In the end, Lai Shenglei's feet were limp on the ground, and he was a little unsteady on his feet.This kind of special training is much more difficult than Chikage Kuroba's ninja training!

But even though he was sweating so much, from a distance, it seemed that there was steam rising from his head, and everything was not over yet.

Laishenglei's delicate jade feet are covered with red marks, limp and weak.

But she still had to walk along the tennis court, she could only bend over and move forward step by step.

After all, I was too tired and thirsty, and I was a little dehydrated.

Fortunately, the vending machine is right next to it, and the water I just bought is under the cabinet.

Laishenglei bent her body down, her proud chest was stuck to her lap, and then she took out the drink and drank it.Later, Shenglei recovered a little, and continued to work hard to move forward.

Step by step, soon, the innocent little feet were covered with dust.

Even so, it's beautiful.

After one round, the eldest lady of the afterlife family no longer had any strength.

She lay back directly on the white bench.

It is said that the bench is so long, it is only more than [-] meters long!

Xiaolei lay down on the ground with her long legs stretched apart, touching the ground.

Seemingly feeling that this posture was a bit awkward, she then bent her legs and hugged him in her arms.She bit her lip and stared absently at the lights on the ceiling.

On the basketball court, Xiaolan and Mira form a team, and Yazi and Yuanzi form a team.

The two teams began to confront each other, but they played back and forth.

This kind of grouping is fair, Yazi and Xiaolan are in the same level as ordinary people, so naturally they can't be in the same group.Yuanzi and Mira are two hot guys, so it's normal to share one of them.

A game came down, and in the end Xiaolan, who was very good at sports, won the game with a slight advantage.

But it was also this match that made Yazi see that Xiaolan had martial arts skills.

Yazi, who has a strong desire to win, lost to Kogoro Mouri in the previous two competitions.

Seeing that her daughter can also kung fu, she couldn't help but want to ask for advice.

Of course Xiaolan also responded to the challenge.

So Mira and Yuanzi exited the arena, watched the two girls in red basketball uniforms confront each other, put on a posture, and then started to fight.

The screams kept coming, and the picture was very pleasing to the eye.

Sonoko and Mira kept cheering beside them.

Xiaolan, who has practiced channeling, is physically stronger than Yazi, but her experience in life-and-death duels is not as good as that of Yazi, who has killed criminals with fighting skills.

After wrestling for a long time, the eyes of the two women continued to light up, as if they were meeting opponents and meeting talents.

After more than ten minutes, their physical strength was exhausted, and their foreheads were covered with fine sweat.

The basketball shirt that got in the way had been taken off a long time ago, and there were black sports underwear inside.

The sports bra is a vest type, the chest is covered, the abdomen and the mermaid line are exposed, the DE level is really rough.Yuanzi opened his skirt from time to time to look at his small breasts, and suddenly felt heartbroken!

"Sister Yazi, you have to be careful. This trick is a trick my father taught me. It's very powerful, and it's hard for me to control it myself. If you can't handle it, remember to dodge it!"

Hearing the reminder, Yazi's eyes became serious immediately, but he was very unwilling to admit defeat in his heart.

It's fine to lose to your father, but it's possible to lose to this little girl like you, um, although it's not small at all!

On the opposite side, Xiao Lan stepped forward with a lunge, retracting her fists to her waist and abdomen.

That's right, she is going to use the half-step Bengquan taught by Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro didn't want to teach her at first, but he couldn't stand the girl's soft and hard paws, rolling around in various ways, flipping and squeezing, and finally passed this trick on to his precious daughter.

Xiaolan's martial arts aptitude is excellent, and she has already mastered half-step Bengquan, and now she should be able to send out six-step Bengjin.

Yazi, who was physically weaker, couldn't resist at all, but the silver fox in the Metropolitan Police Department was very angry, and didn't want to lose to his lover's daughter, so he planned to take it hard.

After the extremely imposing Xiaolan approached, she only took half a step forward, punching out like a dragon, and there seemed to be an explosion sound.

Yazi, who made a fighting posture with his arms crossed, immediately changed his face.

Hearing the momentum, this punch would break my bones, at least to say the least.

But it's too late to change the move to dodge, if you don't block it, if you hit the chest and abdomen, you may lose half your life.

Xiaolan also saw Yazi's expression, but she was indeed not proficient in mastering it, and it was difficult for her to take back the Bengjin that was triggered.

At this moment, a golden light flashed, and a majestic figure stood horizontally between the two women, directly blocking the blow with his fleshy body as Yazi.It was Mori Kogoro who came in a hurry, and he directly used the overlord skill!


The sound of gold and iron colliding sounded!

The Six Dao Bengjin raged and raged, and the momentum was terrifying, but it couldn't hurt Mori Kogoro who had opened the overlord body in the slightest.

It's just that the blue jersey on Kogoro Mori's upper body was directly torn apart by the force, and pieces of rags floated across Yazi's face along with the force.Yazi's eyes froze completely: there was such a strong punch!

Chapter 0017 If it's Dad, it's okay


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