Mary thought she was doing it without anyone noticing, but she didn't know that Huiyuan had already memorized the number of each bottle of medicine.

Huiyuan suddenly suspected that Mary had also taken APTX to shrink her body, and couldn't help frowning.

In this case, she must be involved with the dark organization.

Hui originally wanted to ask Mary directly, but he was not familiar with her, so he picked up his mobile phone and called Kogoro Mori instead.

People are brought back by him, and he must know best.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Xiao Wulang's voice sounded: "Xiao Ai, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, where are you and what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Uncle is teaching gun practice in the club here in Toriya, what's the matter?"

Saying this, gunshots sounded, bang!

Huiyuan asked: "Just now I found out that Mary sneaked into my room and stole the antidote of APTX, one for each bottle."

"Uncle, is she also the one who took APTX and shrunk her body?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly immediately: "Xiao Ai is so stupid, I just realized it now."

"That's right, she's in the same condition as you, that's why I brought her home."

Huiyuan was very puzzled: "But I remember that she was not included in the list of taking APTX at all. Did the organization do it after I left?"

Mori Kogoro clamped the phone around his neck, reached out and patted the restless bud, and continued: "No, in fact, the source of the medicine that Mary took is not you, but your parents."

"And she's been taking that poison longer than you, probably five years ago."

"I think this APTX will rejuvenate people to the age of six or seven years old. Mary has grown back to the appearance of twelve or thirteen years old, which is much worse than you."

Hui Yuan was immediately surprised: "Is it related to my parents?"

"Okay, let's talk about it when I come back, I'll finish it soon."

"You don't have to worry about Mary, she is definitely not an enemy."

Hearing this, Huiyuan was keenly aware of something, and couldn't help but twitch his brows: "Uncle, you won't get her too, right?"

Mori Kogoro's heart trembled, and he quickly said: "Hey, hey, the signal is not good, Xiao Ai, I'm dead, I'll talk about it when I go back."

The little loli Huiyuan in the room had veins throbbing wildly on her forehead, and based on her understanding of Kogoro, she definitely had something ulterior motives in her reaction.

So that Mary was also eaten by the uncle!

Thinking of this, Huiyuan couldn't help but get a little angry, and in this way, he didn't seem to be the most special existence.


On the other side, in the closed shooting range, the music is still ringing.Yazi couldn't help but pouted and said, "Xiao Wulang, you won't be with me anymore, won't you continue to teach me marksmanship?"

Mori Kogoro reached out and patted Yazi's little head, and smirked: "Good boy, isn't this a serious matter, and besides, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it if I teach you marksmanship!"

"Scumbag!" Yazi bit her lower lip, and couldn't help but pinched Moori Kogoro's back with her little hand, just like a mosquito bite, it didn't hurt at all.

"I got wind, Yazi, Meng Bo will also be taking the Fugui Pill tomorrow, so be careful if you meet him!"

"Oh, how dare you say that you were the one who tricked me into fighting Meng Bo last time. It's all your fault. You even demolished other people's houses. I don't care. You have to take responsibility for Meng Bo's affairs."

Maori Kogoro said with a smirk: "What's the lie, you and I are one, and Meng Bo originally had a grudge against me, and he provoked me for no reason before, Yazi, you help me avenge, I am very grateful yours."

"To express my gratitude, let me give you a massage!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro moved his hands up, and started to push, pull, play and sing, no, he started to massage.

As a master of martial arts, he naturally found all the sensitive places where Yazi's heart itch and benefited, and the natural effect was outstanding.

Soon, Yazi's jade neck was also dyed with a touch of pink, which looked extremely bright.

"Hmph, rascal, Kogoro, let me ask you, what do you mean by APTX and rejuvenation?"

"Is there really such a drug in the world? Isn't it true that the two girls adopted by your family are all like this?"

As expected of a woman who belongs to the cat, curiosity is exuberant, so I couldn't help asking about this situation.

Moori Kogoro didn't want to hide it from her, so he briefly told her about the dark organization, but he didn't know how much Yazi heard.

But this girl is worthy of being a policeman, and she couldn't help but want to ask more questions when she heard about the criminal organization.

How could Kogoro Mori have the heart to explain so much to her, wouldn't it be a waste of time to talk about it.

He directly kissed her red lips, not letting her speak.

After a passionate kiss, Yazi, who fell on the table, didn't care about it anymore.

Kogoro Moori's fiery big hand grabbed Yazi's ankle, gripped it tightly, it was really exquisite, and the other big hand stuck into the skirt of his clothes.

Don't look at Yazi, who is usually wrapped tightly, often reveals an abstinence atmosphere.

But in fact, she has a charming physique, especially wearing this army green T-shirt, which adds a bit of wildness, which is completely unbearable.

Since I can't accompany her, but I can't let Yazi go away disappointed. Mori Kogoro is very principled in this regard, so Yazi started a singing journey.

(A lot of words are omitted here!)


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