Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes speechlessly, but he didn't take it seriously.

However, interacting with Xiaolan under Yingli's supervision is very exciting to think about.

This is following orders, and when the time comes to push the boat along the way, Eri has no position to blame herself. Xiaolan's idea of ​​pretending to instigate is really excellent.Thinking of that scene, Mori Kogoro was a little excited.

After a long time, Eri ate up the ice cream and swallowed the last cream, then slipped out quietly and returned to the afternoon tea line in the living room.

Mori Kogoro also went out soon, joining the ranks of the girls.

When he saw Xiaolan, the father and daughter smiled tacitly, and everything was kept silent.

Entering the afternoon tea party, Mori Kogoro became the five girls' attention.

All you can smell is sweet fragrance, and the left and right touches are all soft and gentle, which is completely gentle and rural.

Mori Kogoro also revealed his skills and brewed several cups of Duke black tea for the girls.

The aroma is extremely mellow, lingering in the throat, and the sweetness keeps returning, which makes Yuanzi applaud repeatedly, and shouts for a refill.

I also really admire Sonoko's face, I was told by Yingli last time, and now I'm here as if nothing happened.

Mori Kogoro stayed with the girls for nearly an hour before leaving.

Of course, it wasn't because he couldn't keep up with the topics of the girls. With his memory and knowledge reserves, no matter what brand name, lipstick, celebrity gossip, or Mori Kogoro they were talking about, he could catch up.

It's just too boring, these are not topics of interest to him.

Plus Mary was going to be smaller soon, so naturally he had to go back.

Soon Mori Kogoro left and returned to the suite on the second floor.

In the suites on the second floor, Mary is mostly talking, and Third Xiao is listening.

Because Miyano and his wife got out of the nest immediately after giving birth to Shiho, and escaped by feigning death.

Zhibao has no impression of his parents in his heart, only two photos.

Mingmei's condition is better. She was seven years old when her parents left, but how much does the child remember.

So the sisters have a gloomy impression of their parents in their minds.

But in Aunt Mary's mouth, the image of parents has color, character and warmth.

Listening to the stories told by Mary, the impressions of the parents of the two sisters gradually became clearer, with a slight smile on their faces from time to time.

When Mori Kogoro came in, he saw balls of tissues on the coffee table, which were tears from the emotional Minmei.

Zhibao also expressed gratitude: "Aunt Mary, thank you for telling us this, it turns out that my parents are very good people, they are not like the rumors outside, they are deported 'mad scientists' and 'fallen angels' '."

"When I see them in the future, I can call them Mom and Dad freely."

At this time, a big warm hand caressed Kamishiho's short brown hair, Mouri Kogoro said firmly: "There will be a chance, Xiao Ai, I promise you will see it."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Shiho's face.

After more than ten minutes, the effect of the three-hour medicine is almost here.

Mary, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately said, Shiho, I seem to be shrinking. "

Mary hurriedly pressed the stopwatch next to her, and Shiho took out the video camera and started recording again.

And Shiliang next to him was so anxious that he couldn't help pacing, with a worried look on his face.

Mori Kogoro comforted him, "There will be no problem, Shiliang, stand still."

Even so, Mori Kogoro's big hand still held Mary's small hand, and the rejuvenation technique was always ready to be used if something went wrong, but everything went smoothly.

A burst of heat dissipated, and Mary's plump and tall body began to shrink.

Not long after, under the red dress, the blond little loli with bare shoulders and sweating reappeared in front of everyone.

Ignorant, cute and cute, the gully on her chest is better than countless Shiliangs.

Shiliang couldn't help exclaiming: "This is too incredible!"

"Mom, how are you feeling?"

Mary returned: "It was hot for a while, and I lost consciousness for two or three seconds, and then woke up like this."

Hearing this, Shiho silently recorded it.

Not long after, it was Huiyuan's turn to shrink.

Huiyuan is very familiar with the road, the only difference is that without the companionship of twenty-eight, the process of change is a little empty and not so wonderful.

Chapter 0350 Belmode's Worries

Seeing the two lively beauties turning into little lolitas, Shiliang's eyes were filled with amazement, and he just thought this scene was amazing.

"The drug developed by my aunt and uncle is really powerful. If the effect of the drug can be stabilized, it will be the dream of many people in the world!"

Haibara, who was covered in sweat, shook his head: "My parents didn't want to develop such a drug at all. APTX is actually just a special product that failed."

"In the organization, it is more important to kill people invisible, and there is no way to check the efficacy of toxicity."

"The invention of this drug should have been called unknown!" Hui Yuan's expression seemed a little gloomy.

And Kogoro Moori caressed Huiyuan's little head: "Xiao Ai is narrow-minded in thinking this way, everything in the world has pros and cons."

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