"What was written in the autograph letter is that they are still alive, and the laboratory fire is a cover-up for them to fake their deaths."

Mary nodded in agreement: "Although I didn't bring that letter, what Kogoro said is true."

Tears welled up in the sisters' eyes, almost like weeping with joy.

Mori Kogoro continued: "According to my speculation, your parents are most likely still alive, but they are definitely controlled by others. Otherwise, it would be impossible for only that letter and that bottle of medicine to appear in more than ten years."

"They should have researched the silver bullet, known to outsiders, and then designed it to take away. It belongs to the state of just getting out of the wolf's den and entering the tiger's mouth."

"For so many years, he should have been imprisoned in a secret base to make potions."

The expressions of the two sisters became more serious, but they were still very happy to learn that their parents were alive.

"Don't worry, I have ordered the people below to search for it, and I will definitely help you find your parents."

"And the letter left by your mother not only asked Mary to keep the APTX, but also asked her to help rescue the two of you."

"At that time, Zhibao, you were supposed to be studying in Eagle Country, so Mary went to save you, but I didn't expect it to be a trap, and Gin set up an ambush beside you."

"Mary was shot in the chest by a shot of gin, then fell off the boat and was swept away by the current."

"When she was about to die, Mary remembered the effect of APTX and drank it. Then her body shrank and her wound shrank accordingly. Only then did she save her life."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai had a look of nostalgia on her face.

"I remembered that in April five years ago, there was a gun battle around the school, and then the number of people around me suddenly increased. After a while, I returned to China and started researching."

"It turned out that it was Aunt Mary who went to rescue me!"

Hui Yuan's eyes looking at Mary softened a lot, and a smile appeared on Mary's face.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his left hand to embrace Mary, and said with a light smile, "So, we are actually a family."

He sat on Huiyuan on his lap, with his left arm around Mary and his right around Minmei, smiling brightly.

And the relatives of the three daughters recognized each other, with a look of emotion.

Chapter 0342 The Clever Sister Flower

But soon, the three women noticed something unusual.

Huiyuan and Mingmei narrowed their eyes slightly: We know each other as relatives, what are you doing with me, Kogoro?And why are you wrapping your arms around my aunt's waist?

And Mary thought the same way: Kogoro, why are you putting your arms around my eldest niece's waist?Could it be, sisters take it all?

Seeing the expressions of the three girls gradually restraining themselves, and then looking at him with a strange expression, Kogoro Mori, who has sharp eyesight, reacted instantly.

He immediately let go of his hands, and changed the topic: "In this way, Xiao Ai and Mingmei, you will have a cousin, who is Mary's child Shiliang Zhenchun!"

Huiyuan was taken aback when he heard that, not only did he have an extra aunt today, even Shiliang became his cousin, this feeling is quite strange.

But she was also happy in her heart, knowing that she had other relatives was always a good thing.

Mary then said: "Yes, Xiao Ai, you have seen it, Mingmei hasn't seen it yet, and that child and I have suffered a lot."

"Actually, apart from Zhenchun, you also have two cousins, but because I have been fighting against the organization, I didn't take those two children with me to take care of them. I will definitely introduce them to you next time I have a chance."

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "Mary, don't talk about your son, you still don't know what Xiuyi has done behind your back."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai and Ming Mei were immediately puzzled, wondering why he would mention Xiuyi's name.

Mori Kogoro held Mingmei's little hand blatantly: "Mingmei and Xiaoai don't know it, but Akai Shuichi is actually your cousin."

Mingmei was stunned immediately, with a petrified expression.

"When he sneaked into the dark organization back then, he relied on touching Minmei to get close to her to gain her trust, and then used her as a springboard to get in touch with Xiao Ai, so as to get to the top, code-named Rye Whiskey."

"Later, when he captured Gin Jiu, his deeds were revealed, and he was discovered to be an undercover FB agent, and then he defected alone."

"So at that time in the organization, Mingmei, who was nominally a boyfriend and girlfriend with him, was implicated, and the organization issued an almost impossible task to her, and even wanted to kill her after she completed it."

"After Mingmei faked her death and was rescued by me, Xiao Ai had a hard time in the organization and was imprisoned directly. She was also forced to eat APTX, shrinking her body and escaping."

After hearing this, Mary was so angry that her breath was short, and her chest was choppy.

"You bastard, you bastard, how could you do such a thing!"

Mary was very angry, she had no idea that Shuichi Akai almost killed her two nieces, and she didn't tell herself, it's unforgivable!

"Zhibao, Mingmei, the two of you have really suffered. Don't worry, Auntie will help you get justice. I will make Xiuyi kneel in front of you and kowtow to apologize!"

Mary's voice turned cold in the end, and she thought she was serious.

Minmei, who is gentle and kind, shook her head immediately, but instead smiled sweetly, wrapping her hands around Kogoro Mori's arm, and the two soft masses immediately wrapped her next door.

"Aunt Mary, there's no need for this. To be honest, I'm still a little grateful to him now."

"If he hadn't done this, I wouldn't have met Kogoro, and I wouldn't be so happy now."

Gentle stabbed directly into Mary's heart.

Sure enough, my eldest niece was also misfortune by Kogoro! ! !

Mori Kogoro saw what Akemi meant, so blatantly, he was declaring his sovereignty.

And the little loli Haibara in her arms had the same intentions as her sister, her buttocks turned around on Mouri Kogoro's thigh, then put her arms around his waist, and pressed her tightly against it.

The two short hands were still unable to be linked together, and Haibara's cute little face rubbed against Mouri Kogoro's chest muscles, facing Mary, also smiling.

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