So Mori Kogoro, who found Kidd last time and took back the gems, has secretly gained a wave of favorability with Aoko Nakamori.

Since the last time, Aoko Nakamori has joined Kogoro Mori's fan support group. After getting to know Kogoro Mori, she immediately fell in love with this smart and handsome uncle. She has always wanted to attract her friend Kaito Kuroba Join Mori Kogoro's fan support group.

Every time Kuroba Kaito sees Aoko Nakamori talking excitedly about Kogoro Mori's reasoning show, he really wants to die.

Mori Kogoro smiled and said, "You should be the daughter of Police Officer Nakamori. I saw you at the pier last time. Your name is Qingzi! Your father and I are old acquaintances. We used to be in the Metropolitan Police Department. We used to work together, you can just call me Uncle Maori."

Aoko Nakamori's eyes widened when he heard this, with a dazed expression: "Mr. Mori, you actually know me, but my father never mentioned you."

Mori Kogoro laughed heartily: "Then you have to ask your father about this!"

Seeing Aoko Nakamori holding his arm, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but said: "I said, Aoko, you really look like my daughter Xiaolan, you are exactly the same, Xiaolan also attended this wedding banquet, wait a moment Let me introduce you."

"Nani?" Aoko Nakamori once again showed a dazed expression, so cute, Kogoro Mori couldn't help scratching Aoko's nose with his hand, and Aoko Nakamori's face immediately turned red.

At this moment, a loud voice came from behind: "Qingzi, who are you hugging?"

Ginzo Nakamori saw Aoko Nakamori holding another man's arm in the distance, and rushed over anxiously.

Qingzi immediately turned around, waving his hands constantly: "Father, look who I caught, Detective Maori."

Seeing that it was Kogoro Mori, Nakamori Ginzo's expression turned ugly immediately.

Aoko Nakamori said again: "Father, if we ask Detective Maori to help us, we will be able to catch the Kaitou Kidd soon, and you won't have to work so hard, Dad."

Hearing such compliments from his daughter to his rival, Nakamori Ginzo couldn't help vomiting blood, his cheeks twitched, and he pretended to be calm: "Qingzi, don't worry about Kidd's affairs, you let go of Mr. Mori's arm first, how impolite you are!" !"

"Oh!" Aoko Nakamori was about to let go of her hand, but Kogoro Mouri's big hand was directly grasping her small hand.

Mori Kogoro smiled and showed two rows of big white teeth: "It's okay, I don't think it's rude, Qingzi, if you want to hug, you can continue to hug, I happen to be short of a female partner now."

Hearing this, Nakamori Ginzo's eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori's big hand and his daughter's small hand, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Suddenly, there was a scream from the direction of the bride's room, it was Xiaolan's voice.

Mori Kogoro and Nakamori Ginzo's expressions changed drastically, and they rushed towards the bride's room, while Aoko was stunned, and then quickly chased after her.

The bride's room had already been surrounded by police officers, and as soon as they saw it was Mori Kogoro and Nakamori Ginzo, they quickly let them go, so Aoko also walked in with Nakamori Ginzo.

Chapter 0152 play video

When Mori Kogoro entered the room, he saw Sayuri Matsumoto lying on the ground, only breathing weakly, blood was spitting from the corner of her mouth, and the can of lemon tea had already been dumped on the ground.

Xiaolan was calling for an ambulance. As soon as Kogoro Mouri came over, he saw Police Officer Megure and his wife Midori Megure standing there. Officer Megure was presiding over the overall situation, and Kogoro Mouri nodded slightly when he saw him .

Aoko Nakamori, who followed behind, saw Xiaolan on the phone, with a face full of disbelief: You are lying, there are really people who look exactly like me in this world.

Then Aoko Nakamori saw Xiaolan's big bulging breasts, and then looked at her flat face, and couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

How could there be such a big breast, it must be fake!

But at this time, Xiaolan, who was so anxious, didn't notice Aoko Nakamori at all. She was on an emergency call with the hospital.

Soon, Matsumoto Police and today's protagonist, the groom Takasugi Toshihiko rushed in together.

The two men rushed towards Sayuri in a hurry, Matsumoto put her head on his arm and shouted repeatedly: "Sayuri, hold on, hold on!"

Xiaolan hung up the phone and said, "The ambulance will be here in five minutes. The teacher will be fine."

Hearing this, Police Officer Matsumoto hugged Sayuri and rushed outside.

When the guests on the left and right saw this scene, they all pointed and whispered.

Five minutes later, Police Officer Matsumoto sent Sayuri, who was wearing a blood-stained wedding dress, to the ambulance, and then returned to the bride's room. He regained his composure, his face remained calm, but his pupils continued to shrink. The scars have become a little distorted.

As soon as he entered the room, he said to Police Officer Mumu: "Thirteen, I want you to catch the prisoner who hurt Sayuri!"

"Hi!" Officer Megure saluted with a serious face.

Soon after, Matsumoto Police Officer came to Kogoro Mori and said, "Detective Mori, can you help find the prisoner? I will thank you very much after I find it!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Do your best!"

This time, because the victim was the daughter of the Matsumoto Police Department, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department immediately mobilized a large number of police forces to surround the scene, and Mu Mulu looked a little disdainful when she saw this scene.

Soon, the police officer who lowered his head to appraise the lemon tea drink raised his head and said, "Officer, according to my judgment, the lemon tea should be made of sodium hydroxide, which is extremely corrosive, and it will change when dissolved in water. become highly poisonous."

"Moreover, there are capsules in the water. The prisoner most likely put sodium hydroxide in the capsules and put them in the lemon tea." A police officer from the appraisal department picked up a white capsule with tweezers.

Police officer Mumu came over, lowered his body to observe, and then said: "It turns out that sodium hydroxide will deteriorate immediately when it comes into contact with the air, so it is stored in capsules, so it is difficult to determine the melting time. Now Immediately give this capsule to the laboratory staff to determine the time."

"However, there are too many people entering and leaving the bride's room today. There are several make-up ladies alone. You must bring them all back!" Police Officer Mu Mu looked distressed.

At this time, Kogoro Mori said, "You can call the hospital and ask if it is sodium hydroxide poisoning. If it is really because of the sodium hydroxide poisoning in this lemon tea, and the lemon tea was bought by Miss Yimei, Then the suspect will be locked in the person who came into the bride's room after Miss Yimei."

Officer Mu Mu immediately clapped his palms and said, "It makes sense!"

At this time, Sonoko said: "We can also look at the video recorder for what happened just now. Maybe there is something recorded in the video recorder? Because today is the most important day for Mr. Matsumoto, we must record it, so I started to record it when I came in. made a bid."

"That's right, the battery is almost dead, so we put the video recorder on the chair, maybe we can capture the action of poisoning." Xiaolan continued.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro cast his eyes on the face of the groom Toshihiko Takasugi, and his cheeks twitched as expected.

Police officer Mu Mu immediately rejoiced and said: "Then hurry up and do it, Chiba, go and get a player." The police officer Chiba on the side hurriedly ran to do it.

Soon a liquid crystal display and player were brought into the bride's room, and police officer Chiba immediately plugged the video recorder into the player, and the picture appeared on the screen immediately.

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