It seemed to be a cabinet, Conan reached out and hammered the top, making a sound like iron.

He turned on the flashlight function of the watch, and saw Hattori Heiji beside him.

Conan immediately twitched Hattori Heiji's cheek: "Hatbu, wake up, we are locked up."

After being slapped several times, Hattori Heiji came to his senses and couldn't help but said, "Wow, it's so cold, where the hell are we? Kudo, what's going on?"

"Ask me, who am I asking, we must have been tricked by that lady, she really lives up to her reputation, she is a powerful character, Hattori, do you have a cell phone?"

Hattori Heiji searched: "No, they took it away, it seems that there is no way to ask for help."

"Damn it, they also took off my booster shoes, otherwise I could just kick them out."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help frowning: "Then what should we do now? Should we wait for Uncle Maori to rescue us? But we didn't tell Uncle anything, how could he save us!"

"Kudou, I was really killed by you this time. No one saw me, so I was locked up here. Do you think we will be frozen to death?"

Chapter 0018 The Conquered Five Women

Conan shook his head: "It's definitely not enough to freeze to death. Although this temperature is lower than normal temperature, it's not to the point of freezing to death."

Hattori Heiji seemed to feel a little cold, and reached out to hug Conan into his arms: "Then where do you think the two of us are now? This feeling is a bit like being in the freezer of the kitchen refrigerator."

The little ghost shook his head: "It's possible, but it's also possible that it's in the morgue!"

Hattori Heiji's expression changed immediately: "What the hell, you said we were lying where the dead were lying, how could there be such a place on a cruise ship?"

Conan couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "On a cruise ship with thousands of people, someone died in an accident during the journey. Naturally, the corpse must be preserved. It's not normal to have a morgue."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help complaining: "Kudou, I was really tricked by you this time."

And when he said this, the little ghost turned his head and wanted to see if the top of the two heads could be opened.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly the air seemed to stop for a few seconds.

Then both of them turned their heads in a panic.

Conan scanned the iron surface with his watch and flashlight, saw a few small holes, and quickly changed the subject.

"Fortunately we won't suffocate. There are holes for air supply. Whoever wants to trap us doesn't want us both to be suffocated. Let's wait for someone to rescue us, even if Uncle Maori doesn't know. Our business, but my dad knows."

Hattori Heiji immediately looked puzzled: "Your father, Uncle Yusaku, did he board the ship too?"

"I don't know, he always stops talking, but I think he should be on the boat!"

The old god Xiaoguitou comforted Hattori Heiji leisurely, and the two of them stopped talking and waited patiently.

It's just that the atmosphere in this narrow metal cabinet is really strange!

On the other side, Mori Kogoro is completely enjoying himself like an emperor.

He was besieged and abused by five girls on the basketball court before, but when he arrived here, the five girls finally treated him better, and now he can enjoy the massage services of all the girls.First, Mira, the girl, gently pressed Moori Kogoro's muscles with her soft hands.

Although the technique is not proficient, this kind of heart moved Mori Kogoro very much.

After all, as a queen, she still learns from Xiaolan and uses it to serve herself, which is considered very hard.

If it weren't for the crowd, Kogoro Mori would have embraced Mira in his arms and loved him.

As soon as Mira made a move, Yuanzi, who had been coveting by the side, was not to be outdone, and came over to help with the massage.

But this girl just came here to take advantage, her big hand rubbed her abdominal muscles and never left.

Moreover, her acting skills are really not good enough, and Kogoro Mori can clearly see the coolness on her face.

Mori Kogoro, who was enjoying himself comfortably, didn't care too much about Sonoko.

Although he promised Tomoko not to attack Yuanzi, he didn't say that he refused Yuanzi to attack him, let nature take its course!

Once Yuanzi and Mira made a move, naturally their caring little Mian, Xiaolan, was also indispensable.

Xiaolan squeezed the two girls to the left and right, and asked them to massage one arm each, while she helped massage Mori Kogoro's back.

With the two girls and Xiaolan's old-fashioned way, this level is already very enjoyable.

Mori Kogoro smiled like an Akita dog.

People have the mentality of following the crowd, Yazi and Xiaolei next to them saw that the three girls had done this, and they were isolated, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

At this time, in order to avoid it being too obvious that he was taking advantage, Sonoko proposed a massage competition, using Mori Kogoro as a test subject, and comparing whose massage techniques are the most comfortable.

As the women of Mori Kogoro, Yazi and Xiaolei naturally did not refuse.

As a result, Kogoro Mori was carried to the big white water bed, and the five girls massaged him at the same time.

It's an emperor's enjoyment!

His head was buried on Xiaolan's round thigh. The baby girl gently massaged his head, his left arm was pressed by Mira, his right arm was pressed by Sonoko, his left leg was pressed by Yazi, and his right leg was pressed by Xiaolei. with.

With five girls surrounding him, the psychological satisfaction is indescribable.

Although the five girls are not very familiar with each other, they are ashamed and annoyed that there are no more welfare broadcasts.

But just like this, Mori Kogoro is quite satisfied.

Kogoro Mori, who has been well served, relaxed and revived, will naturally return the gift.

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