Being a baby cow at a young age is not ashamed at all!

Are you not afraid of losing your center of gravity and falling down while walking?


At this moment, Hui Yuan's resentment towards Mary far surpasses his resentment towards Big Milk Lan.

After all, Xiaolan is also an E cup, and she has been continuously upgraded in recent months;

And now that Huiyuan has recovered and Zhibao has reached the D cup, if he and his uncle work hard, he will be able to catch up with Xiaolan.

If it is said that Xiaolan is the one that Haibara can catch up with hard work, then Mary's is the one that Huibara can't catch up with even flattering horses.

The gap is too big, it is really powerless!

Chapter 0351 Surprised Shinobu Sato

When it was time for dinner, Kogoro Mori cooked the dishes himself, and the dishes were delicious.

When Mingmei was brought to the table by Xiao Ai, Xiao Lan was very surprised.

She recognized this as the bank clerk who had met once before when she went to handle the deposit business.

But Xiaolan never asked her name, and she didn't pay much attention to that bank robbery, so she didn't think much about it.

She was just surprised by Xiao Ai's closeness to him. According to Xiaolan's understanding, Hui Yuan has a very cold temperament, and it is rare to be so close to others.As for Conan the Kid, he couldn't recognize Minmei after his memory was wiped out.

Mori Kogoro introduced to everyone that this is Shiliang's cousin, and said that she and Xiao Ai hit it off right away, and Xiao Ai even recognized her as her god-sister.

In the future, I will also live on the second floor next door, sharing the same room with Mary Shiliang.

All the girls were also welcoming, which made Mingmei heave a sigh of relief!

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but look at Mori Kogoro with admiration. In his opinion, this woman was most likely Uncle Mori's girlfriend.To be able to bring this woman home without Aunt Eri not getting angry is really amazing.

The atmosphere of the dinner was very harmonious, and Eri and Yukiko had been curiously asking about Akemi's situation.

Mingmei answered every question, but she soon became acquainted with the girls.

After the dinner, Mori Kogoro couldn't stay at home for a long time. He still had to go to Miwako Sato's appointment, which he had always cared about.

At around eight o'clock, Mori Kogoro's Lexus arrived at Tokyo's New Twin Skyscrapers.

This new twin building is the property of Kogoro Mori, with the same height of [-] meters and [-] floors.

Overlooking the [-]-meter-high Tokyo Tower, it directly killed Mio Tokiwa's Gemini Tower in Nishitama City.

This building is built on the seaside, with an invincible view of the sea.

Originally, due to Japan's geographical conditions, earthquakes occur frequently, and usually few skyscrapers dare to build more than three or four hundred meters.

However, thanks to the future construction technology exchanged from the system, the Wan Zhao Construction Company under the name of Mori Kogoro bought the land and built the new twin buildings in less than half a year, which can be said to have shocked the world.

These two buildings have also gained a great reputation, and their geographical location is too superior, close to Tokyo's financial circle, overlooking Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Bay.

After the opening ceremony, countless consortium companies settled in the Twin Towers one after another, signed leases, and the business district invested by the surrounding Wanzhao Construction Company also flourished.

It can be said that the completion of these two buildings has directly brought Tokyo's financial circle over.

The rent of each floor of the building has also been rising steadily, which is extremely high.

Kogoro Mori made an appointment with Miwako Sato and her mother in the Four Seasons restaurant in this building, which is on the forty-ninth floor.

But Mori Kogoro felt something was wrong when he got out of the car, and someone was peeping at him vaguely.

He stopped for a while, and soon there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't pay attention to it too much, and went straight into the building, and took the elevator up to the restaurant.

Sato Shinobu, who was also dressed up in the restaurant, was a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help asking his daughter who was well-dressed and wearing a lavender dress.

"Miwako, why does it feel a bit strange? Why is there no one else in this restaurant? And those waiters are always looking at us."

Miyamoto Yumi laughed softly: "Auntie, don't you understand? This restaurant must be reserved by Miwako's boyfriend. We are the only table in the room. The waiter doesn't look at us, who are we looking at? "

Hearing this, Shinobu Sato was taken aback, and couldn't help but said: "How expensive it is, really, it's too expensive, Miwako, you have to talk about him!"

That's what he said, but Sato Shinobu's eyes were full of smiles, and he sat up straighter, with a smug look on his face!

Of course, it would be better if the son-in-law was a rich man!

Immediately afterwards Sato Shinobu glanced at Yumi, and couldn't help but said: "Yumi, today is our family banquet, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Yumi, who was wearing a light green dress, immediately replied angrily: "Miwako is my best girlfriend, how can I miss her affairs?"

"Besides, this situation requires me and Chengzi to help as staff!"

Cheng Zi, who was counting the floors in a light pink dress, smiled embarrassedly when she heard someone calling her name.

She didn't want to come at first, but she couldn't stand Yumi-chan's urging, and she hadn't seen Kogoro for a long time, so she missed her so much, so she appeared here.

And Sato couldn't help but hold Kobayashi Chengko's little hand, with a friendly look on his face: "Chengzi, if I didn't remember that I had Miwako in my arms back then, I really thought you were my twin daughter too."

"If Mei Hezi's character can be as gentle as yours, and don't fight, I don't know how good it will be."

"Why don't you be my goddaughter, with you to accompany me, Mei Hezi doesn't matter."

"Mom!" Upon hearing this, Miwako couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth.

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