Hearing this irritating words, Shi Liang became depressed again, lying on the pillow and didn't want to talk any more.

In the next room, music was still playing.

Xiao Ai is now lying in Mingmei's arms, tightly hugged by Mingmei's plain hands.

The blue eyes of the two girls are staring at Mori Kogoro, feeling a bit like two Persian cats looking at themselves, very docile.

So there is nothing that can't be solved by one experiment. If it doesn't work, just do it twice, and Xiao Ai will become submissive.

Kogoro Mori suspected that Xiao Ai was so difficult to coax because of this experiment.

Seeing Xiao Ai's frowning, Kogoro Mori passed Little Lolita and kissed Minmei's pink lips.

And Mingmei closed her eyes shyly, her ears were dyed red, she just felt so ashamed at this moment!

The displeased little loli immediately opened her mouth, biting on Kogoro Moori with her silver teeth.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro has rough skin and thick flesh, so he is not afraid of the little Lolita's bite force at all, and he has the leisure to stretch out his fingers to tease the little Lolita's cute face.

Seeing Kogoro kissing Minmei all the time, Haibara felt a little dissatisfied.

She let go of her small mouth, took a prepared three-hour antidote, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Immediately, Kogoro and Mingmei, who were kissing passionately and deeply, immediately sensed the great heat emanating from their sides, and couldn't help watching.

It was the same change as Mary just now, the body of Huiyuan who was hugged by Minmei magically grew bigger.

The short legs became slender, the waist appeared curved, and Xiaomeng's face immediately became mature, full of Yujie's temperament.

Mori Kogoro once again perceived Xiao Ai's entire life course, although it was only a short ten seconds, but it was really against the sky.

Soon, the mature beauty Shiho appeared.

Her little head was no longer lying on her sister's chest as before, but snuggled up with Minmei's head.

Haibara's idea of ​​taking the antidote is also very simple, he just wants to kiss Mouri Kogoro.

But Mingmei couldn't help but said: "Zhibao, why are you taking the antidote when you're fine, you've become so heavy all of a sudden, and you're sweating all over."

Zhibao wiped the fine sweat from his forehead with his small hands, and chuckled lightly: "We have all met Aunt Mary's cousins, so it's time for them to see my true face."

"It just so happened that I gave Aunt Mary the antidote this time, and I was going to test whether the antidote would have specific differences in different human bodies."

Mingmei couldn't help but patted Shiho: "Liar, I think you transformed for Kogoro."

As an older sister, of course I understand my younger sister's thoughts. Apart from getting bigger because of Kogoro, I'm afraid she also has the idea of ​​wanting to compare Mary.

Mori Kogoro put on a satisfied smile, holding a cup in his hand to feed Shiho water.

About an hour and a half later, Mori Kogoro, Akemi, and Shiho returned to the living room, and immediately met Mary and Sera's slightly strange gazes.

However, the two girls were quickly taken aback by the sudden appearance of the large Huiyuan, and couldn't help but observe carefully.

Mori Kogoro was attracted by Mary, with blond hair and blue eyes, and a crimson dress that outlined his ecstasy figure.

The exposed calf is so slender and white, the red lips are lightly raised, full of evil spirits, it is really gorgeous.

If it weren't for Kogoro Mori's hard work to appease Akemi and Shiho, and the timing was not right, he would definitely not be able to resist.

Mary seemed to see Kogoro's gaze, and the smile in her green eyes became more obvious, and it was not in vain for her to dress up carefully.

She also blinked at Kogoro, as if she was discharging electricity.Shi Liang said in amazement: "You must have become Xiao Ai, you look too much like her!"

Zhibao smiled slightly: "Cousin Zhenchun is a bit rude, she should be called cousin."

"Because it's the first day we met after all, so I still think it's better to face everyone with our true faces, so that we won't be unrecognizable when we see each other in the future."

"Cousin, you are so beautiful."

Seeing such a mature Zhibao, Shiliang won't have any resistance to calling her cousin.

It's just that the girl's eyes fell on Zhibao's breasts again: why is hers so big? Could it be that something is wrong with me?

And Kogoro Mouri said: "Mary and Xiao Ai have grown bigger after taking the medicine, so they should stay here for the next three hours, so as not to be seen by other people in the family."

"It just so happens that your relatives can also talk and talk about things over the years."

"If someone else comes in, you should hide in the room. I will deal with Conan's matter first, and I will come back later."

All the girls had no objection, and sat on the sofa one by one.

Although the atmosphere was a little weird at the beginning, it gradually became normal under the mobilization of the mild-mannered Mingmei.

And Mori Kogoro went to his office.I didn't know that I didn't watch the surveillance just now, Hattori Heiji claimed to be his disciple, took Conan to accept several commissions, and only now came back.

Fortunately, all the entrusted cases were solved by them, without losing their reputation.

As soon as Mori Kogoro walked in, Hattori Heiji was leaning on the sofa and counting the commission fees, planning to treat Conan to a good meal tonight.

As soon as he saw Mori Kogoro, he immediately sat upright, quickly collected the money, and started to say hello.

"Uncle Maori, I'm here to disturb you again. Why are you so busy? I haven't seen you since I was at the Zombie Villa the day before yesterday."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Working hard is normal, I'm used to it now."

"But uncle is very relieved to see that the relationship between the two of you is so good."

Saying this, the smile on his face gradually became weird.

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