And Xiaolan smiled triumphantly.

Mira couldn't help asking, "What was the situation last night?"

"That's right, I'll tell you about what happened last night, and the communication in the morning, so as not to be misunderstood."

So Xiaolan described everything that happened from last night to this morning in detail.

All actions, postures, speech, and tone of voice have been imitated, and they also make movements on the bed from time to time.

Hearing this, Mira's face turned red. This is more powerful than the live broadcast, and the plot is extremely exciting. It's still an actor re-acting in front of her. It's the ultimate enjoyment, and it's better than watching a movie.

But when she heard Xiaolan smearing her royal family, Mira couldn't help but fight.

"Wow, you are too outrageous, how can you say that, we have never had such a thing in the Kingdom of Visbania."

Xiaolan put her arms around Mira's arm, leaned against her shoulder, and began to act like a baby.

"Good Mira, I have no choice but to say this. My mother is old-fashioned. It is only effective if she has the power of external recognition and internal breakthrough."

"Just cooperate with me and help me complete this lie, mua!"

Xiaolan took a sip of incense on Mila's cheek.

Ke Mira still had a displeased expression on her face.

"Good Mira, Sister Mira, Queen Mira..."

In the end, Mira was tortured by Xiaolan until she had no choice but to agree angrily.

"Only this time, alas, people have to steal the family history."

"Let me tell you, Xiaolan, don't talk nonsense in my identity from now on, don't even think about me wiping your ass again."

Xiao Lan stuck out her tongue, but her eyes were still full of slyness, and she knew it was impossible.

At the same time, a small head poked out from the entrance from time to time.

Seeing Yukiko and Haibara who stayed at home all day, Mary felt pain in her breast.

Seriously, don't these guys go out too?

But after Mary learned that there was an antidote, she really didn't want to wait any longer.

She glanced at Huiyuan's room on the far left. If there was an antidote, it must be hidden in that room.

The gate was ajar, and the wiring was facing away from the two women.

Mary sighed, then lay down on the floor, crawled forward, and started the secret agent battle.

Soon, Mary crawled behind the sofa, and neither Huihara nor Yukiko found it.

At this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Shiliang, who was smiling very brightly, ran in.

"I bought Haagen-Dazs flavored ice cream, mom, sister, what are you doing lying on the ground?"

Hearing this, Mary couldn't help but roll her eyes at her silly daughter speechlessly.

And Yukiko and Haibara on the sofa couldn't help but look sideways, both with puzzled looks on their faces.

Mary immediately said, "I'm looking for the five hundred yuan coin I just dropped, but I can't seem to find it."

Saying this, Mary Yun patted her underwear lightly.

And the heartless Shiliang called everyone to start distributing ice cream.

Mary was speechless for a moment. When she came to Maori's house, she was no longer frightened. Her daughter seemed to have become dull.

But when she thought about it, why wasn't she? If it wasn't for hearing the antidote, she might be more relaxed than her daughter!

Mary turned and went to the toilet to wash her hands, but at this moment, the little loli Huiyuan looked at her back and was a little lost: that direction just now was her room, could it be...

In fact, Haibara has already discovered the abnormality of Sera's younger sister. She is very similar to herself. She is also a young and mature man, and she can see the maturity in her eyes that obviously does not match her age.

And when they get along, they deliberately avoid themselves. Except for eating together, they have very little other contact.

Sometimes when I go to ask them to come over for dinner, I can still see the picture of Mary admonishing Shiliang.

Everything is very weird.

How could such a person lie on the ground looking for a five hundred yuan coin?

Huiyuan didn't believe this excuse, so little Lolita quietly went back to her room to make some arrangements before Mary came out of the bathroom, and then came out to eat ice cream as if nothing had happened.

Chapter 0340 Mary exposed!

Afterwards, Little Lolita Huiyuan pretended to be casual and left, saying she was going downstairs to buy some snacks.

After more than ten minutes, she returned to Mori Kogoro's house again, and Mary had already left.

When Huiyuan entered his room, he realized that a strand of tape pasted under the cabinet had been torn off.

She opened the cabinet, and there were bottles of medicine inside, with different numbers marked on them.

She opened the bottles one by one, and began to count the number of medicines inside.

Sure enough, each bottle lacked an antidote.

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