"Queen, amazing!"

Immediately afterwards, Lai Shengai couldn't help but said: "Look, detective Maori is waving at the camera. He has discovered the surveillance equipment. What should we do?"

As soon as the voice fell, the seven split screens of the entire screen went black at the same time, and the three women were shocked to the extreme.

how did you do that?

Destroying one monitoring device is normal, but the monitoring of seven rooms is destroyed at the same time, it is a bit unrealistic, and it is impossible to use the clone technique.The three women were extremely puzzled immediately.

In fact, Mori Kogoro let the Ant-Man robots do it in batches.

He didn't want to live under the prying eyes of others. If Xiaolan and Mira accidentally leaked some information and the three cats found out, wouldn't it be miserable?

The whistle sounded, and this extremely luxurious cruise ship set sail.

Mori Kogoro packed his luggage, then turned around and went to Room 514 Yako.

He knocked on the door, Yazi opened the door, looked around vigilantly, and then opened the door to let him in.

The suitcase next to the bed has been opened, and it is full of guns and ammunition.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said, "Meko, did you bring the arsenal onto the ship?"

Yazi hugged Maoli Kogoro, and acted like a baby: "No way, my family has more ammunition than this, so we must be fully prepared."

"And to be honest, Kogoro, as soon as I got on the boat, I had an ominous premonition that something would happen on board."

Mori Kogoro brushed Yazi's curly hair with his hand, and comforted softly: "Don't worry, even if something happens, there will be no problem with me."

"Anyway, nothing will happen today. If someone really wants to attack the cruise ship, they have to wait until they get out of the high seas. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to mess with the Shanghai Security Department."

In fact, when Mori Kogoro saw the strong foreign man who had just had an argument with Huixiang, he knew that this boat gambling trip must be uneven, but he didn't care, the Ant-Man robot had already dispatched one-on-one stalking.

These clowns are nothing.

Chapter 0003

Kogoro Moori hugged Yazi tenderly for a long time, and then he separated.

After all, Yazi still has to investigate information, it would not be beautiful if it made her unable to move now.

Yazi is a well-trained special soldier, so he naturally knows where to look for information.

She also directed Mori Kogoro to go to the bar to inquire about news, then turned around and went to the room of the three Maoyan sisters, ready to ask the three girls to help.After receiving the order, Kogoro didn't go to the bar, but wandered around on the cruise ship instead.

The intelligence ability of his own Ant-Man robot is really against the sky!

Just after following the blond man to his room, he had already monitored the terrorists headed by him.

There is no need to work hard to find clues like bees.

The reason not to tell Yazi first is to avoid spoiling the boat gambling trip.

If all the helicopters of the Coast Guard landed as soon as we sailed, we should return obediently!

Anyway, the plan of those terrorists is to act tomorrow night, so let's relax now.

Kogoro Mori, who was wandering around, soon came to the indoor swimming pool in the cruise ship.

It's very lively here, and there are girls in bikinis everywhere, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

There was a man by the swimming pool covering his ears and scurrying about. It was Meng Bo who got on the boat.

He had just gotten on board and was discovered by the crew, and he was being chased and intercepted at the moment.

Moreover, the whole person was shocked by the whistle of the cruise ship. At this moment, his ears were deaf and he couldn't hear any sound.

Meng Bo got under the table without paying attention, and disappeared completely.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay much attention to Meng Bo.

Last time he helped that kid Kuaidou to do something, and then he was designed by himself, so that Yazi kicked his vitals thirty times in a row, which was considered even.

Just at this time, a wretched man wearing glasses chased a young and beautiful girl and was making a big fuss about her.

Seeing this girl in a blue and white striped top, white pleated skirt, and white shoes, Mori Kogoro also thought it was too coincidental, but it was Hui Xiang who met him twice.

"Cousin, when we go back from this trip, shall we get married? I will definitely give you happiness."

The wretched man twisted his butt like an old hen.

But he didn't see the disgust in Huixiang's eyes.

If it wasn't because she was angry with Meng Bo this time and planned to break up with him, she would not be angry and follow her cousin to the Fugui Pill.

Seeing the hot eyes of the wretched man, Mori Kogoro couldn't help kicking him out, and kicked the wretched man into the swimming pool.

Before Huixiang could react, she felt a big fiery hand on her wrist, and then her whole body was pulled over, leaning against the column.When she saw the man in front of her, she recognized him, fear flashed in her eyes, she quickly shook her hands and said, "Who are you? Let go of your hands."

However, Huixiang was no match for Kogoro Mori's enormous strength, and she couldn't escape at all.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Miss Huixiang is such a noble person, how forgetful you are. Forgot about the last time you shot me? My chest still hurts!"

The last time it was Huixiang who shot indiscriminately with a submachine gun and shot Kogoro Moori, saved Meng Bo.

It is also because of this that Mori Kogoro was able to play a bitter trick and eat the sprouts in one fell swoop.

However, the pain of being shot and undergoing surgery was real, and Mori Kogoro didn't want to let this girl go easily.

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