Both Memulu and Mori Kogoro frowned, and suddenly lost the desire to speak.

Aoko Nakamori heard what Nakamori Ginzo said, and couldn't help but her face was full of anger. She walked over and said quickly: "Father, how can you say that about Detective Maori? Detective Maori's reasoning is super powerful. You forgot that he was the one who helped arrest the last time." Kidd? You are so rude, please apologize to Detective Maori."

Ginzo Nakamori watched his daughter's elbow turn outward, and couldn't help but feel depressed, and his tone was even more piercing: "Last time, he was lucky, so let him solve the case this time, can he do it? You little kid, what do you know?" , We still have to rely on the police to solve the case, Qingzi, you still have to watch how Dad catches the murderer!"

After finishing speaking, Nakamori Ginzo also stepped forward, moved to the side of Police Officer Megure and began to watch the video.

Qingzi quickly apologized to Kogoro Mori: "Mr. Mori, I'm really sorry, my father spoke too much."

"It's okay!" Mori Kogoro smiled with a generous look.

However, with a flick of his fingertips, a diarrhea talisman worth [-] points flew out and stuck to Nakamori Ginzo's back.

Kogoro Mori's revenge never lasts overnight.

Soon, Nakamori Ginzo's stomach began to churn, and he only felt the incomparably strong desire pouring out of his abdomen, so he hurriedly rushed towards the toilet.

Mori Kogoro and Megure Midori were chatting happily on the side, while Police Officer Megure was watching the video in front of the screen and didn't notice this side at all.

Inspector Matsumoto raised his head and saw Kogoro Mori not paying attention at all, he couldn't help but frowned, but didn't say anything.


Time passed slowly, and after about [-] minutes, a police officer from the identification department came in and said, "Report, the identification results are out, first of all about the capsules, if you put the capsules in the lemon tea jar If so, it will take about fifteen minutes until the capsule bursts and the poison is released."

"If it's fifteen minutes, it should be half past one." Officer Mu Mu flipped through the notebook.

Hearing this, Sonoko couldn't help but said, "At half past one, I remember when Police Matsumoto came in."

The flamboyant Mei Gong said, "In this case, the suspicion between me and the groom will disappear? We all came into the room after [-]:[-]." Mei Gong's face instantly became relaxed.

Chapter 0154 Inferring the Truth

The police officer from the identification department continued to speak: "There are still the following doubts about the bottle containing the poison. There is no fingerprint of Police Officer Matsumoto on the bottle."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro said: "Besides, can't you find Mr. Mei Gong's fingerprints, and there is another fingerprint?"

"Detective Maori, how do you know that?" The police officer from the Identification Section couldn't help being surprised.

Everyone's eyes turned to Mori Kogoro.

"I also know that the fingerprint belongs to Ms. Sonoko." Mori Kogoro stood up and walked forward with a calm face.

Everyone couldn't help frowning. Nakamori Ginzo, who had just returned from the toilet, was leaning against the door. Hearing this, his head flashed, and he quickly said: "So, the murderer in this case is the owner of the video recorder. Miss Sonoko? No wonder she never touched the bottle of lemon tea in the video, because the video was shot by her, so she didn't capture the scene of herself touching lemon tea and poisoning, but it was revealed on the last fingerprint Come on!"

"Miss Sonoko, why did you poison Ms. Matsumoto?" Nakamori Ginzo immediately yelled.

After hearing this, Police Officer Matsumoto glared at Suzuki Sonoko and was about to come up.

Seeing this situation, Sonoko couldn't help panicking, and quickly hid behind Kogoro Mouri, took Kogoro Mouri's big hand, and said aggrievedly: "Uncle Maori, I didn't do it, I didn't do the poison, you must do it for me." I'm in charge."

Mori Kogoro touched Sonoko's head, looked at Mori Ginzo with disdain, shook his head and said, "This may sound logical, but it's actually a bunch of nonsense, Officer Nakamori, did you pull it out of your head?" It's all shit."

"You..." Nakamori Ginzo was about to refute, but suddenly felt his stomach churn again, so his face was livid, he leaned against the wall and went to the toilet again, shouting: "You wait for me."

Mori Kogoro stood in front of everyone: "First solve the problem of the capsule. Although the capsule was found in the bottle and it was confirmed that the capsule would take fifteen minutes to dissolve, this is just a trick of the murderer. He will have already burst. The capsules were put into the bottle along with solid sodium hydroxide to create the illusion that the poisoning might have been fifteen minutes ago."

"So what Mr. Mei Gong just said is cleared of suspicion with the groom. This sentence is completely untenable!"

Then Mori Kogoro came to the crowd, took the remote control to freeze the screen on one of the frames, and looked at the crowd with disappointment: "I really doubt that you have been watching the video for so long, what are you watching?"

"Pay attention to this scene. Just after Mr. Meigong put the straw on the flower tape, Matsumoto-sensei put the lemon tea on the table, and then Sonoko said that the video recorder was out of power, and then she pointed the video recorder on the table. Then I ran out to buy batteries."

"But Yuanzi didn't bring her bottle of lemon tea with her when she ran out, because her lemon tea was also put on the table."

"Look." Mori Kogoro put down the play button, and everyone exclaimed suddenly. In the picture, Sayuri Matsumoto picked up the lemon tea, and there was another bottle of lemon tea behind this bottle of lemon tea.

"That is to say, Ms. Matsumoto took the wrong lemon tea, and the next thing she took was not the original lemon tea, but the lemon tea that Sonoko drank, so there was a Miss Mei in the non-toxic lemon tea, Ms. Matsumoto, and Mei Gong’s fingerprints, and apart from Sonoko’s fingerprints in this bottle of poisoned lemon tea, there is only one fingerprint that belongs to the real murderer of this poisoning case—Takasugi Toshihiko.”

The policeman from the Appraisal Section looked shocked and said, "Detective Maori, what you said is absolutely correct."

Takasugi Toshihiko's complexion immediately became very ugly, sweat oozed from his forehead and back, and the white suit was soon wet.

Mori Kogoro smiled: "I said it was only a little short, but in fact it was only the fingerprint identification result."

His smile is full of the endless charm of a mature man, Yuanzi, Xiaolan, and Qingzi beside him saw this scene, countless little stars appeared in their eyes!

Even Mumulu's heart beat faster when he saw Mori Kogoro at this moment.

Conan looked dead fish-eyed, and couldn't help kicking the wall. He searched the ground for so long, it was completely futile.

Toshihiko Takasugi calmed down quickly, but he still refused to plead guilty, and said arrogantly: "Detective Maori, you said that there are fingerprints of Miss Suzuki and me on it, no, there are also fingerprints of Sayuri, there are three in total Personal fingerprints, why do you say that I poisoned it, it may be Suzuki Sonoko, or even Sayuri himself, if there is no evidence, believe it or not, I will sue you for defamation!"

A cold light flashed in Maoli Kogoro's eyes: "I'm stubborn!"

"Of course I have evidence, two gestures!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise.

Mori Kogoro picked up the remote control again: "Although Mr. Takasugi has a good plan, he is not good at chemistry. I'm afraid Mr. Takasugi, you don't know that sodium hydroxide will release a lot of heat when dissolved in water, so we can see After Sonoko left, Mr. Matsumoto picked up the bottle of lemon tea and held it with only one hand, and his gestures were very normal."

"When Matsumoto-sensei received the lemon tea from Takasugi-san, he originally held it with one hand, but Matsumoto-sensei quickly noticed the heat inside, and finally changed to holding the lemon with two hands Tea, this is enough to prove that the lemon tea handed over from Takasugi Toshihiko has added sodium hydroxide, and Mr. Matsumoto noticed it, but still drank it."

"She should have thought you would stop her, but in the end you didn't do so." Mori Kogoro said in a dull voice.

"However, the most direct evidence is not this, because sodium hydroxide will deteriorate quickly when exposed to air. Although Mr. Takasugi put it in a glass bottle, it is really difficult to pour it from the glass bottle into the small opening of the bottle. , and the movement is also very big, so Mr. Takasugi, you should use your hands directly!"

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