If Kogoro Mori hadn't been thinking about boarding the ship this morning, and sending Yukiko and Xiao Ai off, he definitely wouldn't be able to wake up so quickly

Volume [-] Fukimaru Sailing

Chapter 0001 The Bud Who Has Changed His Image

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, and felt the warmth of his palm, subconsciously grabbed it, and then pulled his hand away.

Then he carefully pushed away the two beautiful legs covered with torn stockings on his body.

This is a remnant of last night's drag show. Miwako and Sumiko knew Kogoro Mori's preferences, so they did it, and the effect was really outstanding.

Mori Kogoro got up quietly, looked at the three girls who were still sleeping peacefully, kissed them lightly one by one, and then pulled the quilt to cover the delicate bodies of the three.

There is no problem sleeping on this carpet. This wool blanket is new and warm. With the artificial intelligence central air conditioner on this floor, the third daughter will not be frozen at all.

Mori Kogoro got up and went into the bathroom to wash up, left after leaving a message.

Originally, he didn't want to spend the night in the Gemini Tower last night.

After all, Akemi moves in, Mary has just grown up, Eri and Ran have their own ideas, and Mori Kogoro still wants to go home to stabilize the situation!

Unexpectedly, the three girls erupted suddenly and held him tightly, unable to move away.

Fortunately, the house was calm and nothing happened.

Kogoro Mori woke up early enough. When he got home, not many girls had woken up yet. Naturally, the fact that he was away all night was not seen through.

Afterwards, Mori Kogoro sent away Yukiko who was driving a sports car back to her hometown, Eri who was going to work, and Marie, Akemi, Haibara, and Masumi who were going to the station by car, and then led everyone to set off.

The rest of the group followed in the Lexus and headed towards Tokyo Bay.

The strange thing is that Hattori Heiji and Conan, who are intimate in the passenger seat, look a little excited.

Hattori also said: "I will see that person soon, Conan, you feel the same as me."

The little ghost nodded: "Of course, have you heard my heartbeat? It beats faster than yours."

Mira in the back seat couldn't help asking: "Who is that person you two are talking about?"

"Hush, it's a secret!" The two of them laughed in unison, full of affection.

Mori Kogoro didn't bother to guess the minds of these two brats, he used his master-level driving skills, the car sped all the way, and soon arrived in Tokyo Bay.

As soon as the Lexus stopped at the designated storage point and everyone got out of the car, the voice of the garden sounded.

"Lan, uncle, this way."

Yuanzi, who was dressed very coolly, was carrying a small suitcase and waved to everyone with a smile full of vigor on his face.

Everyone also went up to meet them, looking all the way, there was a lot of people, but the people who came and went were all dressed in luxurious clothes, and they were all dignitaries.

The white cruise ship docked in the distance is extremely luxurious. Counting from the deck to the top, it has a total of ten floors and a length of about [-] meters. It belongs to the world's top cruise ships.As soon as she got together with Yuanzi, she began to chatter.

"I didn't expect this gambling boat to be so big. I heard that there are entry barriers this time. If you fail the asset assessment, you are not eligible to participate in this gambling boat trip. Many of my mother's business partners are also on board." The ship is gone."

"Uncle, when the time comes, the two of us will combine our two swords, kill all directions on the gambling boat, and win all their money. At that time, the whole world will spread our reputation, hahaha!"

The girl Yuanzi thought that she would come out once, and now she was imagining the feeling of being called the God of Gamblers in her mind.

Moli Kogoro laughed softly: "If you want to kill all directions on the gambling boat, you should find Xiaolan. Xiaolan's luck is the best."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro rubbed Xiaolan's little head.

And Xiaolan waved her hands again and again: "No way, and I don't like gambling."

Yuanzi's green eyes lit up immediately, and he ran to Xiaolan's side and hugged her: "Yes, Lan, we will join forces to kill them all."

At this time, a delicate voice came: "Xiao Wulang!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a big beauty wearing sunglasses and a pink round hat appearing.

She was wearing a red and black hip-wrapping skirt, revealing her fragrant shoulders and a section of her calf. She was so beautiful that others kept staring at her.

This is Yazi, but her image is quite different from the ascetic dress before.

Yuanzi cried out inwardly when he saw this stunning beauty, why did someone come with his uncle again.

But she remembered her secret weapon and immediately felt relieved.

Looking at Yazi walking to his side, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Yazi, your dressing style doesn't look like the usual you today, does it?"

"Of course, after all, it's a disguise to get on the boat, so it's normal to wear it like this."

"Besides, I'm a woman on vacation with my boyfriend today, how can I be as cold as before."

Yazi took off her sunglasses and smiled, she really had the colorless taste of Liugong Fendai.

She reached out to wrap Kogoro Mori's arm, but Mira beat her to it.

Mori Kogoro immediately introduced: "This is Officer Meko from the Toriya Metropolitan Police Department. This time I will cooperate with her in the investigation."

Hearing this, the faces of all the girls looked better.

Yazi didn't pay much attention to it, and continued to speak: "The three sisters have already boarded the boat, but I saw Meng Bo just now, that guy didn't have a boat ticket, and was thrown out by the security guards."

Kogoro Moori remembered this episode, after which Meng Bo would tie himself up with a sack and sneak in pretending to be luggage.

He opened his mouth and said, "That guy is very difficult to deal with, and a small boarding will not trouble him."

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