The three girls on the side were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and Miwako couldn't help twisting Mori Kogoro's thigh with her small hands, pretending to inarticulately ask. "Xiao Goro, why did you give my mother such an expensive gift?"

Before the door was over, Miwako had already turned her elbows out, and began to realize that she was saving money for Kogoro.

And the policemen in the back kitchen were completely shocked.

They also installed a pinhole camera on the decorative bouquet on the dining table, and they also had a panoramic view of the sapphire pigeon eggs just now.

When you come up, you will be king, how can you play this!

Takagi Tsubasa on the side couldn't help but said: "Police Department Shiratori, I see Officer Sato and her mother burst into laughter, this is going to be difficult."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang smiled: "What's difficult, the happier you are now, the more uncomfortable you will be later!"

Takagi She immediately asked: "Police Department Shiratori, if you have anything to do, tell me quickly."

The policemen on the side also asked questions quickly.

Shiratori Rensaburo then said: "Say, when we were having dinner later, Police Officer Sato's mother suddenly saw a photo of her future son-in-law fooling around with other women. And that woman was still at the scene. Is this scene exciting enough? ?”

"Could it be that you have a photo at the White Bird Police Department?"

"Of course, I dare say that Maori detectives are not aimless. As a policeman, of course you have to talk about evidence."

"Look, what is this?"

Saying this, Shiratori Ren Sanlang took out a developed photo, which only showed the head.

But it is a photo of Miyamoto Yumi and Mori Kogoro's tongue kissing, so obsessed!

A group of policemen couldn't help coming over, and when they saw this photo, they instantly exploded.

"Isn't this Yumi from the Transportation Agency?"

"A flower in our traffic department was also taken by Maori detectives. Isn't this deceiving our police department?"

"Shameless you, shameless you, Yumi-chan is also my goddess, even a Maori detective can't bear it!"

This photo was secretly taken by Yumi when she was at Yumi's house last time.

Originally, she planned to make a mobile phone screen saver, but she felt that it was too high-profile, so she didn't dare to do so, so the photos were stored in the mobile phone.Shiratori Ren Sanlang happened to know that Miwako was going to bring the Maori detective to meet her parents, so he naturally wanted to sabotage it.

He once saw Yumi, Miwako, and Chengko soaking in hot springs with Mori Kogoro, and knew that they had an ambiguous relationship.

So he often wandered around Yumi's desk and stole her mobile phone, and only then did he get this photo.

Chapter 0353 we have a traitor

Shiratori Ren Saburo smiled complacently: "With this photo, we have a weapon. We just need to hand over this photo when we deliver the food. It will definitely be very exciting. Mrs. Sato, I understand. When she was young, she had a hot temper."

Gao Mushe immediately recommended himself: "Officer Shiratori, let me send it up."

There was light in his eyes, and he wished he could see Mori Kogoro's unlucky appearance now.

But Shiratori Ren Sanlang hesitated: "If you go, I'm afraid they are too familiar and easy to recognize."

Hearing this, Takagi immediately put on the wig, changed into the waiter's clothes, and put two steamed buns on his chest, instantly disguised as a waitress.

Not to mention, it's kind of like that, it's just a little hot on the eyes.

Seeing his persistence, Shiratori Ren Sanlang also agreed, and everyone began to watch the surveillance again.

At the dining table in the next window, Yumi and Sumiko complained about Mori Kogoro sending such an expensive gift to Sato Shinobu, which was worth several million dollars.

The two girls didn't know about Mori Kogoro's net worth, and they both felt a little uncomfortable seeing him doing this.

However, the two women also knew what was going on at the moment, and their eyes flicked over Kogoro Mori, but they didn't say much.

And Mori Kogoro held Miwako's little hand with both hands, and spoke sincerely.

"Auntie, I've actually wanted to meet you a long time ago, but Mei Hezi was shy, so she never let me go."

Mei Hezi's purple eyes couldn't help but look away from him, why did she keep refusing to let him go, she was so quick to throw the pot away!

Sato Shinobu smiled and said: "Actually, I have always wanted to meet you, Detective Mori, and thank you in person. After all, my husband's case was finally revealed thanks to you."

"Detective Maori, how long have you been with my daughter?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "It must have been more than half a year. I remember that when we first met, I mistook Miwako for Chengzi and made a lot of jokes."

"Afterwards, by chance, we met again on Moon Shadow Island, and I fought side by side with Miwako to take down the big drug lord on Moon Shadow Island. It can be said that we lived and died together."

And Miwako Sato also echoed: "Kogoro is very powerful. If he hadn't been on Moon Shadow Island back then, I don't know if I would have returned to Tokyo alive!"

"And every time the police encounter him, he can easily solve the case."

"When I encounter those difficult cases, I will have an idea when I call him."

Seeing her daughter who kept saying good things, Sato Shinobu couldn't help but chuckled lightly when he saw her like this for the first time.

"Yeah, I know you want to say you and the Maori detective are a match made in heaven, right?"

"Just as far as I know, Maori Detective, you were married and you have a daughter."

Hearing this, Miwako immediately retorted: "Xiao Wulang was married, but he also got divorced ten years ago, and he is still single now."

"Besides, I don't mind these things. I have a very good relationship with Xiaolan, and we will definitely get along very well in the future."

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