It was the scene of Yuanzi sitting on the sofa at home picking his nose. Yuanzi was shocked when he saw this scene, and rushed up to cover everyone's sight, and scolded Officer Chiba loudly: "I want you to play the later recording Stuff, why did you broadcast the previous one!"

After saying that, Sonoko looked at Kogoro Mori with embarrassment, his little face flushed red.

Mori Kogoro smiled, but didn't react much.

Seeing her best friend's appearance, Xiao Lan couldn't help but cover her face so she couldn't look any further.

Police officer Chiba manipulated the screen and finally jumped from the garden to today's scene.

The video was playing slowly, and when Kazumi walked in, she spoke: "I want to announce that the groom is my ex-boyfriend at this wedding!"

After everyone heard this sentence, they couldn't help but looked at Takasugi Toshihiko in surprise. Unexpectedly, this guy had an intimate relationship with Sayuri's best friend, and Matsumoto's face became gloomy.

But Kazumi said next: "Mori Kogoro, Sayuri, this is your former dream lover."

The people who heard this couldn't help but looked at Kogoro Mori strangely. They didn't expect Sayuri to like the big detective Mori at such an age, but when they saw the handsome Kogoro Mori, they all felt relieved. This is indeed quite normal.

The others were relieved, but Takasugi Toshihiko's face was ugly, and Matsumoto's face became more and more gloomy.

Mu Mulu glanced at Mori Kogoro, his eyes filled with admiration for his peers.

Aoko Nakamori couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face. Sure enough, the idol he admired was very popular and liked by people everywhere.

Mori Kogoro ignored the gazes of others, he watched the frames passing by, and finally saw the scene he wanted to see, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

After all the videos were played, Police Officer Mumu held his chin and said, "I didn't see the action of poisoning, but the suspect has been identified. Go and bring Miss Yimei and Mr. Nangong here, Officer Chiba."

The suspects were finally assembled, and Police Officer Megure said, "Today's bride, Sayuri Matsumoto, drank lemon tea with highly toxic sodium hydroxide. Through the video we can confirm that the suspects are among you."

Police officer Megure pointed to Ms. Kazumi, Mr. Nangong, Toshihiko Takasugi, Kogoro Mori, Xiaolan, Sonoko and Conan.

Conan pointed to Police Officer Matsumoto and said, "This old man has also been exposed to lemon tea, why don't you include him!"

Conan's words directly got a burst chestnut, and he began to squat down again with his head in his arms.

Police officer Meguro couldn't help laughing: "How could Police Matsumoto kill his own daughter?"

"It doesn't matter, Shisan. It stands to reason that I am also one of the suspects. Let me be counted in!" Matsumoto Police is very generous and entrusts Officer Megure with full authority to investigate.

Chapter 0153 Xiaolan and Qingzi

Police officer Meguro laughed dryly, and said, "Okay, counting the Matsumoto police, there are seven suspects in total, but through the video, there are only four people who have been exposed to lemon tea, and they are each in order. Miss, Police Officer Matsumoto, Mr. Umemiya who tied the ribbon on the lemon tea, and finally Mr. Takasugi, the four of you are very suspicious."

Toshihiko Takasugi, who was wearing a white suit, quickly said, "Why don't you count me in, I'm the one who wants to marry Sayuri."

Officer Megure said with a serious face: "I'm sorry, even Police Officer Matsumoto is a suspect, so of course you have to be counted in it."

After Officer Megure finished speaking, he started watching the video again, and Police Officer Matsumoto also turned around, trying to find clues from the video.

As for Conan the Devil, he started to activate Voldemort's skills again, relying on his height advantage, searching for clues inch by inch on the ground.

Of course, nothing was found. St. Peter's Basilica was very clean, and the murderer didn't do anything unnecessary, so naturally he didn't leave any clues.

Mori Kogoro, who has watched the video, already knows what is going on, but he has to wait for the identification results before he can explain the reasoning.

Therefore, he didn't bother to do other things, but said to Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, I met a person who is very similar to you today."

While talking, he brought Xiaolan to Aoko Nakamori who was waiting, and Sonoko followed.

Seeing Aoko Nakamori who looked exactly like her in front of her, Xiaolan couldn't help being shocked, she couldn't help but said, "This feels so strange, it's like looking in a mirror."

Seeing the two people so similar, Yuanzi couldn't help being a little confused. He turned to look at Xiaolan, then at Qingzi, and asked, "Uncle Mao Li, did you secretly give birth to another daughter outside?"

Nakamori Ginzo at the side couldn't help being furious when he heard this, and shouted angrily: "Qingzi is my daughter, what are you talking about, you damn girl?"

Sonoko saw Nakamori Ginzo with a furious look, and quickly hid behind Mori Kogoro, and said, "Sorry, sorry, I misread it just now. Although they look alike, you can still see the difference if you look closely. , their breasts are not of the same magnitude at all, so they shouldn't be sisters, they just look alike."

Aoko Nakamori felt dizzy when she heard this, and Sonoko's knife made her feel like vomiting blood.

At this time, Xiaolan stretched out her hand to Aoko Nakamori, showing a smile: "I'm Mao Lilan, what's your name?"

Seeing Xiaolan's angelic smile, Aoko Nakamori froze for a moment, then raised his hand to shake hands with her: "My name is Aoko Nakamori, you and I really look alike, why don't you leave a call and come out to play together later. "

"Yes." Xiaolan nodded quickly, and took out her mobile phone to exchange contact information.

At this time, Yuanzi also came up, and quickly said: "There are mine, and mine."

Aoko Nakamori didn't want to deal with Sonoko at all, but Sonoko was very familiar with himself, so he quickly put his hand on Aoko Nakamori's shoulder and said in a low voice, "Are you Aoko? Don't be angry, don't be angry, I was just joking. Yes, I have a secret for breast enlargement, I know how to do breast enlargement exercises, next time I come out, I will teach you!"

Yuanzi raised his eyebrows, and then straightened his B cup, looking confident.

After hearing this, Aoko Nakamori nodded and exchanged contact information with Sonoko.

Mori Kogoro stood beside Nakamori Ginzo, watching the scene of Xiaolan's three daughters talking, he felt so beautiful, he couldn't help but said: "Officer Nakamori, I really don't know where you got such good luck to give birth to such a beautiful girl. daughter!"

Nakamori Yinzo replied with a smile: "You are also very lucky, and the daughter you gave birth to is also very beautiful!"

When it comes to his daughter, Nakamori Ginzo no longer competes with each other, but can talk to Mori Kogoro.

At this moment, the slender Mumulu took a catwalk and walked up to Kogoro Mouri, opened his mouth lightly, and spoke like blue: "Detective Maori, why do you have the time to chat here, the case has not been solved yet What? You won’t just let it go, it’s not the same as the Maori detectives I knew before!”

Mori Kogoro smiled, and said in a low voice, "Mrs. Meguro, this case is actually not difficult, but it's just missing something!"

His dark green eyes couldn't help shrinking slightly, looking at the calm and composed Mori Kogoro, he couldn't help being curious.

She looked at her husband who was thinking hard in front of the screen, and then at the confident Maori detective beside her, her brows and eyes softened, and she was about to ask questions.

On the side, Nakamori Ginzo suddenly interjected: "It's not difficult to pretend to be a ghost! It's almost a little bit! Your words can only deceive those girls who are not experienced in the world, Maori, you still haven't made any progress after so long."

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