The woman had black shoulder-length short hair, wearing glasses, and her face was very similar to Eri's, she was a great beauty.

He was dressed in a dark green suit, and his dressing style was very similar to that of Eri. He was probably in his early thirties.

The brown-haired man said: "Detective Mori, I like your reasoning very much. My name is Kusaka Hiroshige, and I'm a screenwriter. This is Akiyoshi Mihako, and she designed the Fugui Maru."

Akiyoshi Mihako nodded slightly to Mori Kogoro: "I am Akiyoshi, please give me your advice."

"I'm Maori, please give me your advice!"

Before Mori Kogoro said anything, a little hand twisted around his waist.

This was an attack from Xiao Ai. She was very upset that Kogoro Mouri was staring at this woman.

Sure enough, women can learn this trick without a teacher, but Mori Kogoro ignored it, and didn't break the defense at all!

Seeing Kogoro Mori was indifferent, Xiao Ai retracted her two fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the two fingers seemed to have put on the fingertips, and they pinched them again.

Song is exciting!

A current flowed into Kogoro Mori's waist in an instant, almost making him convulse.

Mori Kogoro hurriedly turned around and patted Xiao Ai's little hand away, only to see this girl smiling very proudly.

Akiyoshi Mihako seemed to have noticed the small movements of the two, and couldn't help but chuckled.

Kusaka Hiroshige looked at his watch and said, "Detective Maori, let's not bother you for now, but I really want to know your deduction story, Detective Maori, or at the dinner party on the fifth floor tonight, we Shall we talk again?"

"I still want to visit the whole cruise ship with Ms. Akiyoshi. Would you like to go with Maori Detective?"

Mori Kogoro rebuffed, "Forget it, let's see you at the dinner."

Seeing his refusal, the two of them didn't take it seriously, they left the deck together and headed towards the cabin.

Chapter 0007 I'm rude to you, what?


Seeing the two of them leaving, Lai Shengai crossed his arms and turned his head: "Huh, it really is a big pervert, and his eyes are straightened when he sees a beautiful woman. That guy just now is a beautiful shipbuilder from the Yatsushiro Group. Would you like me?" Follow up and ask for a phone call?"

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly: "Yatsushiro Group? How could this ship have anything to do with them?"

Xiao Ai couldn't help but look puzzled: "Don't you know? Since the cruise ship under the name of the Eight Generations Group hit an iceberg and sank fifteen years ago, she realized her shame and was brave enough to invent many new technologies. The shipbuilding technology has advanced by leaps and bounds."

"Although this Fushimaru is owned by foreign capital, the hull was commissioned by the Yatsushiro Group."

"It took five years to complete the construction of the entire cruise ship. It is the ambitious work of the Yatsushiro Group. This time they set sail, they also intend to use this trip to East Asia to make a name for themselves."

"Fortunately, you are a great detective. Didn't you collect this information?"

This is really Kogoro Mori's negligence, and it can be regarded as a blindfold!

He thought it was the same as the City Hunter plot he knew in his previous life, but he didn't expect there to be such differences.

Yatsushiro Group, Kusaka Hiroshige, and Akiyoshi Mihako are the plots in Conan's theatrical version of "The Conspiracy of the Horizontal Line" ^ It seems that the dinner party tonight is really worth going.

And I just eavesdropped on the secret conversation of the sisters in the next life, which talked about the eggs of memories in Russia. This is another plot of the theatrical version of "The Magician at the End of the Century"!

Coupled with the plot of City Hunter, it's interesting, and I didn't expect it to be mixed together.

Mori Kogoro was not worried, he had made thorough preparations before boarding the boat, so he was not in danger of any accidents.

Instead, he grabbed Xiao Ai's little hand, took off the two finger gloves, patted her round thigh, and asked, "What is this?"

Xiao Ai laughed triumphantly: "This is my anti-wolf invention. You only need to stick two finger sleeves together to release an electric current the size of an electric shock baton."

"I plan to find a company to produce it after I graduate. There are so many perverts in society now, such as tram morons, bus wolves, and tailgating morons. There must be a big market, and I will become a millionaire by then."

"Not bad invention, but why didn't you use it at the fence just now?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ai turned her head arrogantly, and snorted: "I forgot!"

Its little ears are flushed, really cute!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ai snatched the fingertip back, and threatened with a vicious look: "Uncle Lust, if you dare to be rude to me again, I will electrocute you to death."

Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to Xiao Ai's bluff, but asked instead: "Apart from these, what other inventions do you have?"

Xiao Nizi proudly showed off: "Of course I did, who made me a genius."

"I also invented backpack jets, chewing gum bombs, gecko gloves..."

"Hey, no, I didn't tell you. You actually inquired about my invention. There must be a conspiracy."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, put his big arms around Xiao Ai's slender waist, and laughed lightly: "Xiao Ai, do you believe that I can shock you without needing your finger cots?"

Love in the next life became nervous again, and the attack on Xiaoman's waist still had some impact on him.

"I don't believe it, I'm not a nympho girl, girl, girl, girl!"

When the last word was said, Mori Kogoro's Thunder Control Art was displayed.

A tiny electric current poured into Xiao Ai Xiaoman's waist, and she immediately stiffened.

Mori Kogoro leaned over and kissed his pink lips lightly: "I'm being so rude to you right now, what can you do to me?"

Immediately afterwards, the Lightning Control Technique was withdrawn, and Xiao Ai, who was upright, collapsed on the seat, panting heavily, with water in her eyes, she almost cried from the electric shock.She took a few deep breaths, calmed down for a while, and asked quickly: "How did you do it?"

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