He used the master-level massage skills he had honed on his daughter to massage the five girls in turn.

The fiery big hands kept brushing over the slender feet, slender legs, slender waist, fair and beautiful back, and soft arms, or rubbed or crushed them, causing all the girls to scream in comfort.

(Naturally, many, many words have been omitted in this charming!)

In the end, the jade bodies of the five women lay vertically and horizontally on the white water bed, their eyes were blurred, and their faces looked satisfied.

The champion of the first cruise cup massage competition was not taken away by five women, but by the only man present.

The superb massage technique completely conquered the five girls, making them reluctant to part with each other.

Yazi couldn't help but cast a wink, and said boldly: "Xiao Wulang, after returning to China, I want you to help me with the technique again, back and forth, inside~in~outside~outside~oh~!"

The sudden turmoil of the silver fox in the Metropolitan Police Department quickly caused dissatisfaction among the four girls next to him, and they suppressed her and beat him violently.

But Mori Kogoro could only wipe his hair, looked at himself in the mirror and shook his head speechlessly: I am a damn charm that has nowhere to be placed!The leisurely and beautiful time passed very quickly. The six of them chatted, massaged, and took a bath in this private bath, and they got closer to each other a lot.

Two hours passed like quicksand between fingers.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, everyone finally left the bathing place, their faces were rosy and their complexions were excellent, as if they had been well nourished.

After changing their clothes, they went to the restaurant on the fifth floor for dinner.

Yingying, Yanyan, hugged Mori Kogoro forward, and soon came to the reserved long table.

Not long after Mori Kogoro sat down, the screenwriter Hiroshige Kusaka and Miwako Akiyoshi who looked like Eri appeared as scheduled.

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and then followed suit.

Kusaka Hiroshige sat at the top of the long table in the single seat, Mori Kogoro sat on the upper left, Ran was opposite, and Akiyoshi Mihako sat next to Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan's eyes couldn't help being attracted by Akiyoshi Mihako, which made Akiyoshi Miwako very surprised.

"What's wrong, Xiaolan, is there something on my face?"

Xiaolan quickly explained: "It's not like this, Miss Qiuji, you look very similar to my mother, so I will take a closer look."

Akiyoshi Mihako laughed lightly: "That's it, that's really an honor!"

Chapter 0019 two fans appeared

Screenwriter Hiroshige Kusaka chuckled and said, "It's a pity that Detective Mori didn't visit the interior of this cruise ship with us. There are many innovative designs by Ms. Akiyoshi!"

Mihako Akiyoshi waved her hand and said, "No way, it's all thanks to the team, and it's actually none of my business."

Immediately after, Kusaka Hiroshigi made a round of inspection: "Hey, Detective Maori, why didn't you see the short-haired girl who was with you this morning?"

Hearing this, all the girls narrowed their eyes slightly, and the cold light suddenly revealed!

Lai Shenglei raised his eyebrows: Could it be the younger sister?

Mori Kogoro said calmly: "She should rest in the room, don't worry about her, but Mr. Kusaka is writing some kind of script, isn't it a horror novel?"

"Hehe, how could I write such a novel? It's just a love story that happened on a cruise ship. That's why I asked Ms. Qiuji for help. After all, she is very familiar with cruise ships."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "That's strange, since it's a romance novel, then Mr. Kusaka wants to ask me something."

"After all, I also know how to solve crimes. All I know are methods of killing, revenge, and exterminating corpses."

Hearing these words, Kusaka Hiroshige couldn't help sweating on his forehead.

Xiaolan couldn't help but frowned and said, "Father, what are you talking about? Maybe Mr. Rixia wrote a love story like the Titanic."

Mira said: "The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage. It's a bit unlucky to say this on the maiden voyage of Fugui Maru!"

And Xiaolei on the side said: "I remember that fifteen years ago, the Yatsushiro Group's merchant ship also encountered an iceberg on its maiden voyage, and then sank!" Akiyoshi Mihako nodded: "Well, it was fifteen years ago. In the winter of last year, I heard that the captain's misjudgment caused the accident."

"But don't worry about this voyage, our route will not encounter icebergs."

Hearing about the accident fifteen years ago, Kusaka Hiroshige's face changed obviously.

At this moment, cheers sounded, everyone looked sideways, and the big man entered the arena.

Mr. The ex-prime minister has a new husband and wife, accompanied by two foreign bodyguards, a man and a woman!

There are also the head of the Yatsushiro Group, Yantaro Yatsushiro, his daughter Guijiang Yatsushiro, and the secretary.There are also two hot female stars in red dresses, sisters Li!

But Kogoro Mori couldn't help but look at the female bodyguard beside the former prime minister.

Looking at the pace, momentum, and strength of her walking, one can know that she is a practitioner.

The strength is quite strong, which is quite rare!

The well-informed Yuanzi couldn't help but said: "I remember that eight generations of Guijiang's husband died in an accident half a month ago. Looking at her smiling face, she doesn't seem sad at all!"

Mihako Akiyoshi said, "The eighth-generation Englishman you mentioned is my boss and the chief designer of the fleet."

Sonoko stuck out her tongue and said nothing.

And Kogoro Mori turned his head, raised his glass and said, "Since everyone is here, let's start."

Everyone clinked glasses together, and then began to enjoy the food.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone was quite satisfied.

Mori Kogoro obviously didn't want to cause trouble, but he was still like a glowing firefly in the crowd, too eye-catching.

That's right, the big star group Li sisters came over, all of them looked pleasantly surprised.

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