More than half an hour later, in the early afternoon, after sending Yazi home to rest, Kogoro Mori's Lexus stopped at his door, and soon he went to the second floor.

As soon as you entered the suite, you could see two little lolis sitting at both ends of the sofa, looking at each other across the coffee table, without speaking.

I don't know how long they have maintained this posture, and the atmosphere seems to be a little stagnant.

And Sera Masumi was sent upstairs by Mary to watch TV.Facing Haibara's repeated inquiries, Mary didn't say anything, and kept waiting for Kogoro Mori to come back.

As soon as Mori Kogoro pushed the door and walked in, Erxiao turned his attention to him, which inexplicably put him under great pressure.

Chapter 0341 niece and aunt are mine


But old drivers such as Mori Kogoro naturally don't panic at all, he is well prepared.

Mary actually knows everything here, and now she also knows about the antidote, so she won't have much reaction.

Perhaps Huiyuan's reaction would be a little too extreme!

Suddenly a person who also ate APTX and shrunk his body appeared, and this person happened to be his aunt, what is this called?

So Mori Kogoro's strategy was very simple, he went directly to pick up little loli Haibara, and comforted her.

Xiao Ai's stern expression instantly melted away, and she wrapped her hands skillfully around Mori Kogoro's neck, and glanced at Mary triumphantly, as if to say: See, uncle hugged me first, he prefers me with.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro took Mary's soft hand and pulled her to the sofa in the middle, letting her sit on his left side.

Wow, these two soft and cute little lolita feel a little excited for no reason.

Press the gun!Press the gun!calm!calm!

Mori Kogoro spoke to Mary first: "Ahem, Mary, take out the antidote first, the antidote inside is all temporary, and the time is different, so you can't take it randomly."

Hearing this, Mary obediently took out the antidote wrapped in a tissue from her pocket and put it on the table.

Huiyuan couldn't help squinting his eyes:

Just now I asked her to hand over the antidote, but she refused to hand it over.

Now as soon as her uncle came, she took it out. The two must have an adulterous relationship.

"Actually, I should have told you about these antidotes, but I've been busy with various cases these days, so I forgot."

"The antidote was developed by Xiao Ai, but it's all temporary. There is no antidote that can fully restore the body. The temporary antidote lasts up to fifteen days."

Huiyuan couldn't help but interjected: "If you don't ask, you are stealing, thief."

"Huiyuan can't talk to Mary like this. We can explain everything clearly when someone comes over."


At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

With a thought of Kogoro Mouri, the Ant-Man robot opened the door for him.

Miyano Akemi, dressed in casual clothes, entered the room, looked at the three people who were very close together in the living room, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Goro, why are you calling me in such a hurry?"

When Mary saw Mingmei's appearance, she immediately showed a look of shock, her water green eyes were trembling, and she couldn't help but speak.

"Ming... Mingmei, are you still alive?"

However, Miyano Akemi couldn't recognize the blond girl named by her own name, so she couldn't help but look puzzled, and Haibara also looked puzzled.

Mori Kogoro helped to introduce: "Mingmei, Shiho, this is your mother's sister, your aunt Marie."

"She drank the APTX given by your mother five years ago, and her body became smaller. That's why she looks like this now."

Hearing this, the two women suddenly looked shocked and opened their mouths, but could not speak.

Mary smiled and went forward: "Mingmei, do you remember Auntie? I hugged you when I was a child, in the apartment your parents rented."

"Didn't you say you like Auntie the most?"

Mingmei had a vague impression that it was an image of a blond and gorgeous foreign woman, very similar to Mary's outline at the moment.

She spoke hesitantly: "Ma, Aunt Mary!"

"Well, boy, I'm so glad you're alive."

As she said this, tears welled up in Mary's eyes.

She took Mingmei's hand and pulled it back to sit on the sofa together. Looking at the two sisters, she couldn't help laughing again.

Mary couldn't help asking: "Xiao Goro, what's going on? My investigations all show that Mei was cleaned by the organization."

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Of course I was rescued, that guy Gin is an idiot, it's easy to fool him."

Mingmei couldn't help asking: "Aunt Mary, what's going on here? Where have you been all these years, and why are you here with Kogoro again?"

"Let me tell you, your Aunt Mary is an agent of the CIA in the Eagle Country. She has been secretly investigating the dark organization and fighting against it."

"More than ten years ago, not long after you were born, Zhibao, your parents died accidentally due to a fire in the laboratory, but in fact they should not have died."

The eyes of the two women widened immediately, as if they couldn't believe it.

Mori Kogoro reached out and hugged Akemi on his right, and continued to speak.

"The evidence is that six years ago, when Mary went back to her grandma's house in Yingguo, she found a bottle of medicine and a personal letter in the secret base of her and your mother. The medicine is APTX."

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