There are hundreds of companies under his control, and four of the top ten companies in the world belong to him.

Although not in his name, it is also in the name of his Ant-Man robot.

The exchange of shares has covered most of the world's top [-] companies, which can be called the business world.

Prior to this, Mori Kogoro's net worth had already exceeded [-] trillion U.S. dollars, which was more than [-] trillion yen.

The combined cost of these two buildings is only one trillion yen, which is more than two thousand times worse than more than two trillion yen. Sprinkle water!

Mori Kogoro pecked Miwako's small mouth lightly: "Hmph, how could my capital chain be broken? Is Miwako planning to take the building and abandon me?"

"how is this possible?"

"That's right. As long as we're still together, you're my woman, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, so what's the difference? Don't you want to accept my betrothal gift and plan to reject me?"

Miwako's little head turned into a rattle: "Of course not!"

Maori Kogoro said domineeringly: "That's it, I gave it to you, don't take it away, keep it well, understand?"

Hearing this, Miwako, who hesitated for a long time, still nodded.

Sato Shinobu felt relieved instantly.

She felt like she was sweating all over, and the makeup on her face was all gone.

Facing the wealthy son-in-law, he can't be sloppy, Sato Shinobu stood up and said that he was going to the toilet to tidy up.

After Sato Shinobu left, Miwako immediately spoke to Yumi and Sumiko: "The rent of the building that Kogoro said is too much, more than [-] billion yen a year, and I can't spend it all by myself."

"I'll find someone to help divide the proceeds of the building into three shares later, and each of us sisters will share one share."

Miwako was worried that Kogoro would spoil her alone, and Chengzi and Yumi would feel uncomfortable, so they hurriedly said that they would share it together.

Kogoro Mori slapped Miwako's buttocks with his big hand, and pulled her back to the seat.

"Shut up, sit down, it's not your turn to speak yet."

"How could I forget Yumi-chan and Sumiko!"

Saying this, under the astonished eyes of the three girls, Mori Kogoro took out the other two transfer agreements from his briefcase.

Then one was placed in front of Chengzi, and the other was placed in front of Yumi.

Mori Kogoro stepped forward, put his arms around the fragrant shoulders of the two girls, and kissed them left and right.

"Just now, Miwako's mother was here. I can't say too much. In fact, the Wanzhao Construction Company is a company under my name."

"In other words, these two new Gemini buildings are mine."

"Meihezi and Chengzi look like twins, like twin stars, so this building B is my gift to Chengzi."

"As for Yumi-chan, because I met Yumi-chan because of the car, and it's Lexus."

"And Lexus belongs to the Toyota Group, so the gift I prepared for Yumi-chan is a [-]% stake in the Toyota Group, with a market value of about [-] trillion yen."

"Although the shares acquired by Meijiang seem to be worth more than the two of you, the building will appreciate in value in the future, and the value is actually about the same. Fighting is not allowed."

Hearing these words, the three girls were all dumbfounded!

All the police officers in the back kitchen were also dumbfounded!

Is there anyone who picks up girls like this?Send the building?One free two buildings?

Give shares?Shares of the world's most valuable car company?

How can you play this, stop the fart!

If someone makes a move, it will be a gift of more than one trillion yuan, so what can I do to stop it!

Shiratori Ren Sanlang tugged at his collar and slumped on the chair weakly, like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

Chapter 0356 the feeling of rushing to the sky

Yumi-chan reacted, her eyes were full of excitement, she threw herself directly into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and kissed him heavily on the cheek.

"Kogoro, I really love you to death."

"In that case, I will become a billionaire now. Then I can buy whatever I want, Hermes, Chanel, Gucci, I want it, and I want to buy a car."

Chengzi beside her was full of hesitation, her reaction was somewhat similar to that of Miwako.

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed his little head: "Chengzi, you can accept it with confidence. Your man's family background is so rich. This is a gift for everyone."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to his own cheek, and the docile Chengzi kissed him lightly, and Police Officer Shiratori felt instantly shot by an arrow in his heart.

Mori Kogoro laughed with satisfaction, urging the two girls to sign.

After they signed the transfer agreement, he took out two more gift boxes from his arms and handed them to Yumi and Chengzi respectively.

As soon as the two women opened it, they saw a sapphire necklace of the same size as before.

"These two necklaces are the gifts I chose for your mothers. Help me pass them on to them. I won't be partial."

Having accepted such an expensive gift just now, the two women easily accepted the two necklaces.

It's just that Yumi couldn't help but snuggled into Kogoro Mori's arms, pressed her soft chest up, and spoke coquettishly.

"Xiao Goro, you bought gemstone necklaces for our mother, what about ours?"

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