"That's right, if Akai Shuichi didn't do that, I wouldn't have left the organization so easily, and now I'm with my sister and Kogoro, and I wouldn't be so happy!"

The invisible knife is the most powerful for killing people, and it pierces directly into Mary's heart.

These two sisters are really little clever ghosts. When they saw the signs of Mary and Kogoro, they blew themselves up directly, not only declaring their sovereignty, but also taking the initiative.

And Mary was first caught by Xiao Ai for stealing medicine, and later she heard that her son had such a thing, and she became more and more wronged.

There is not much left to suppress her status as an elder.

Mary's water-green eyes trembled, she swallowed her saliva and said, "You two sisters, with Kogoro?"

Mingmei directly kissed Mori Kogoro on the cheek, blushing slightly, pretending to be shy: "Yes, Mori-kun is a very good person, my sister and I love him very much."

"But you two are sisters!"

Xiao Ai laughed lightly: "It doesn't matter, Ehuang and Nvying used to serve her husband together, not to mention that Xiaowulang saved my sister and me, we both did it voluntarily."

Hearing how they expressed their feelings, Mori Kogoro was also very moved.

Mary also smiled, and Bi Mou couldn't help but glared at Mori Kogoro: "Since that's the case, then Auntie will bless you too."

"After all, you two children have suffered so much, and it's hard to get out of the darkness. I can rest assured that Kogoro will take care of you."

Mary is a person who walks between life and death, and she can see many things.

She knew how rare the scene of happiness and bliss in front of her was, and it was what she longed for, so she would not intervene or stop her if she compared her heart with her heart.

"It's just that, I was worried that Elena would not be able to resist going to extremes after seeing this scene, and you all know what kind of temper your mother is!"

Hearing this, the smiles on the faces of the two women suddenly froze. Hey, the situation seems a little bad!

Otherwise, mom won't come back!Of course, this is just a joke, and the two girls still hope that their parents will come back.

Mori Kogoro pecked the foreheads of the two sisters respectively, and said domineeringly: "What are you afraid of, I will tell your parents in person when I find them, it's okay."

When the two girls heard this, their hearts felt warm, and they snuggled up to Kogoro Mori with peace of mind.

Little Loli rubbed her head against her chest, and made an indescribable soft nasal sound, as if she was acting like a baby.

Mary Biyan on the side immediately looked eagerly at the three people who seemed to be connected together: I am so envious, I also want to hug Kogoro!

Calm down, Mary, you have to restrain yourself, you can't compete with your two nieces for a man at this time, it's too tasteless.

But I really can't bear it, these two little girls are really too much.

Mary bit her lower lip. Seeing that the two sisters were not looking at her, she gently touched the little finger of Mouri Kogoro's left hand with her little hand, and felt better.

Mori Kogoro hooked his little little finger, and Mary's little hand clenched even tighter, not wanting to let go.

She is so cute in this state!

Chapter 0343 This damn sweetness!

As soon as Minmei turned her head around, Mary quickly withdrew her little hand like a thief, and pretended to be nonchalantly looking at the teacups on the coffee table, as if she was counting a few.

This appearance is silly and cute, not at all like a shrewd and capable agent.

But the woman's sixth sense came out of nowhere. Mingmei glanced at Aunt Mary's loli body and her plump bust.

She also knew Kogoro very well, and suddenly felt that he would attack Aunt Mary!

Mary seemed a little flustered by the elder niece, she hurriedly got up and said, "Mingmei, Zhibao, please sit down first, Auntie will wash some fruit for you."

After saying this, she hurriedly walked towards the kitchen.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyes, and then said, "Sit here first, I'll get you some drinks, and talk to Mary along the way."

He hugged the clingy Lolita in his arms, and kissed her pink lips.

Only then did he put it on the sofa, got up and followed Mary to the kitchen.

Seeing this scene, Mingmei couldn't help but said quietly: "Zhibao, sometimes I really envy you, you become so small, Kogoro hugs you every day, pampers you like a daughter, hehe, I want you No, give me that APTX too, I want to rejuvenate myself."

The little Lolita immediately leaned to her sister's side and put her arms around her jade arm: "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about? It's poison. I was lucky to survive. Don't talk nonsense."

"Besides, at this time, our guns should be unanimous."

Hearing this, Mingmei leaned her little head over and began to whisper to her sister.

"What do you mean, you mean Aunt Mary and Kogoro..."

"Yes, it's them. You didn't see it before you came. Aunt Mary stole my medicine before. I asked her to take it out, but she refused."

"But as soon as Kogoro spoke, she took it out obediently, like an obedient little daughter-in-law!"

Mingmei immediately frowned: "This is unlikely, didn't she just say that Zhenchun is her child? There are people who have children..."

"But now she has rejuvenated and grown up again, her body is thirteen or fourteen years old."

"And I asked Shiliang, and she told me that her father died many years ago, so there is no conflict at all."

"In addition, Shiliang also told me that they actually came here to help Aunt Mary's illness, saying that it was the root cause of the disease that fell in the lungs five years ago."

"The disease is in the chest and lungs. It fits with what Aunt Mary just said about Yingguo saving me. It should be the gunshot wound that Gin Jiu gave her back then."

"And the person who treated her was uncle. The wound is still on the chest and lungs. If you look at her chest, it is bigger than yours. I don't believe that uncle can bear it."

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