Sayuri Matsumoto snatched the lemon tea over: "What's wrong with it, I just like it, so why don't you say something else? For example, what is the wedding dress your daughter is wearing today?"

Police officer Matsumoto turned around and said, "Very beautiful, but still lost to your dead mother!"

He was about to go out, but saw Mori Kogoro beside him, his eyes moved slightly, he immediately put his shoulders on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, and said: "Let them be a group of women in the room, Detective Mori, let's go, Let's go out and talk!"

Mori Kogoro only felt a strong force coming from his shoulders, and he couldn't help but look at Police Officer Matsumoto in surprise. This police officer couldn't be accused by his daughter, he wanted to isolate all the men who were close to his daughter.

In desperation, Mori Kogoro could only go out with him. Originally, he wanted to prevent the case from happening in the bride's room, but now it seems that it is unrealistic.

Walking out of the bride's room, she saw people in formal attire everywhere, whether it was the corridor outside, the church, or even the lawn. Those who came to the wedding banquet were all people from the upper class.

After all, one of the two married parties is the daughter of the police officer, and the other is the heir of the Takasugi Group, so the people who come to the wedding banquet are either rich or expensive.

Police officer Matsumoto left soon after he came out, and he had to entertain other guests.

Kogoro Mori was wandering around St. Peter's Basilica when a female voice sounded from behind.

"Are you the Maori detective?"

Mori Kogoro turned around and saw a beautiful mature woman with short hair. Her expression was rather haughty. She was probably in her thirties. She was wearing a long orange dress, revealing her fair arms. The reddish color that will never go away adds a touch of style, and she is a woman who is very familiar.

"It's really you, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"you are?"

"I'm a fan of yours. I've heard about your case. I've always wondered what kind of person has such a powerful head."

This beautiful mature woman approached Mori Kogoro. Although she said she was her fan, she didn't look excited at all, as if she was talking about a small daily matter.

"That's my honor!" Mori Kogoro smiled, feeling that the woman in front of him was very interesting.

The beautiful mature woman stood beside Maori Kogoro, looked at the countless guests in front of her, and shook her head: "It's such a boring wedding, there are businessmen full of copper smells everywhere, or they are mediocre policemen, if you don't meet Maori Detective, coming to the wedding this time is a waste of time!"

"You don't like the police?"

"It used to be annoying, but it got better later on. The police are just like that. Detectives like Mr. Maury are better."

At this time, a familiar voice came over: "Xiaolu, are you with brother Maoli?"

The nimble black fat man got out from the crowd, it was Police Officer Megure, and he came to the side of this beautiful mature woman.

"Do you know?"

Police officer Mumu smiled triumphantly: "This is my wife, let's come to the wedding together."

The beautiful mature woman stretched out her hand and introduced herself: "Mumulu, that guy is the one who tells me about your case every day."

"Xiaolu, let's go. Let me introduce Police Officer Matsumoto to you. Brother Mouri, we'll excuse you first."

The two went in the direction of Matsumoto's police station. Mori Kogoro was quite surprised. He didn't expect that police officer Megure, who had been making soy sauce at the scene of the crime, had such a beautiful wife.

Chapter 0151 Aoko Nakamori

Kogoro Mori looked at the Meguro couple who were going away, and really felt that the two were not compatible.

One is short and round, and the other is tall, half a head taller than Police Officer Megure, with a slender figure. With the pace of walking, the buttocks surge like waves.

Mori Kogoro withdrew his gaze, shook his head and continued to wander. He walked out of the church and came to the lawn outside. The guests gathered in twos and threes. There was champagne and various drinks on the long white table on the lawn. various fruits.

Mori Kogoro picked up a glass of champagne and looked around.

It's a pity that Miwako Sato didn't come to the wedding today, otherwise there would be someone to talk to.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he saw a girl.

The girl was wearing a white dress, showing her fair arms and a pair of fair legs, sitting on a swing under a big lawn tree.

The pink leather shoes are constantly pushing on the lawn, and the body is swaying with the swing. There is a bright smile on the face like an angel. This scene is really picturesque.

The girl's appearance was almost exactly the same as Xiaolan's, and Kogoro Mouri's attention was drawn to her in an instant. This was Aoko Nakamori who had met at the pier last time.

Kogoro Mori held the champagne and approached the girl, and immediately heard her complaining in a low voice: "Father is really too, leaving me here alone again."

Her voice is different from Xiaolan's. Xiaolan's tone is usually very gentle, but this Nakamori Aoko's tone is a bit playful.

However, the difference between her and Xiaolan, other than the hairstyle on her head, is probably the flatness on her chest. This chest is really pitiful, and if she has children in the future, she will definitely be hungry.

Mori Kogoro looked at Aoko Nakamori's breasts sympathetically, and it was also because of her breasts. Although Aoko Nakamori was one year older than Ran, she still looked like a child, and her childishness had not disappeared at all.

Speaking of it, my daughter Xiaolan is the best. She can become childish and act like a baby to herself, and she can also take care of Haibara like a big sister. After wearing a dress, she shows a domineering figure and a bit of a queen. The field can be switched freely, and the temperament is ever-changing.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but feel a little lost when he thought of this.

"Hey, uncle, what are you doing standing here?" Aoko Nakamori's playful voice sounded, she blinked her big eyes and looked at the handsome middle-aged uncle beside her.

Mori Kogoro lowered his head, and saw a small face that was almost exactly the same as Xiaolan, and he was a little dazed for a moment, but he soon noticed the difference. Aoko Nakamori's eyebrows were more childish than Xiaolan's, and Xiaolan's brows seemed to be more stretched, and she looked more mature.

Seeing the handsome uncle in front of him, Aoko Nakamori immediately stood up in surprise, clenched his hands in front of his chest, and looked excited: "You, you are Mori Kogoro, the great detective Mori, right?"

"I'm so lucky to have met you! Detective Mori Kogoro, Kidd's nemesis, I like you so much, I'm your fan! You were the one who caught Kidd the last time on the Ilibes." , but it's a pity that he was not caught."

Little stars appeared in Aoko Nakamori's eyes, and she came to Kogoro Mouri's side like a little fan, and hugged Kogoro Mouri's arm.

I feel nothing at all! ! !

The gap was very obvious at this moment. Every time Xiaolan hugged her arm, she would sink into the middle of two extremely soft things, but when Aoko Nakamori hugged her up, she really didn't feel it at all, and even felt a little panicked. Not developed at all.

Kogoro Mouri remembered that because Aoko Nakamori's father Ginzo Nakamori had hunted Kaitou Kidd for eighteen years, and Kidd the Kaitou could escape from Ginzo Nakamori every time, so Aoko Nakamori hated Kaitou Kidd very much.

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