The sound of the graceful movement echoed in the room, Kogoro Mori seemed to hear the footsteps of the two women, and turned his head away.

Then he saw the furtive Xiaolei and Xiao Ai sisters leaning against the wall of the aisle, and couldn't help but smile brightly, with dazzlingly white teeth!The two women both had a hellish expression, full of shock, and the expressions in their eyes were very complicated.

The two sisters were greatly impacted at this moment.

Laishenglei wanted to say something, but her red lips parted slightly, but she felt her throat was very dry, and she couldn't say anything.

But Xiao Ai's eyes couldn't help but fall on that crucial point, and her little face couldn't help turning red.

The two sisters reacted subconsciously, wanting to turn around and leave, but as soon as they moved, their bodies stopped uncontrollably.

The green smoke still curled up from the bedside table, and Kogoro Mori did not extinguish it.

The secret weapon that Yuanzi got was extremely powerful. The Maoyan sisters had just taken a few sips, and they were caught by it, and they became confused and infatuated.The two women paused, and they both sensed that something was wrong.

They all had rapid heartbeats, sweat on their foreheads, and even more flushed faces.

Especially listening to the singing, looking at the scene in front of them, and Kogoro Mori's half-smiley expression, the hearts of the two women were agitated.

The two sisters couldn't move to leave, and turned to walk in the direction of Mori Kogoro in a strange way.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro was also very pleasantly surprised, he didn't expect Sonoko's drug to be so overbearing, it felt better than the psychedelic array.Sensing the soft body of the sisters who are actively sticking to the side, they are so soft!

The enjoyment is totally unmatched!

He held Xiaotear's red lips in one mouthful, and his big hand fell on Xiao Ai's body, and slowly walked along Xiao Ai's round body.

Laishenglei grabbed Moori Kogoro's other hand and drew it towards himself, as if touching could be addictive.

How could she refuse the beauty's heart, so Mao Li Kogoro's big hand fell on Xiaolei's proud place, and this girl finally settled down.

After a passionate kiss, Xiao Ai just let go of Xiaolei's small mouth, and Xiao Ai gnawed on it, really not letting anyone rest for a moment.

Facing the slightly crazy sisters under the effect of the medicine, Mori Kogoro suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

In this case, the hand of God, the real thunderbolt, will naturally have to move.

The Lightning Control Art was cast directly, and Kogoro Mori's hands were immediately covered with tiny electric currents, and his two big hands flexibly covered the two girls.

The effect was outstanding, and they were indeed suppressed all at once.

Mori Kogoro said with a smirk: "You guys wait for me, wait until I have some free time, and see if I don't beat you one by one."

The scene that followed was so brutal that it is inconvenient to describe it in detail.

(A lot of words are omitted here!)

At the same time, the sad Yuanzi was still lying unconscious in the closet, completely unaware of what she had done, but instead made wedding dresses for the Maoyan sisters.

On the other side, in Room 512, Xiaolan and Mira, who look like twins, are wearing shorts and showing their long legs, lying on the bed eating fruit and watching movies.

"Xiaolan, do you think Yuanzi will succeed?"

Xiaolan threw a cherry into her mouth and said with a light smile, "Don't look at Yuanzi's words so loudly every time, but he will definitely become timid when he really takes action. Besides, my father has my entrustment, let me see, hang on !"

Mira also nodded in agreement: "I think so too, and what's the use of Sonoko persuading the two of us, there are also police officer Meizi, Meisheng Lei, Miss Akiyoshi Mihako, tsk tsk tsk, such a strong competitor, really It's hard for her!"

Xiaolan couldn't help complaining: "Hey, that Akiyoshi Mihako doesn't count? My dad doesn't talk to her much?"

A strange smile appeared on Mira's face: "Lan, are you sure?"

"That woman looks very much like your mother, and she looks exactly like Kogoro, and I am more interested in her similar looks. Isn't that what we are?" Hearing this, Xiaolan was not sure: "It's not that Bar?"

And Mira shook her head, lying on Xiaolan's stomach, and then stretched out her hand to scratch: "It feels so good, no wonder Xiaogoro likes it so much."

"Mila, you rascal!"

"To be honest, Xiaolan, your luck is really against the sky, why don't we go to the casino tomorrow and kill everyone."

"Hmph, don't go, it's not a good thing to be addicted to gambling."

At this time, Xiaolan will preach seriously.

On the other side, in the cold cabinet, Conan and Hattori Heiji have been frozen in it for more than three hours from the evening to now after nine o'clock in the evening.The two children didn't speak much, in order to preserve their energy.

At this moment, Conan got into Hattori Heiji's clothes, and the two curled up into a ball to conserve body heat.

"Why hasn't anyone come to rescue us yet?"

"Someone will definitely come to save us, Uncle Maori is so powerful, Hattori, don't worry!"

What Conan didn't know was that Mori Kogoro, whom he had pinned his hopes on, was currently trapped in a tender place, unable to extricate himself.

"Kudo, do you feel that the temperature is gradually dropping, my head is very hot, and some strange sounds are lingering in my ears, I am a little hallucinating"

Hearing this, the little devil directly slapped Hattori Heiji across the face.

"Wake up for me, don't sleep, it's really dangerous to sleep."

When the human body falls asleep, the body temperature will be lowered spontaneously. If the normal temperature is kept warm, there is no problem.

But now the two of them are in the freezer, if the heat is lost too much and the temperature of the body drops too much, it is really possible that they won't be able to wake up.

Hattori Heiji was taken back by this slap, but couldn't help complaining: "How rude!"

Seeing the little devil in his arms glaring at him, he couldn't help turning his face away guiltily.

Immediately afterwards, Conan couldn't help complaining: "Hatto, how many days have you not bathed, why is your body so smelly?"

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