"Actually, I can see that Kogoro is also in a state of being helpless and unable to do anything about this matter."

"After all, if a smart person like him really figured out a way, he would definitely solve the problem and discipline Xiaolan well."

"Doesn't it prove that he can't handle this matter if he hasn't done it yet?"

Seeing Yingli's pensive face, the girl chuckled and waved her hand: "Hey, sister Yingli, I just said a few words casually, so don't take it to heart!"

At this time, Eri stretched out his hand and grabbed the girl's wrist, still looking pensive.

"No, Mira, you're quite right. We all wanted to go wrong, and we didn't expect this trick."

"Although it's dangerous for the soldiers, it's indeed a good way to untie the current deadlock."

"Mila, you are worthy of being a queen, and your thinking is clear. This time, my sister has been taught."

Hearing this, the girl's eyes flashed with joy, but she quickly restrained herself.

"So, sister, are you planning to adopt my suggestion?"

"Well, the details need to be reconsidered. Although it is a bit deviant to ask Kogoro to pick up Xiaolan, but only need to lead this child back to heterosexuality, and it is more than half the success!"

"The most important thing is to use the power of the spirit to accomplish this goal while maintaining the purity of the body, Mira, you understand what I mean!"

"Understood, understood, understood!" The girl nodded her head hastily.

And Yingli soon fell into deep thought again, and began to think about the battle plan and how to speak to her husband.

And on the table in the fully enclosed shooting range, the black shorts, goggles, bulletproof vests, helmets, tactical vests, and trousers that were used in the live-action shootout just now were all replaced and placed on the table.

Standing at the white line, Kogoro Moori put his big hand on Yazi's left chest, and said solemnly: "Yazi, your heartbeat is too fast. If you want to be a sharpshooter, you must adjust your mentality and keep your heartbeat steady. "

"You have to know that every beat of the pulse will affect the hand, causing a slight tremor. If there is a slight difference, the bullet will go wrong if you shoot."

"If you are a sniper, you must shoot in the most stable state at the moment between two heartbeats, so as to minimize the error of human factors."

"Your heartbeat is too fast now, [-] to [-] per minute. There is no way to find a stable gap in this kind of three beats per second. The human body will have a big error."

"I'm starting to shoot now. You have to carefully feel the beating of the gun handle, the heat of the pipe friction, the direction and strength of each recoil, and the position of each depth. I'm sorry, I'm messing with it. You don't need to feel this."

"Next, I will take north and south, left west and right east as coordinates, and tell you the position of the recoil caused by the drifting gun, and then press the gun and return to the center point. This is the pass where the ten rings of the gun can be shot with a quick shot. Follow me to savor it carefully!"

"here we go!"

Bang bang bang! ! !

Mori Kogoro grabbed the Glock pistol in Meizi's hand and fired, and he kept talking: "Go north, 63 degrees northwest, 21 degrees northeast, 52 degrees southeast, 73 degrees northeast!"

And Yazi in front bit her lower lip, her eyes were full of mist: Bastard, why is the frequency getting faster and faster.

Chapter 0339 Mary's Big Battle

Moreover, the two guns attack in completely opposite directions, so how can people concentrate!

Yazi smelled the masculine breath lingering around her, and felt Kogoro's breath on the back of her neck. Her breath gradually became disordered, and her whole body fell into a strange state.


The Glock pistol kept firing, the bullets lasing.

The mechanical sound on the scorer kept ringing: "Ten rings, ten rings, ten rings, ten rings!"

Mori Kogoro pressed down with his left hand, feeling very satisfied.

Yazi's eyes were covered with mist, and she couldn't see the target clearly at all, and she didn't want to follow the direction of the recoil every time she shot.

Yazi directly turned her head to ask for a kiss from Kogoro Mouri.

Kogoro Mori naturally kissed without any hesitation.

Amidst the gunfire, the two kissed deeply.

The mechanical sound on the scorer was originally "ten rings", and then it became "eight rings", "five rings" and "four rings".

Mori Kogoro was completely absorbed in the kiss with Meizi, he didn't look at the target, so naturally he couldn't hit it right.

As soon as the kiss was over, Yazi dropped the pistol in his hand to the ground, staggered forward, and then turned around.

A head of jet-black long hair flashed by, and this glance was truly astonishing, and the beautiful eyes were full of wildness.

She directly pushed Kogoro Mori's solid chest with both hands, pushed it to the ground, then sat on Kogoro directly, and kissed him actively.

Mori Kogoro's right hand, which was full of gunpowder smoke, directly brushed the crook of Meizi's leg, and it was as smooth and delicate as silk.

And his left hand stuck into the hem of his T-shirt, covered Yazi's small soft back, and began to climb up.

Not long after, a stirring movement sounded in this empty closed shooting range.

On the other side, at Kogoro Mori's home, Haibara, a small house girl, was holding a snack bag and watching TV, and beside her was Yukiko who was also doing nothing.

As for the friends Conan and Hattori Heiji, they disappeared early in the morning, and they didn't know what case they were busy with.

Eri is still resting next door, and in Ran's room, Mira and Ran are switching back to each other's identities.

Both women took off the colored contact lenses they were wearing, and then changed the jewelry and necklaces on their bodies.

Xiaolan reminded her from time to time: "Mila, you can't be topless in front of my mother. If she sees your breasts shrinking, she will be suspicious."

Hearing this, Mira jumped wildly with the pound key on her head, and couldn't help but hit Xiaolan's chest.

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