But Mori Kogoro remembered Meizi, and waited for the next opportunity to slap her snowy buttocks before taking a sigh of relief.

Immediately after that was the girl Mira. This girl was devoted to Kogoro Mouri, and her request was also to let go of water on purpose.

Just tell him to buy water from the vending machine at the tennis court next door.

This request to release water caused the girls to boo constantly, but Mira didn't care, and smiled gently at Kogoro Mouri.

Why is this girl so rare!

Feeling a little relieved, Mori Kogoro ran to the tennis court next door alone, stood at the vending machine and started buying water.Like the basketball court, the enclosed tennis court is indoors. Once the gate is closed, it is sealed, and there is no one there.Kogoro Mori stood in front of the vending machine to insert coins.

Soon, familiar footsteps sounded.

Turning his head to look, the tall Xiaolei appeared in front of him.

This girl is wearing a large red basketball jersey, her long wavy hair is tied up, and she has a very elegant temperament.

However, he just broke out in sweat, and there are still drops of sweat hanging on his body, which looks quite attractive.

She chuckled lightly and said, "Detective Maori, you still need one last request from me!"

Mori Kogoro glanced behind him, but there was no one else following, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He immediately stretched out his hand to grab Xiaolei's plain wrist, pulled it into his arms, and sniffed it gently, the fragrance filled his nose.

"You don't need to say, I should know what your request is."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro kissed Kisei's red lips in one breath, and his big hand nimbly poked in from the gap under the armpit of the ball uniform.

"Well, it's the cane who wants the ball!"

Chapter 0015 Your sister is great!

How can basketball be so fun!

Mori Kogoro flipped his big hand slightly, and at the same time, he kept kissing the small mouth of Akihime.

Laishenglei's little hands pushed desperately, she didn't want this guy who hooked up with both Yazi and her sister to succeed easily.But its strength is no match for Mori Kogoro's strange power.

In addition, Moori Kogoro pinched heavily with his big hand, and the Thunder Control Technique was cast, and the current was poured into his body.

Lai Shenglei's body trembled twice after being electrocuted, his eyes were slightly dilated, and his little hands dropped powerlessly.

In the end, Laishenglei could only accept his fate, and his slightly trembling brown eyes looked deeply at Mori Kogoro, and gradually responded.

Playing a game of basketball with me today, sweating and dripping with tears in the next life is quite different from the feeling in the past.

In the past, she was an image of an elegant lady, but today she is more energetic in a ball uniform.

How could Kogoro Mori, who had been teased for a long time, be able to bear the charm of a young mature woman released.

One of his big hands was around Lai Shenglei's waist, rubbing his thumb lightly.

Then he let go of Lai Shenglei's lips, and whispered in his ear: "Miss Xiaolei, I'm going to collect the final payment that was mentioned last time."

Lai Shenglei's fair cheeks turned red in an instant, and she couldn't help but turn her head: "I don't owe you any final payment, don't blackmail people, didn't you say that we would go on board to help this time?"

Kogoro Moori couldn't help rubbing his head against his snowy shoulders, and laughed badly: "You're right, I like to blackmail people."

After saying this, he directly put his hands around Lai Shenglei's waist, hugged her, and immediately sank his head into it.

Laishenglei couldn't help but exclaimed, and patted his back with his little hand.

Mori Kogoro felt his head was clicked, it was the Kunai who hid the tears in the next life.

It is said that there will be problems with hiding things like this. Isn't this fulfilled?

Mori Kogoro moved the struggling Akihiri to a white bench resting on the edge, and let him lie on the bench.

Then the big hand reached in without hesitation and opened it, and it didn't take long to find out Kunai.

"Hehe, you are still hiding the murder weapon, Xiaolei, you are so naughty."

Seeing that kunai, Lai Sheng's little face became more rosy with tears, and quickly whispered: "Give it back to me."

At this moment, Yuanzi's footsteps sounded, and Lai Shenglei's expression instantly became tense, and he struggled to whisper, "Let me go quickly."

There is really no other way in this situation, but how could Kogoro Mori stop at this point, how could he be willing.

So a high-level psychedelic talisman was directly shattered, pulling the four girls next door into the psychedelic formation.

Mori Kogoro originally wanted to cast a small hidden enchantment, but he and the tears of the next life suddenly disappeared and reappeared after a long time, which is not easy to explain.There is no way, I can only use the psychedelic array!

As soon as the psychedelic array was activated, the sound of footsteps gradually faded away, and the expression of tears in the next life also relaxed.

Seeing the baggy appearance of Lai Shenglei's ball uniform, Mori Kogoro sat directly on his lap, with a wicked smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.The kunai in his hand kept turning, and the cold light shone everywhere.

Laishenglei suddenly became nervous, swallowed, and asked softly, "Maoli-kun, what exactly do you want?"

The voice was still trembling.

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, bowed his head and whispered, "Do something that you often do at home alone."

Saying this, the pitch-black Wufeng Kunai pulled away along the snowy muscle of Lai Shenglei's abdomen.

The coldness unique to metal spread from point to surface, giving Lai Sheng Tear a different kind of stimulation.

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