Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro stepped forward, pretending to be drinking water, and casually touched the little ghost's body, and the high-level psychedelic talisman stuck to his body.

Nine thousand points are gone, but it's worth it.

"Okay, let's not disturb the happy time of the two of you."

Mori Kogoro left after drinking the water.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help muttering: "I always feel that uncle speaks strangely."

Conan's eyes beside him were confused for a while, and it took a while for them to return to normal.

Conan couldn't help shaking his head, but he didn't realize that his memory had been tampered with.

It's just that no matter how Conan thinks at this moment, it is impossible to remember any impression of Masami Hirota in the billion-dollar bank robbery.

Chapter 0348 bring Xiaolan back

Mori Kogoro tampered with Conan's memory and left.

It's a pity that this high-level psychedelic talisman can tamper with the memory for no more than three days, which is enough. It only took two days for Mingmei to rob the bank.

Mori Kogoro walked out of the office on the second floor, and went upstairs to his home.

Eri got up in the afternoon. Although she didn't go to work, it's okay to have afternoon tea with the girls here.

As soon as Mori Kogoro entered, Eri's eyes trembled, and she immediately showed a weak look, and her aura immediately became a bit more feminine.

The berserk Kogoro Mori last night completely conquered her.

This is also normal. I hung her up the night before, and she was hung up all night, and she was teased badly by the feathers and iron spoons. Then I did it again, and the effect was outstanding.

Like riding a roller coaster from the bottom to the top, Eri is naturally super satisfied!

Moreover, she also planned to ask Mori Kogoro to do something, and she felt very guilty, so her back was not straight.

Besides Eri, Yukiko, Ran, and Mira, Sonoko also came over.

Sonoko is introducing tomorrow's Fukimaru boat gambling trip, but Yukiko and Eri are not interested.

The two women are also very knowledgeable, and it's not like they haven't been to the gambling boat when they were young, so they are naturally not interested.

Besides, Yingli has a day off today, and several cases in the office have been postponed, so she will definitely not be able to leave.

Yukiko made an appointment to visit her grandma in Gunma County tomorrow.

She originally wanted to ask Xiao Wulang to go with him, but knowing that he was going to handle the case on the gambling boat, she kept silent.

According to the surveillance footage seen by Kogoro, Mary had already agreed to take the two sisters to their parents' residence in Japan before they got married, which was in Osaka.

Because the residence was found with the help of Mary, who came to Japan for a trip, and also used the power of the CIA, so it was hidden enough that no one in the organization knew about it.

There are still some photo items of parents left there, and Mary has not touched them.

The two sisters looked happy when they heard the news, and planned to set off tomorrow.

It seems that the four of them will not take the Fugui Pill either.

So in the end, only Kogoro Mori, Ran, Mira, Sonoko, Hattori and Conan got on the boat!

The fewer people there are, the more satisfied Sonoko is. She wished that no one would go there, so that she could be alone with Mori Kogoro.

Tomoko didn't come back at all in the past few days, and flew to Hokkaido after the inspection in Osaka, and Sonoko couldn't help but get angry.

But Yuanzi doesn't want to bother with her mother, the most important thing is to attack uncle, let's cut it first and then play it!

Thinking of the secret weapon prepared, Sonoko couldn't help showing a strange smile!

Mori Kogoro greeted the girls, then took his clothes into the bathroom to take a shower.

After all, I had a live-action shootout and experimented with it today, so I still felt a bit awkward just cleaning it with water-based witchcraft.

Not long after Mori Kogoro entered the bathroom, Eri also sneaked in, took a towel and stood behind him to help him take a gentle bath.

"Honey, sit down, let me wash it for you."

Mori Kogoro was a little stunned, there must be something to do to show his courtesy.

In his mind, what happened at noon in Eri was played back, and a slight smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Whoa, well done!

He closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed Eri's service.

"Husband, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"Hey, coincidence, Eri, I also have something to tell you!"

Mori Kogoro spoke first: "Even when Shiliang told me just now that her cousin couldn't find a place to live, she wanted to move in with Shiliang and Mary, so it was considered a help."

"It just so happened that there were still two vacant rooms in Shiliang's suite, so I agreed."

Hearing this, Yingli couldn't help being taken aback, thinking it didn't matter.

After all, Eri didn't think there was anything abnormal about Kogoro's relationship with Marie and Sera after observing for a while.

From her point of view, they were simply here to borrow.

"Honey, it's fine for you to decide such a small matter. Shiliang and Mary are both very good-natured, and her cousin should be easy to get along with."

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