Xiao Ai's height is nearly [-] meters, not as tall as her two older sisters.

The chest is not as full as her sisters, but it is very suitable for this small body.

If there is one word to describe Xiao Ai's figure, it is round, and there is no part of her body that is not round.

In Mori Kogoro's view, Xiao Ai is like a plump Japanese leaf.

But after all, he is a mixed race, and with physical training, his physical endurance is stronger than that of He Ye.

The energetic little love is very restless, this girl is much bolder than He Ye, she always wants to rebel, like a little wild cat.However, under the strong suppression of Maori Kogoro, the little wild cat can only call his father docilely.

That's right, it is called Dad in a realistic sense!

Hearing Xiao Ai say this name with a blushing face, Mori Kogoro thought he was hallucinating.

But after thinking about it carefully, I understood.

The three sisters of the afterlife family lost their father since childhood, but they have a very good impression of their father. In the original work, the three sisters have more or less Electra plots.

It is because Toshio Utsumi resembles their father that the three sisters fell in love with him successively.

But Mori Kogoro has already made a move, and Toshio Utsumi, who was beaten up, will naturally have no chance again!

It is also because of this father-in-law plot that the three sisters easily fall in love with Nian Shang, especially the uncle Mouri Kogoro.

Electra plot?

I like!

A strange smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, and Xiao Ai, who couldn't help herself, saw his expression, hugged him with her little hand, and kissed him in a small tone.

And its round thighs clamped around Mori Kogoro's waist without knowing when.

Kogoro Mori held up Xiao Ai, and naturally responded enthusiastically to the girl's heart!

He hugged Xiao Ai's petite body and walked all the way forward, walking in the aisle between the linens, and then came to the side of Imamura Kiyoko lying in a large coma.Xiao Ai's body was pushed against the snow-white wall, and she spotted the unconscious woman next to her with a side eye.

She flinched a few times in fright, and couldn't help but lose her voice: "Why is there a woman here?"

Mori Kogoro said casually, "Who knows, maybe he stowed onto the boat, or slept late here."

"She's still asleep, it's okay."

Immediately afterwards, he teased Xiao Ai in a vicious way: "Xiao Ai, call me Daddy, I am your Maori Daddy now!"

Xiao Ai's eyes trembled, and then obediently called out: "Smelly dad, bad dad!"

Mori Kogoro let out a hearty laugh.

It's not bad to have an extra goddaughter today!

Kiyoko Imamura, who was lying in the pile of towels and pretended to be asleep, blushed, but she was very inconspicuous on that little black face.Moori Kogoro naturally noticed that she was awake, so he came over.

He didn't want the little black girl to reveal what he saw in the linen room today, as well as the touch of spiritual power.

With a wave of his big hand, a primary psychedelic talisman landed on Kiyoko Imamura.

His memory for nearly an hour was tampered with, and the Ant-Man robot exerted force at the same time, and Kiyoko Imamura really passed out.Imamura Kiyoko's complexion was similar to Hattori Heiji's, but Mori Kogoro didn't like it.

After all, the most important thing for a woman is to have white skin, one white can cover three ugliness, this is naturally not wrong.

After more than an hour, near noon, the two people who had been tired of the linen for a long time finally came out.

Xiao Ai who opened the door was still poking her head in a sneaky look. Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, she immediately pulled Moori Kogoro away quickly.

The little girl returned to normal after walking a little further away, but her little hand tightly held Kogoro Mori's big hand like interlocking fingers.

When she was walking, she leaned over from time to time, squeezing Kogoro Mori to the right.

From time to time, he would rub Kogoro Mori with its softness, and the corner of his mouth was always filled with a smile, as if he was happy and satisfied after succeeding.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and chuckled, let go of his little hand and put his arms around Xiao Ai's arm, carrying her between his arms, and she finally settled down.

Soon, the two took the elevator to the restaurant on the fifth floor and prepared to eat.

In fact, each floor of the nine-story cruise ship has a dining area, but the fifth floor is the main dining area with a lot of choices. Most tourists will come here to enjoy the food. The two quickly sat down at the restaurant to order.

Xiao Ai, who has nothing to do, is playing with Kogoro Mori's slender hand, only feeling that this hand seems to have magical powers.

"Little Love!"

A familiar female voice sounded, and Xiao Ai immediately put her hands back and sat up straight.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and saw that the next student wearing a blue gauze skirt was coming, looking like a goddess!

However, his pretty face was full of suspicion, and his eyes were still on the table. The two continued to patrol.

She had seen it all just now, and she couldn't help being a little puzzled: Is the little girl also in love with Maori detectives?

Thinking of this, Xiao Tong couldn't help frowning.

Mori Kogoro greeted: "Little Hitomi, you are here too, let's have dinner together!"

Xiaotong sat down gracefully, and Xiaoai became more and more guilty, she lowered her head and dared not look at her, she always felt that she was very sorry for her sisters just now.This girl really doesn't know how to act, this guilty look is completely self-explanatory.

Xiao Tong couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, Xiao Ai, why are you two together?"

Mori Kogoro replied: "I just met at the swimming pool, let's go together, Hitomi, what have you learned?"

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