Chapter 0006: Big kid!

"is it?"

A smirk appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, he put his big arms around the waist of his love, then got close to him, and then bowed his head.

Before Xiao Ai could react, her mouth was blocked by Mori Kogoro.

Immediately, his slightly brown eyes trembled violently.

Master-level kissing skills are displayed, and now I can't even think about being distracted in love!

Mori Kogoro put his arms around the girl's energetic body, and his footsteps twirled like a waltz.

The two quickly changed positions and continued kissing from the middle of the aisle to the fence.

Facing the sea breeze and sunshine, listening to the calls of seagulls and dolphins, it is really great to taste the taste of a girl in such a scene!

The passers-by who passed by all smiled kindly, thinking they were young couples in love!

Not long after, Laishengai was kissed until her face flushed and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

Looking at the handsome and extraordinary man in front of him with his strange eyes, he seemed a little unbelievable, but more of it was joy beyond words.

And relying on the body to cover it, others can't see it.

Mori Kogoro's big hand in the direction of the fence flexibly launched an offensive, repeating what he did to Hui Xiang just now.

Score in an instant, as expected, the conclusion just now is correct, Xiao Ai is a big kid!

Xiao Ai also sensed it, squinted her eyes slightly, and shook her little head vigorously, only then broke free from the state of passionate kissing.

Panting heavily, she bit her lower lip, and couldn't help but say, "Uncle lecherous, you've gone too far, you even kissed me with the same mouth that you just kissed someone else!" The love in the next life, who had regained her sense a little, had complicated eyes.

When she saw that her two older sisters were both enamored with Maori detectives, she subconsciously didn't want to fight, and suppressed the subtle feelings in her heart.

It's a pity that in the face of Kogoro Mori's offensive, Ai Shiai's psychological defense line built by himself collapsed again and again, and he fell quickly. At this moment, he is quite distraught.However, Kogoro Moori ignored Xiao Ai's complicated thoughts, and he turned his head sideways to think: "Well, it seems to be pineapple-flavored?"

Xiao Nizi was stunned immediately, and asked stupidly, "What pineapple tone?"

"It's the taste of the popsicle you just ate, don't worry, try again, you will be sure to guess right."

After reacting, Xiao Ai's face flushed again, but she couldn't dodge it at all, so she was kissed by Mouri Kogoro again.

Xiao Nizi stared at the uncle in front of her resignedly, but she couldn't help but respond,

Then his body was clinging to Kogoro Mori, holding his back with two small hands, he couldn't help standing on tiptoe!

After all, Xiao Ai is no taller than her two older sisters, and she doesn't want Kogoro Mori to bend over and make the kiss uncomfortable.

Mori Kogoro also noticed the movement of love in the next life, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his big hands became more and more violent, Duang! Duang! Duang!

After more than ten passionate kisses, Mori Kogoro let go of his love for the next life.

At this moment, the love of the next life only feels that the legs are a little weak, and the little red face looks very cute.

Mori Kogoro laughed: "It really tastes like pineapple, and it's quite sweet."

Xiao Ai immediately looked at Mori Kogoro with resentment: "Hmph, lascivious uncle, you are bullying, believe it or not, I will tell my sister."

Kogoro Maoli patted Xiao Ai's nose lightly with his fingertips: "Aren't you ashamed? You're such an adult, and you want to find your parents when you have a problem, tsk tsk tsk, tell me not to treat you like a child, you're still a child." You little kid who hasn't grown up!"

Xiao Ai blushed again, and immediately retorted: "You know whether I am a brat or not, hmph, big pervert!"

After saying this, the girl stepped forward and grabbed Kogoro Mouri's arm, pulling him and trotting towards the deck.

There seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It made me chase so hard just now, I don't care, you have to buy me something to eat."

Soon after, at the white table on the deck, Mori Kogoro and Lai Shengai were drinking breakfast and tasting various snacks.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a gambling boat that travels on all continents. Dim sum from various countries can be prepared, and the exotic flavors are quite interesting.

Tasting the pastries, Ai Aikai stepped on Kogoro Mori's shoes mischievously, as if she had to get his casual shoes dirty.

While eating, she said, "Lust uncle, you have been thinking of picking up girls as soon as you got on the boat, have you found the terrorist who hijacked the boat?"

Mori Kogoro took a sip of black tea, then naturally reached out to remove the debris from the corner of Xiao Ai's mouth, and replied, "No."

Xiao Ai's face blushed again, and then she shook her head and said, "Impossible, you can't be so leisurely without clues."

"You tell me the clues to inquire, and my sisters will definitely look at me with admiration."

"At most, I'll give you the same kiss as before, and kiss you again."

Mori Kogoro laughed dumbfounded, this girl really doesn't know how to trade, and doesn't she know how to offer more attractive terms?

At this moment, the voice of a man passing by sounded.

"You are the famous detective Mori Kogoro, right? I am so lucky to have met you on Fukimaru. I am your loyal fan!"

This is a young man with brown hair and gray sunglasses, with a woman beside him.

Mori Kogoro's gaze was instantly attracted by the woman.

If it wasn't for the different hairstyle, he would have thought it was Eri who boarded the ship!

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