Hearing these mosquito-like voices, Mori Kogoro smirked and let go.

Immediately afterwards, he held Xiao Ai with both hands, put his head close to her ear and said softly, "Since you have always called me a lecherous uncle, then simply, I will do as you wish."

Xiao Ai's forehead was sweating immediately, but she regained a little rationality.

"No, my master, my eldest sister, and my second sister all like you, we can't do this..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Ai's pink lips were blocked again by Kogoro Mouri.

The weak will to resist in her heart was instantly washed away.

With a flick of the ten fingers, the thumb moved slightly, and then the Thunder Control Technique was cast, and a tiny electric current fell into Xiao Ai's body along the fingertips.Xiao Ai immediately trembled slightly, only a soft snort could be heard.

Mori Kogoro greedily grabs the girl's sweetness.

I have to say that Xiao Ai is extremely intelligent, and her kissing skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

The fiery big hand picked up Xiao Ai's right leg, and landed on that delicate calf, the elasticity was great!

It is worthy of being trained by Qianying in the way of training ninjas, and he is completely healthy and energetic.

Xiao Ai, who was fascinated by the kiss again, heard the whisper in her ear, and couldn't help but glared at Mori Kogoro with her misty brown eyes.But how could the fledgling young girl be able to resist the coaxing of her sweetheart? After being fooled a lot, Xiao Ai finally obediently bit her.

Not long after, the girl was pushed on the bed that had been covered with white towels at some point, and a moving movement sounded. (More than [-] words are omitted here!)

In the restaurant on the fifth floor, the three girls sighed.

They have searched the entire cruise ship, but they still haven't found Kogoro Mori.

Yuanzi put his small face on his face and said, "Where did uncle go, and why did he hide without a trace!"

And Xiaolan clenched her fists: "I must have been seduced by some wild woman again, otherwise I couldn't find it."

"Maybe in which room he is flirting with others right now!"

Knowing her father is more like a girl, what Xiaolan said was exactly the same as what happened in reality.

But Mira has long been used to it, she looked through the menu to find the dishes she wanted to eat.

At this time, Yuanzi seemed to have seen something, and couldn't help but asked, "Isn't that Heitantou and the little peeing ghost?"

It was Hattori Heiji and Conan who were talking about. The two sat at the table in front, holding the menu to cover their cheeks, with a sneaky look.Yuanzi went up and asked carelessly: "What are you two doing here? You disappeared as soon as you got on the boat. Would you like to have lunch together?" The voice startled them both.

"Hush!" They silenced Yuanzi, and then turned their heads to look at the table in front.

It was a foreign woman in a black tunic dress, with a very elegant demeanor.

The woman seemed to have finished her meal, and got up to leave, Hattori Heiji and Conan quickly chased after her.

Hattori also dropped a sentence: "Don't follow, we are investigating a very important case."

Yuanzi returned to Xiaolan's table, frowned and said, "The two of them are following a foreign woman and claiming to be investigating a case. It's inexplicable."

Mira laughed softly: "Leave them alone, the two of them are fine playing by themselves."

"Do you want to do a spy in the afternoon? I heard that the horses and chickens here are all Thai aunts, and their skills are superb."

Yuanzi was a little unhappy: "You are not looking for uncle?"

"This cruise ship is so big, it's hard to find. Besides, we're here for vacation, so Kogoro will definitely be back in the evening, so why worry!" Hearing this, Yuanzi agreed.

Hattori and Conan, who were following the foreign woman, looked cautious.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help asking: "Kudou, is your information accurate? Can following her really find someone?"

"Don't worry, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but I always have a hunch that there may be a 'big surprise' this time!"

"I hope so!"

The foreign woman in front raised her hand to look at her watch, then glanced back with her blue eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up immediately.She adjusted the black gauze hat she was wearing, and then gradually picked up her pace.

This woman is extremely elegant, with a straight back, as if she has practiced ballet.

After she entered the casino, she kept using obstacles to turn around, making it very difficult for the two boys behind to chase.

Soon, after four consecutive turns, the foreign woman disappeared from the sight of the two boys.

Conan and Hattori couldn't help being anxious, the two trotted over quickly, and suddenly became very eye-catching.

The two chased after rows of slot machines, but they didn't see the foreign woman at all.

Immediately afterwards, the pupils of the two pupils shrank at the same time, and they both sensed the tube behind them. This feeling must be a pistol!

But they didn't believe that someone would dare to shoot in a crowded casino, so they all turned their heads in unison, wanting to see who was behind them!The howling wind rose, and the knife in Ji Ji's hand swung down, and the two children who were trying to die immediately passed out.

There were quite a few gamblers passing by, but they all passed by without seeing it.

A slot machine was pushed away, which was a cabinet disguised as a slot machine, and the disappearing foreign woman came out.

She looked up at the two people who were fainting on the ground, her gaze stayed on Conan for a while, then she shook her head and smiled.

The ones who knocked them out were two strong Caucasian men, and one of them said, "Boss, do you want to deal with them?"

"No, don't worry, since people have given us gifts, how can we not accept them and take them back first, I have my own arrangements!" The two strong men picked up one and left, and then the foreign woman also Turn around and leave.

The casino resumed its hustle and bustle, as if nothing happened just now.

Chapter 0010 Multiple goddaughters!

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