"It is good for a gentleman to use it, but it is bad for a villain to use it. There are no secrets about medicines, and it depends entirely on who is using them."

"Okay, don't think about it, you and Mary are sweating all over, go take a bath."

Mary stepped forward and took Hui Yuan's little hand, and smiled gently: "Shiho, let's wash together."

Hearing this, Huiyuan's face immediately showed resistance, and she didn't want to bathe with this foul-looking woman at all.

She grew up on hormones, she was only twelve or thirteen years old and her breasts were so big, she must have outshone her flat figure once she got in.

But Mary's strength is not small, Huiyuan couldn't resist at all, so he was dragged to the bathroom.

Mori Kogoro greeted Akemi downstairs.

The items in her apartment were all packaged and delivered by the Ant-Man robot, which was completely efficient.

When Mingmei went downstairs and saw the luggage, she was still amazed, so she took Kogoro Mori to offer a sweet kiss.

The two of them carried the bags upstairs.

But this scene was seen by Belmode, who was watching with binoculars in the apartment not far away.

Belmode didn't even eat the cherry in his hand, and quickly got up to control the telescope, looking more carefully.

"Damn it, even this woman moved in!"

Belmord's water-green eyes trembled, and the cherry in his hand was instantly crushed by him.

She frowned and began to think carefully.

Because of Kogoro's protection, Belmode didn't plan to attack Miyano Shiho again.

But later she thought she had found Miyano Akemi, so she changed her partner.

The reason why he didn't attack Mingmei was because Belmore still wanted more, and wanted to lure Akai Shuichi, so that he and Bourbon could take down the two together.

But Belmode didn't know that Shuichi Akai was robbed of two girlfriends by Kogoro Mori, and he was beaten to the point of doubting his life, so how could he show up again.

Now that Mingmei moved into Maori's house, all Belmode's plans were disrupted, and she didn't know what to do next.

Thinking of the pain in his butt at this moment, and the brutal big hand yesterday, Belmode couldn't help but plucked his long silver hair.

"Damn it, are you sent by the heavens to restrain me?"

But deep down in Belmore's mind was full of worries.

The two traitor sisters of the Miyano family, the secret agent who has been fighting against the organization and the high school student detective, more and more people are being sheltered by this office, and the targets are becoming more and more conspicuous.

If the people in the organization know about this situation and clean it up on a large scale, how can Kogoro get it right?

For a while, Belmore could not help but lose his mind for a long time looking at the big characters of Maori Detective Agency.

And in the room where the experiment had just been done, Mingmei happily followed Kogoro to tidy up, and she finally chose this room.

The quilt was replaced by his favorite one, and Kogoro Mori helped arrange his clothes one by one and put them in the closet.

He picked up a black fishnet lingerie with suspenders, and couldn't help but chuckled: "Mingmei, why didn't you show me this one?"

Seeing this, Mingmei trotted over, blushing, snatched it away and stuffed it into the closet: "Xiao Wulang, you are too bad, why are you peeking?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Mingmei, this is quite beautiful, but as a sister, I have to prepare one for my sister, preferably white, so that it looks good in comparison."

"Mori-kun!" Minmei seemed unable to bear this topic.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, hehe, Mingmei-chan is still so shy!"

"It's just that if you really want to prepare for Xiao Ai, you have to prepare all the big and small ones. I really enjoy the fun of tearing!"

"Mori-kun is so bad!"

Mori Kogoro hugged Akemi's soft body, and kissed her rosy cheek.

"I can't be bad with Minmei-chan. I'm going to introduce you to the rest of the family at dinner."

"Don't worry, everyone gets along very well."

Mingmei nodded obediently, and then the two of them got bored again.


The items in the opened suitcase moved on their own, and each of them found a place to store them.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori would not have to do this kind of trivial work by himself, it would be nice to have a robot do it for him.

And Mingmei moved here, and the dozens of Ant-Man robots that were protecting her with her were also released, leaving only a few of them to be controlled by her.

Among all the women of Mori Kogoro, Akemi knows the existence of the Ant-Man robot.

The other women have never been in danger, never seen an Ant-Man robot appear.

It's just that if the four of them are going to Osaka to find the Miyano couple's residence tomorrow, they must have the little shikigami Fuso following Mori Kogoro to be at ease.If he really meets someone from the dark organization, Fusang can easily deal with it.

And Shiliang, who was listening to the corner at the door, couldn't help muttering: "What a lecherous uncle!"

I don't know if listening to his mother last time made him develop this bad habit. Now Shiliang likes to lie on the wall and eavesdrop on the corner.And the little loli Huiyuan who was warmly received by Aunt Mary in the bathroom was obviously very uncomfortable.

Especially seeing his breasts that are completely out of age, he kept complaining in his heart.

[What a boobs!

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