"Now she ran away, how do you say you make up for my loss?"

Afterlife Love then rolled her eyes speechlessly, and made a grabbing motion with her right hand: "Is this how you press for information?"

"Ahem, you are still young, so I can't tell you too much. This is a method of attacking weaknesses and distracting the mind. It is an extremely difficult method. It doesn't matter if I sacrifice some."

What is a little sacrifice?This is obviously taking advantage, which is too shameless!

Laishengai couldn't help but patted her forehead: "It's crazy, how could my eldest sister and second sister fall in love with you?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro immediately embraced Xiao Ai's soft shoulders with his right hand, his voice became extremely magnetic, and his warm breath hit the side of Ai Ai's side face.

The master-level voice-changing technique was cast, and the almost heartbreaking voice sounded!

"Don't you love me, little love?"

Hearing the sound that could almost make the ear pregnant, I felt Kogoro Mori's body was very close, and I could smell the masculine breath.

The heart of the love in the next life trembled immediately, her little face was slightly red, showing a twisted look, and she opened her mouth to deny it.

But she was in a trance for a few seconds, and soon came back to her senses, and then her veins twitched, and she felt a big hand on her right chest.She immediately reached out to open the big evil hand hanging from her shoulder and resting on her right chest.

"Damn, you take advantage of me, do you want to tease me like yesterday? This time I won't be fooled. "

Mori Kogoro ran away with a chuckle, and then uttered coquettish words: "Huixiang's touch is not as good as yours!"

"Damn, I'm going to kill you."

Afterlife Ai bit the remaining popsicle into his mouth, and chased Kogoro Mori, looking very angry.

Kogoro Mouri, who was running around the deck, turned his head to provoke from time to time. He just thought it was quite interesting to fight with this girl.

On the other side, in the casino on the first floor of the cruise ship, Yuanzi, Xiaolan, and Mira are all there.

Xiaolan didn't want to gamble at first, good boys don't gamble.

But she still couldn't stand Yuanzi and Mira's flirting, saying that if she didn't come to play a few games on the gambling boat, it would be in vain.The three girls didn't find Kogoro Mori, so they ran to the casino area by themselves.

Sonoko and Mira exchanged [-] million yen each, but the two girls quickly lost everything, and looked at Xiaolan pitifully.

Xiaolan sat on the Baccarat chair because she was so worn out.

As expected of a girl blessed by the goddess of luck, she was possessed by the Emperor Ou, and as soon as she sat up, she killed all directions, causing a table full of people to keep retreating.

After a few minutes, Xiaolan not only got back the [-] million that Mira and Yuanzi lost just now, but also earned more than [-] million more.

Yuanzi and Mira beside him were very excited, massaged Xiaolan's shoulders from time to time, and fed her fruit from time to time. They looked like dogs, and the picture was very interesting.

And sitting opposite Xiaolan was only a young man, dressed like a nightclub waiter, his name was Gao Da, codenamed casino prodigal son, and he was a hooker.But no matter how strong a thousand skills are, it is hard to resist strong luck!

Gao Da looked at the cards in his arms silently, and couldn't help but complain: What is the origin of this girl, she is so lucky, if she continues, there will be no cards to go out!

Gundam, who is known as the casino prodigal son, can't be promiscuous in front of Xiao Lan.

Yuanzi kept talking: "Lan, come on, that little boy doesn't have much bargaining chips anymore, he's got all the bottoms of his pants."

Xiaolan couldn't help scolding: "Yuanzi, you are so vulgar, how can you talk like that."

"Sorry, my friend just can't control his mouth."

"Hey, 2 and 7, it's nine o'clock again."

The croupier who was dealing the cards couldn't help but wiped his forehead with a handkerchief.

This girl is really terrible. She took a total of 23 nines and three eights when she sat down.

If it weren't for the fact that her clumsy movements didn't seem fake, the croupier would have thought she was cheating.

When Gao Da saw the number of Xiaolan's cards, his face froze. He had no more cards to play, so he folded his cards and conceded.The dealer immediately pushed tens of millions of yen worth of chips in front of Xiaolan's table.

Gundam didn't leave either, instead he picked up a white cigarette and lit it, and pretended to be melancholy and blew a puff towards his Liuhai, trying to play handsome in front of the three women!But this wave was obviously wrong, and the excited Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "I've lost to a pauper, what are you pretending to do, step down as soon as you have no money!"

Gundam was so angry that he coughed continuously, glared at Sonoko, and finally left resentfully.

And Yuanzi immediately shouted: "Next!"

The surrounding crowd took a step back one after another, before the idiot went up to gamble with this lucky girl!

Mira shook her head disdainfully: "What a bunch of useless people, let's go, Lan, let's change the project, how about playing slot machines?"

They asked the croupier to help exchange a large pile of chips into a large amount of [-] million yen each, and then turned to go to other items. Everyone silently made way for the three women to pass by.

On the other side, Moori Kogoro was chased by Xiao Ai and ran to the deck, and then stopped.

Little Ai, who had no time to brake, crashed into Kogoro Mouri's arms, full of girlish vitality.

She made a gesture to hit her, but as soon as she raised her hand, Kogoro Mouri grabbed her.

"Don't move, look, there are dolphins there."

Afterlife Ai immediately turned her head to look into the sea, and there really were sea elves jumping up with the cruise ship.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, it's the first time I've seen wild dolphins!"

At the same time as saying this, Ai Laisheng directly touched Kogoro Mouri's crotch with her knees, and the castration was extremely fierce!

Fortunately, it was caught by its quick response.

"Hmph, uncle lecherous, you want to divert my attention again, so I won't be knocked down twice by the same move!"

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