Her heart trembled wildly, and she looked at Kogoro Mori in disbelief: How did he know?

Kogoro Maoli seemed to see what Xiaolei was thinking, and explained with a smirk: "Your sister is great, but Xiao Ai told me everything!" There are several scapegoats on his head.

Lai Shenglei's pupils narrowed slightly: Xiao Ai is so stupid, she dares to tell others anything, let's see how I teach you when I go back!

But before this thought stopped, it was shattered by the whirling Kunai.

She breathed heavily suddenly, her curved eyelashes trembled slightly, and she couldn't help begging for mercy: "Xiao Wulang, don't do this!"

An interesting smile appeared on Mouri Kogoro's face: "Don't you like this very much? How about I change it to something else and accompany you to do something more interesting." Saying this, Kunai was directly dumped by him Fly out and sink directly into the wall.

At the same time, Kogoro Mori leaned over and kissed Xiaolei's red lips again, and his big hand with extremely long arms gently picked up Xiaolei's right hand

The fiery big hand gently measured the length of Lai Shenglei's calf.

Sure enough, she is much taller than Xiao Ai, and the two sisters feel really different when touched, but I don't know how Xiao Tong feels!The panic-stricken future tears are no match for the old driver's large-scale invasion, attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold.

Not long after, this famous female snitch on the rivers and lakes completely fell.

With a hum, a moving movement sounded in the empty tennis court.

(More than two thousand words are omitted here!)

And the four girls who were pulled into the psychedelic array next door didn't notice anything unusual at all.

Under the psychedelic array design by Mori Kogoro, they thought that Lai Shi and Mori Kogoro were by their side, playing basketball happily together!On the other side, in the mechanical cabin under the cabin, Meng Bo was chased by the crew all the way, and finally fled to this place.

He was hungry, but he didn't dare to go out, so he could only hide here.

Thinking of the scene he saw just before being kicked into the water, Hui Xiang was actually with his deadly enemy Mo Li Kogoro, Meng Bo couldn't help burning with anger.

"This pair of dogs and men really pissed me off. When I see you next time, I will definitely beat you as pigs."

"Oh, I'm so hungry, Imamura Kiyoko, where the hell have you gone?"

Meng Bo, with a bitter face, rubbed his belly, tightened his belt and began to suffer from hunger.

On the other side, in room 622, a foreign woman wearing a veil was sitting on a chair, tapping the table with her fingertips, as if thinking about something. Fushahui has long since disappeared.

"Since they have already shot, how can we not fight back?"

"Send these two little devils to me in the freezer, and then set up ambush, I don't believe I can't catch his tail."

"Send someone to check the room where the two brats are. If possible, ask that gentleman for help and call out the surveillance on the ship. I want to know what the two of them did after they boarded the ship today!"

After listening to the instructions, the bodyguards on the left and right dragged the two boys out.

And this woman took a sip of red wine, scarlet like blood.

Chapter 0016

In the empty tennis court, the gorgeous music continued to echo.

After starting the special training, this eldest lady from the afterlife family has long lost her previous dignity and elegance.

The gorgeous and extraordinary face is extremely rosy, and the fragrant sweat keeps flowing out, it is extremely beautiful.

She was standing in front of the big net on the court, her slender legs were spread apart.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Rou's body lay on the big net in the middle of the field, but she didn't fall down, but her body was stretched out with sharp red marks.

Lai Shenglei's little hand grasped the upper edge of the big net, and slowly poured it up as if testing its elasticity.

Surprisingly, the toughness of this large net was unexpectedly good, and there was no sign of damage at all.

Even if Lai Shenglei lay on the ground directly, or even raised his two slender legs, his limbs were completely stretched out, and his whole person was in the shape of an airplane on the net, and he only used his chest and abdomen to support his whole body, it didn't completely crush the big net.

This scene was completely unexpected, and I was so frightened that I was sweating in tears in the next life.

Later, she calmed down and lay on the big net, swinging back and forth like a swing, but she didn't fall off the net.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing. There are two Ant-Man robots on the left and right to help pull the big net, so Xiaolei will not fall down!

Reassured, Lai Shenglei became bolder and turned over from the prone position.

His shoulders, arms, abdomen, thighs, and snow-white skin were all marked with red marks, and the whole figure seemed to be covered with a layer of red fishnet clothing.This female snitch is like the little dragon girl in the ancient tomb, relying on the big net that was pressed from vertical to horizontal, she directly played with flowers.

Swaying, swinging like a swing for a long time, she maintained her balance, and then she stood barefoot on the big net.

Yuzu's toes were clasped tightly to the net wire underneath, for fear of falling out of the hole.

Xiaolei leaned forward with her whole body, pressing her hands on her knees, trying to maintain her center of gravity.

But the horizontal net couldn't exert any force after all, and her snow-white legs couldn't stop trembling wildly.

The tension and excitement kept lingering, and the next life tears couldn't help but exclaimed.

The scream echoed in the tennis court, complementing the movement, it was quite interesting.

But even if he was a little scared, Lai Shenglei liked this nervous and exciting feeling very much.

His eyes trembled slightly, but he still tried his best to support his body.

It is common for people to tremble and scream in such a situation where they are about to fall at any time.

At the back, this girl also grasped the pass, followed the rope and swung a little bit, and felt much better.

This big net alone has been played for more than an hour!

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