Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Of course I will accompany you to choose yours. If you buy something you don't like, you will suffer."

Hearing this reply, the three women also felt quite satisfied.

At this time, Shinobu Sato came back, and Kogoro Mori quickly let go of Yumi and sat back in his original position.

As soon as Sato Shinobu sat down, he smiled very kindly, and said kindly: "Kogoro, your aunt knows what you mean."

"You also put a lot of thought into this dinner today. Auntie is very satisfied. Auntie is also happy for you and blesses you about the matter between you and Meihezi. But when do you plan to marry Meihezi?"

Mei Hezi blushed immediately, and her eyes glanced at the two girlfriends with a little guilt.

"Mom, what are you talking about? How can it be so fast? Kogoro and I have agreed that we should focus on career at this stage. At least we have to wait until I become a police officer."

Sato Shinobu immediately frowned: "You silly child, is marriage and career in conflict? No conflict, get married early and have a baby early. Mom can still take care of your children while you are young."

Miwako immediately replied, "It's okay for us to hire a nanny."

Seeing that the mother and daughter were about to quarrel again, Mori Kogoro interrupted quickly.

"Auntie, I've also considered this matter. It's good to be able to do it within a year or two."

"But I also respect Miwako's wishes, and it won't be too late when she is ready."

In fact, when Kogoro Mori's real idea is to completely destroy the organization and develop the antidote, he can get married.

At that time, the whole family will go to the Kingdom of Visbania to hold a wedding together, and marry all their women.

But he didn't tell Yumi and Chengzi about this, so when the two girls heard that Kogoro was going to marry Miwako, they couldn't help but feel a little bit more wronged in their eyes.

Sato Shinobu's attitude towards Kogoro was still very good, and he didn't say anything more after listening to him: "Okay, okay, okay, you young people, you should think about it yourself."

"It's getting late, I should go back too, so I won't bother you and Miwako, Yumi and Chengzi, let's go."

Yumi immediately shook her head and said, "Aunt Sato, you can go first, Chengzi and I plan to go shopping in the mall after eating dessert."

Shinobu Sato didn't think too much about it: "Young people are full of energy."

Mori Kogoro and Miwako sent him to the elevator, and they came back.

Mei Hezi still complained from the side: "My mother is in such a hurry to go back, she must want to show off that necklace in front of her group of poker friends."

"It's good for the elderly to have their own lives."

As soon as the two returned to their seats, Yumi couldn't help getting up, put her hands around Mori Kogoro's neck from behind, and began to question her.

"Kogoro, are you really planning to marry Miwako?"

Cheng Zi also came over with an anxious look on his face: "Then what shall we do?"

Seeing the appearance of the two girls protecting food, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled again.

He pulled Yumi onto his lap with his backhand, punched her butt a few times, and then stretched out his hand to hug Miwako and Chengzi.

"Stupid, don't you three know that there are other countries in this world that can marry multiple wives?"

"At that time, let's get dual nationality and have a wedding abroad."

"Don't any of you run away. You have already received the dowry for the engagement, and you just wait to be my wife. Do you understand?"

Hearing that Mori Kogoro had this plan, all three girls breathed a sigh of relief.

They have been together with Mori Kogoro for so long, and this is actually what worries them the most.

Even Miwako, she is not sure she can stand out from the crowd of women in Mori Kogoro and marry him as his wife.

Yumi couldn't help but patted Mori Kogoro on the chest: "Hmph, I see that more than the three of us will marry you, bad guy."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and shook his head: "Not much, not much."

There shouldn't be more than a hundred people, right?Well, it should be!

Then everyone in the back kitchen was stunned when Kogoro Mori, who was hugging left and right, said such words.

There is still such an operation, marrying both nationalities?Are you not given the chance to connect the disk?

Takagi She couldn't help kicking the kitchen cabinet, hopping in pain.

At this time, the back kitchen was directly broken into, and the central district special police with shields and electric batons appeared.

All of them were wearing black police uniforms. Without saying a word, they would just throw electric batons when they came in.

Shiratori Ren Saburo held his ID and shouted repeatedly: "We are the policemen of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and we are here to perform official duties." The leading special policeman said repeatedly: "We did not receive the order, but received the call Telephone."

"And you don't have a search warrant, and you imprison the personal safety of others without authorization. Let me take them all."

The electric shock baton was continuously slashed out, causing all the policemen in the back kitchen to cry.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori reported the case. These guys came here to die, and he just pushed the boat along a little bit.

The sound from the back kitchen also spread to the dining room, and the three women couldn't help wondering, "What happened there?"

"We don't care about some small things. Let's go. You three don't go back tonight. I will take you to the highest [-]th floor to experience the feeling of soaring into the sky."

Seeing Kogoro Mori's smirk, the faces of the three girls turned red, but they didn't resist, so they surrounded Kogoro Mori and headed towards the elevator. Tonight was another night of overwork.

Chapter 0357 The Crazy Three Daughters

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