by her beautiful face.

This white wedding dress fully reveals her tall figure. It is said that it is the most beautiful moment for a woman to wear a wedding dress. This sentence is really true.

Today's protagonist, the bride Sayuri Matsumoto, saw Kogoro Mouri who opened the door and came in, and her face immediately revealed a look of surprise.

She stared closely at the handsome and handsome Mori Kogoro in a black suit, and she couldn't help praising him, and hurried over with her wedding dress.

"Mori-kun, I didn't expect you to come to my wedding, it's really great." Saiduri Matsumoto looked enthusiastic, "It's just that I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still the same as before, Maori-kun. Change, still so handsome!"

Mori Kogoro glanced at Sayuri Matsumoto, smiled and said, "Mr. Matsumoto invited me so warmly, how could I not come to participate?"

"Two, look at the camera together." Yuanzi said from the side.

Kogoro Mori and Sayuri Matsumoto turned their heads subconsciously and looked at Sonoko's video camera lens. At this moment, the two appeared in the video screen at the same time, and the picture was very harmonious.

Sayuri Matsumoto waved her hand, and those who helped arrange the wedding dress walked out of the bride's room.

Then Sayuri Matsumoto turned her head to look at Conan, bent down and said, "Little brother, have we met somewhere? I always feel like you are someone I know."

Conan immediately panicked, waved his hands again and again, pretended to be a gentleman and said, "I clearly remember that this is the first time we met, how have we met before?"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing secretly when he saw Conan trying to deceive him.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, and a woman with freckles came in, holding two cans of lemon tea in her hand: "Xiao Lily, here, here is the lemon tea I bought for you!"

Chapter 0150

Mori Kogoro looked at the two cans of lemon tea: Is this the important prop for today?

In fact, Kogoro Mori still has some conflicts in his heart at this moment. Should this case be stopped? If it is stopped, there will be no case and no points; to poison.

"Thank you, Kazumi." Sayuri opened a can of lemon tea and started to drink it, but was stopped by Kazumi: "This way the lipstick will stick to it, so let's drink it with a straw."

While speaking, Kazumi took out the straw from the bag and inserted it into the lemon tea.

Saiduri Matsumoto drank it, a look of satisfaction appeared on her little face.She turned her head to look at Kazumi, and said with guilt on her face, "I'm sorry, Kazumi!"

"There's no need to say sorry to me, you don't know yet, I'm going to announce that the groom is my ex-boyfriend at this wedding!" Yimei laughed.


"Teasing you!" Yimei's face showed a smug look.

Sayuri Matsumoto pulled Kazumi over and stood in front of Mori Kogoro: "Come on, let me introduce you, this is the great detective Mori."

Mori Kogoro smiled politely.

Yimei laughed softly: "Sayuri, this is the lover of your dreams before, I didn't expect you to invite him over this time, well, Sayuri, you stole my boyfriend, then I will kill you The lover of my dream has also been chased, so the two of us will be evened."

"A beauty?"

Xiaolan and Yuanzi's expressions changed when they heard this, and they looked at this urban beauty unkindly.

Seeing the dissatisfied faces of the girls, Yimei said, "Just kidding, just kidding, I didn't expect Maori detectives to be so popular, so I can only give up, I'll go out first!"

While speaking, the beautiful lady walked out of the room.

Matsumoto Sayuri said: "She is always like this, she likes to make some little jokes, you don't mind."

Both Xiaolan and Yuanzi shook their heads and said no.

"Hey, here's a can of lemon tea, which one of you wants?"

"Give me a drink, I just happened to be thirsty." Yuanzi stepped forward, opened another can of lemon tea, inserted a straw, and drank.

After a while, a burly man with an iron tower more than two meters high walked in. He was wearing a black suit and had a scar on his left eye. nice guy.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi rushed forward to protect Mr. Matsumoto, and yelled, "How did you get in, get out quickly."

Mori Kogoro recognized this strong man immediately, and he often saw it on TV.

"Yonko, Xiaolan, please don't be rude, this is Police Officer Matsumoto."

Saiduri Matsumoto also said on the side: "This is my father, he has been keeping a straight face, no wonder you misunderstood."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi immediately apologized.

Kogoro Mori shook hands with Police Officer Matsumoto, and Police Officer Matsumoto said, "Detective Mori, I've heard of your name for a long time! I didn't expect to meet here for the first time. I thought it was the scene of the crime. .”

"I have heard of the name of the Matsumoto Police Department for a long time."


Yuanzi on the side couldn't help whispering: "It's another false courtesy among middle-aged men!"

Police Officer Matsumoto let go of Mori Kogoro's big hand, came to Matsumoto Sayuri, put his hands on her shoulders, and said, "Sayuri, is it really okay to marry such a man? There are many more in our class. A man with a backbone!"

"It's this time, and you're still talking about it." Saiduri Matsumoto broke free immediately, staring at Jingwei Matsumoto with big eyes full of anger: "I'm so old, yet you still treat me like a child."

"You are a child." He turned around and picked up the lemon tea on the table: "You are so grown up, and you still like to drink this sweet and sour drink."

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