On the highest floor of Building B of the Twin Stars Building, at a height of more than [-] meters above the ground, in the suite, which is more ornately decorated than the presidential suite, gorgeous music keeps ringing.

Overlooking the night view of Tokyo, countless neon lights constitute a bright night view, which makes people think of controlling everything and conquering everything.

The fireworks outside the window are still blooming, this time they are blooming on the [-]th floor, reflecting Yumi's face in colorful colors, very beautiful.

Yumi-chan pressed her hands on the glass window, and the hot air she exhaled made the glass window foggy, and the water rippled in her eyes, and she felt that the scene in front of her was extremely beautiful.

Mori Kogoro, who was holding the wine glass, had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and slowly leaned up against Yumi's back.

Sensing the familiar breath, Yumei couldn't help but palpitate, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she couldn't help turning her head.

Mori Kogoro drank the red wine in one gulp, threw the glass on the carpet, and kissed Yumi's pink lips.

Yumi immediately closed her eyes and responded, her nose made an inexplicable nasal sound, as if she was acting like a baby.

Soon, a smear of wine red like blood slipped from the corner of his mouth, across his jade neck, lining it up extremely beautifully.

And Mori Kogoro's fiery big hand touched Yumin's silky abdomen, and gradually raged.

Looking at Yumi's charming eyes, Mori Kogoro asked warmly: "Yumi, what do you plan to do when you have money? Do you want to enjoy life or continue to be a traffic policeman?"

His gentle voice really doesn't match his movements!

And Yumi wrinkled Qiong's nose, and snorted softly: "Humph! Kogoro, don't underestimate me, I don't enjoy the blessings. Miwako will be a policeman for a day, and I will not leave the police station for a day."

"The most I can do is to buy more things!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help taking pictures of Yumi-chan's beautiful buttocks, and said with a light smile, "I can't see that Yumi values ​​the friendship of girlfriends so much, I thought Yumi-chan was going to be a rich wife!"

At this moment, two daughters, Meihezi and Chengzi, came up with food and drink.

Seeing this scene by the window, Mei Hezi couldn't help but shook her head: "Tsk tsk tsk, we only walked away for a while, and you guys are fighting fiercely, it's too shameless."

Hearing this, Yumi-chan bit her lower lip and fanned the flames: "Kogoro, listen, Miwako scolded you for being shameless."

Mori Kogoro was very calm, he held Yumi tightly with his hands, and glanced at Miwako lightly: "It's okay, I'll see how I teach her a lesson later."

Miwako panicked immediately, Kogoro's lesson was terrible!

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro hugged Yumi, sat back on the sofa next to him, and pressed the remote control on the side.

The mechanism of the ceiling was touched, the glass skylight was revealed, and a bright sky full of stars appeared on everyone's heads.

At this height, without the cover of clouds and fog, every star is shining brightly, shining extremely brightly.

As if you can pick the stars with your hands, it is very magnificent.

Yumi completely fell into Kogoro Mori's arms, raised her head, her eyes were full of bewilderment, she couldn't help but said, "It's so beautiful!" and Kogoro Mori waved to Miwako and Chengzi.

The pair of twin-like women came over, one on the left and the other on the right, snuggled into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

This romantic scene is extremely lethal to the girls, not to mention the lingering prestige of Kogoro Mori's gift before.

The three girls are extremely obedient at the moment, and they don't know how to express their love. It's really Kogoro Mori who wants them to do anything.

Mori Kogoro would kiss this and that from time to time, or grab Miwako, or press Chengzi, he was very busy!

Today the three girls are also really beautifully dressed. They are all dress styles, one light purple, one light blue, and one pink, which makes Kogoro Mouri twitch his index finger.

Soon, a four-person battle began at the top of the building.

(Many, many words are omitted here!)

On the other side, in the detention center of the Central Metropolitan Police Department, a group of policemen whose noses and faces were bruised from electric shocks were being detained.

But the more painful blow to them is in their hearts. They really hate this world that looks at faces and money.

Mori Kogoro hugged left and right there, but they could only hug each other in this cell to keep warm.

As for the monitoring screens, they were all destroyed by the Ant-Man robots, and they had no countermeasures.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang was the same as Takagi She, leaning against the railing looking lost, his heart was empty, as if a piece was missing.

The scenes of the monitoring just now are still vivid in my mind, Chengzi's initiative to offer a kiss, the joy of hearing that she can marry Kogoro Mori, and the happiness when she received the gift.Those expressions that couldn't be faked at all were remembered by police officer Shiratori who had been paying attention to Chengzi, and they kept playing back in his mind at this moment.

Thinking of what he had done, he just found it extremely ridiculous.

It seems that it is time to let go, the flower of justice is about to fly into Maori's house.

Sure enough, licking a dog is not a good death, he is now in a state of death.

At this time, the nimble and fat police officer Mu Mu ran in, holding a transfer order in his hand to the policeman in charge, and then he was able to open the door and enter.

Officer Mumu couldn't help but shouted: "Brother Shiratori, brother Takagi, what the hell are you doing?"

"What kind of secret mission is this performing? The level of secrecy is so high that Matsumoto police don't even know."

"Why do you dare to go to the Central District to act wildly? This time, the Matsumoto Police Department was very angry. Go back and write a [-]-word self-criticism one by one. Why are you still staring blankly, let other people from the Metropolitan Police Department Are you reading a joke?"

The group of people didn't react too much to Officer Mumu's scolding.

After that, one by one, they wandered out of the detention room as if their souls had been sucked out, and went outside.Police officer Mu Mu was very puzzled immediately and scratched his head wondering why, but this mess still needs to be dealt with.

On the next morning, on the carpet on the top floor of the Gemini Building, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep, and immediately felt the warmth and softness on his side.It is really special to be able to see the rising sun above the sea level, and to watch the sunrise at an altitude of more than [-] meters.

Mori Kogoro asked the Ant-Man robot to pull down the curtains so as not to disturb the sleep of the three girls.

I have to say that the three girls were really crazy last night, even the most docile Chengzi was no exception.

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