Huixiang was caught by the suffering master, and immediately begged for mercy: "Detective Maori, are you okay now? You don't remember the villain's mistakes, don't you want to care about me, a weak woman, so that others will think of you ah?"

At this time, suddenly a person on the deck chair next to him threw the newspaper away, and it was Meng Bo who was avoiding the crew.

He is full of tendons, wearing a woman's one-piece swimsuit, really hot eyes.

Meng Bo saw Hui Xiang and Mori Kogoro who were tugging beside him, and couldn't help asking, "Hui Xiang, why are you with this guy?" I thought he was here to get me back.

After all, she has partnered with Meng Bo for so many years, and she has some inexplicable feelings for him.

Meng Bo had annoyed her before, so Huixiang ran away in anger.

But after boarding the ship with her wretched cousin, she regretted it a little.

After all, her cousin's image is too bad, and the thought of spending a few days with her feels uncomfortable.

But the girl's mind is unpredictable, Huixiang heard Meng Bo's harsh tone of questioning, instead she put her arms around Mori Kogoro's waist, and smiled coquettishly.

"That's right, I'm going to play with Fuguimaru this time, I don't know how happy I am?"

No matter what kind of person Mori Kogoro is, he can climb up when he sees a stick.

Seeing Huixiang in this posture, he immediately hugged her cooperatively, and squeezed her buttocks with his big hand.

Mmm, girlish taste!

Huixiang's eyes couldn't help trembling, and she turned to stare at Kogoro Mori.

But Meng Bo didn't see the movement of the two at all, instead he covered his ears in distress: "Okay, Huixiang, I can't hear!"

Hui Xiang suddenly became anxious: he had been taken advantage of by someone in front of him, and he didn't respond at all, only saying that he couldn't hear?Are you kidding me?Then she leaned against Mori Kogoro's shoulder like a little bird, and continued to speak in anger.

"You don't know how kind Detective Maori treats me. I have already agreed with Detective Maori that I will part ways with you when I return to China this time. I will be his assistant in the future."

Meng Bo was completely immersed in his own world, holding his head and scratching his cheek: "Hui Xiang, I'm really going deaf, what should I do if I'm deaf?"

Having said that, how dare you pretend to be deaf and dumb!Huixiang's eyes widened instantly.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, without saying anything, he directly pushed Huixiang to lean against the column, picked up one of his smooth long legs with his big hand, and then leaned against the upper body.

In this way, he kissed Huixiang's mouth in front of Meng Bo's face, greedily snatching all the sweetness.

Huixiang was completely dumbfounded, how did she know that Mori Kogoro acted so out of line, so unexpected.

But Meng Bo was stunned, even a deaf person knew what was going on in front of him, it was a complete provocation!

Immediately, he was furious and couldn't help cursing angrily: "Fat Granny!" Then he was about to step forward to stop it.

It's just that the same phenomenon as last time appeared, the Ant-Man robot exerted force again, and Meng Bo's joints ached all over his body.

After that, a huge force came from the void, and with a scream, he rolled into the swimming pool like a ball, and smashed down the big cousin who had just climbed up.

Mori Kogoro ignored the two of them, and his master-level kissing skills were displayed, kissing the chick to the core.

But his other big hand unscrupulously penetrated into the blue and white striped jacket, and kept climbing up.

Chapter 0004 Bursting with shame!

Soon, his big hand grabbed it and began to massage.

Hui Xiang, who was leaning against the column with her back, only felt her heart palpitations.

Looking at Kogoro kissing her forcibly in front of her, she just felt that he was extremely domineering and tough, and she couldn't resist at all.

His soft little hands pushed unconsciously, but Kogoro Moori couldn't move at all.

The fledgling Huixiang's first kiss was the old driver Kogoro Mori, so naturally he was not his opponent.

Under his master-level kissing skills, the whole person was kissed as if he was ecstatic, his small face was hot, his head was buzzing, and his eyes were even more confused.

Soon the girl followed suit, forgetting about her cousin and Meng Bo who had just fallen into the water.

Her misty eyes looked at Kogoro Mori in front of her, and her eyes gradually softened.

After a few seconds, Huixiang gradually regained consciousness, and only then did she sense the movement of Mori Kogoro's big hand, and her whole body was immediately surrounded by a huge sense of shame.How can he do this?It's too much to do this in front of everyone in this public place!

The onlookers next to them all stared at the two kissing passionately, and felt that they were too daring.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro didn't care much about the eyes of others, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This feeling was quite exciting, and it could be regarded as a small revenge on Huixiang.

Huixiang could sense the gazes of others looking at her, and felt a little ashamed, almost crying.

But amidst this feeling of shame, there was a hint of excitement, which strangely transformed the attention of others into excitement.

It's just that Hui Xiang, who has just turned eighteen, has always been extremely thin-skinned, her small hand patted Mouri Kogoro's big hand, and she still wanted to struggle away.

At this time, an awkward Japanese voice sounded from the side.

"This lady is obviously unwilling, let me let her go."

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, it was very unpleasant to be disturbed.

He let go of the big hand holding Huixiang's leg, turned around, and saw a strong blond man in swimming trunks with a full body of tendons appearing in front of him.It's really where we don't meet each other in life!

This guy was the terrorist who chatted up Huixiang on the deck, his name was Kim, he was a mercenary from the United States, and he was the terrorist who planned to hijack the gambling ship this time.

This world is hell, the mercenary wants to pretend to be a gentleman to save the beauty.

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