At this time, in the back kitchen area of ​​the Four Seasons restaurant, the chefs and waiters were all handcuffed and their mouths were tied up with tape.

On the iron table, the monitoring screens were put together one by one, and a group of big men were watching the monitoring screen on the screen intently.

The leaders are Shiratori Rensaburo and Takagi Wataru, and the rest are all suitors of Miwako in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Under the organization of Shiratori Rensaburo, this group of people came here to abuse their power, intending to destroy the meeting between Mori Kogoro and Miwako's mother.

Takagi She didn't want to come at first, his heart was already dead.

But Shiratori Rensaburo told him that Mori Kogoro stepped on many boats, and also said that as long as Sato Shinobu's impression of him was destroyed, Mori Kogoro and Sato police officer might be broken up.

At that time, Ren Saburo Shiratori will not argue with him, he wants to pursue Kobayashi Chengko, and Takagi She can pursue Miwako.

Takagi She thought for a long time, and felt that there was indeed a chance to join forces with Police Officer Shiratori, so he appeared together.

And the waiters in the restaurant were all stiffened by Li Daitao, all of them were police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department.

When everyone was looking forward to it, Mori Kogoro in a white suit appeared with champagne and gifts.

The eyes of the three girls lit up immediately, and Sato Shinobu looked surprised: "Isn't this Mori Kogoro, Mori Detective? Miwako, you..."

Yumi laughed lightly: "Auntie, isn't this obvious? Detective Mori is Miwako's boyfriend!"

Chapter 0352 is king!

Hearing this, Shinobu Sato still looked surprised.

Because I have seen Maori detective live on TV many times before, and he helped solve the 'Qiu Silang' case.

She has a very good impression of Mori Kogoro, and can even be called very respectful.

Sato Shinobu's first reaction was to feel that it was against harmony for such a character to associate with his own daughter.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that her daughter was not good enough for Mori Kogoro.

She couldn't help but whispered: "Meihezi, don't you lie to me? Could it be that you asked the Maori detective to act to coax me? You are so careless, how could the Maori detective like you."

"Let me tell you, don't think you can fool me. How can this marriage matter be trifling? You can't use this method to escape if you don't want to go on a blind date!"

Miwako immediately yelled in dissatisfaction: "Mom, what are you talking about, Kogoro is really my boyfriend!"

On the side, Yumi and Sumiko had suppressed smiles on their faces, and it is entirely possible to imagine what Miwako looks like in Sato Shinobu's heart.

Then in the back kitchen, they saw that the person who came to the appointment turned out to be the detective Mori Kogoro, and the morale of the police officers who learned this information dropped instantly.

Although these burly men admired Miwako Sato, they also knew who the Mori detective was.

Every time I go out with Police Officer Megure or Officer Sato, I can hear the famous reasoning of detective Maori and help them solve the case.

These police officers have long been impressed by him, and every time they see him, they have a face of respect and admiration.

Seeing that Miwako Sato's boyfriend is him now, these police officers all feel: Since it is him, he is completely worthy of being a flower in the Metropolitan Police Department!

At this time, Shiratori Ren Saburo glanced at the people who were discussing, and reminded: "You must know that Maori detective was married and has a daughter."

Hearing this, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of all the police officers: Yes!People who are already married, dare to provoke our goddess, why?

Shiratori Ren Saburo chuckled: "What's more, I found that while Detective Mori and Officer Sato were together, they also hooked up with other girls. They were very playful."

"I called everyone here for the sake of Officer Sato's happiness. We should all work together to ruin today's dinner."

And Mori Kogoro, with a spring-like smile on his face, walked over and said hello, "Aunt Sato, I've kept you waiting!"

After all, it was washed by the Book of Changes, her face is very tender, and she is only a little more mature with a mustache. She looks like a man who is almost thirty years old, so calling out "auntie" will naturally not violate harmony.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mori leaned over, put his arms around Miwako and kissed her on the cheek, and said affectionately, "Miwako, you have been waiting too long!"

Seeing her doing this in front of her mother, Miwako's entire face turned red.

And Sato Shinobu's pupils shrank, and then he also showed a smile: It seems that this is true!

Mori Kogoro was seated quickly, sitting between the best friends Miwako and Yumi.

"I came here in a hurry today, Aunt Sato, this is a gift I prepared for you."

The smile on Sato Shinobu's face became brighter and brighter: "Detective Maori, you will be out of touch like this, come here as soon as you come, what gifts do you bring?"

Saying this, Shinobu Sato took the gift box and couldn't help opening it, and a bright sapphire the size of an egg appeared in front of his eyes.

Intense blue with a purplish tinge, this Kashmir cornflower sapphire costs $14500 per carat.

This sapphire is 245 carats, and every facet is extremely precise. It was shot by the top carving masters, exuding a bright and dazzling blue.

Shinobu Sato's eyes stared straight for a moment, and couldn't help but took out the sapphire necklace, looked at it carefully in his hand, and said after a long time: "It's too expensive, I can't accept it."

But his eyes were full of reluctance.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Auntie, this is just a small gift. You are Miwako's mother, and I should respect you. Don't refuse, I think this necklace is too suitable for you."

"Really? Hehe, then I will be disrespectful!"

Saying this, Shinobu Sato hastily put the necklace back into the box and put it back on his seat.

Then her smile became extremely kind, like the way a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law.

Nonsense, even if such a heavy gift is given out, it can still be a fake, how can a fake dare to spend so much money.

Mori Kogoro's technique was simple and rude, yet effective. He smashed the gems as soon as he came up, and Shinobu Sato succumbed instantly.

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